October 3, 1985

Wallingford expressed surprise. Carl returned to answer the phone and Wally hid in the closet.

Peter took fits over Donna's spending. Britt found him alone and asked for a favour.

Sally got annoyed because her secretary sent 8 x 10s to the cabin. Caitlin said she couldn't separate business from the home much longer. She said she would. He said they'd have to get used to it. She expressed surprise.

Donna fled. Jake wouldn't let Vic go after her. She said he was more important to her than the Love name and she was willing to risk it if they had a chance of winning Donna over. He said he'd take her home.

Wallingford overheard Carl's half of a chat with Daphne. Carl mentioned Algiers and Nancy [without calling her by name] and a plot. And the departure for Luxor in a week or so.

Catlin got mad that she seemed to think he hadn't been trying his damnedest. She soothed him as best she could but had little success. She asked why they were arguing so much lately. He thought about Brittany making him promise not to tell ANYONE what she was up to. Sally asked what was bothering him. He said he didn't like the job coming between them. She said it couldn't and made advances but was thwarted by the message service calling to tell Catlin to call Brittany. He was unthrilled and told Sally it was business.

Carl mentioned a tomb and clumsy attempts on someone's life before ringing off.

Donna tried to defend her extravagance to Peter. He explained to her that they could be thrown out of the house if they didn't pay the tax. She spent all of carl's $50,000 making high risk investments on Maudie Bell's advice. Peter yelled PORK BELLY FUTURES. Donna said she'd get her job back. Peter said they could sell the mansion. She won't. He left. She called Daphne but couldn't get through. Enter Jake and Vic. They were all wildly civil and I think Jake got a big bang out of it, especially his exit [he kissed Vic and left]. Donna reeled and Vic told her she'd leave if Donna didn't accept Jake.

Edouard warned Daphne against Carl. Michaud's mother was murdered by Carl etc. She suggested she could get EVEN. He doesn't believe in revenge.

Wallingford edged toward the door as Carl napped on the couch.

Sally asked if something were wrong with the business. He jumped on her [figuratively]. She backed off and reminded him they'd promised to tell each other everything. He said it wasn't easy. She said things about fleeting fame and told him nothing was more important than him and Kevin and he shouldn't get jealous. He brought up her jealousy of Brittany and she said that was different because they shared a Past. He said [rather too loudly] they shared nothing now. She soothed him and threw herself into his arms.

Donna: this is EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL. Vic: well you would know Donna since you use it all the time. Donna: that doesn't make it RIGHT. She told her Jake was an impediment to being ladylike. Vic told her she'd hated father Love for interfering in her life with Michael. Donna said he'd done the right thing. Victoria told her she needed her for money. Donna called her insensitive and an ungrateful tramp. Exit Vic. Enter Kathleen. Donna lit up.

Marley doesn't want to see Jake but Dee's having him over to work. Exit Marley. The guitarist Kenny arrived. Dee made the introductions [and getting a little carried away introduced herself to Jake]. She sang some.

Brittany gave Michaud what for for removing himself before they'd managed to break up Catlin and Sally. She told him about Evan and said she'd do it on her own and Sally would be available when he came back. Vile woman. He wished her luck.

Catlin suggested they not fight anymore [he does this periodically, not that it does any good]. She agreed. They are madly in love and honesty is a good thing. They decided to go to the Northwoods inn for dinner. [Bad idea. Britt's going to be there.]

Donna told Kathleen she could spy at Lesoleil for her to find out where the bodies were buried "and I wouldn't ask for much more than one of your top reporters." Kathleen laughed in her face and rushed off.

Peter gave Britt something.

Dee finished singing. Kenny left praising her talent. Jake told her to trash her favorite song. He told her about fighting with Donna.

Wallingford's escape was cut off by Donna's arrival. He hid behind a screen. Carl made lewd remarks. Donna demanded her money. She offered Carl an Egyptian box. He refused it. She accused him of stealing from her the night of the gala. He told her to beware of things Egyptian. She told him she'd get her money. He invited her to come again. Exit Donna. Daphne called eager to see Carl. He said another time.

Michaud said goodbye to his father. He encouraged him to win back Felicia. Exit Michaud. Enter Daphne closely followed by Kathleen. Kathleen asked her about her position at Lesoleil. Daphne got cryptic and said she was a part of Lesoleil and vice versa and vanished.

Marley dropped in on Donna to talk about Jake. She told her Vic loved him. And after a bit Donna agreed to reserve judgement and let Vic see him.

Kathleen chatted with Edouard about how great he was. He told her he'd known Donna's father and Frederick Chapin.

Carl got a call to meet someone at the airport and left. Wally got out at long last.

Britt marveled at the computer printout of what Evan would look like at 3 [just like the boy in the paper] and when Catlin came in showed it to him. He was petrified and she threw her arms about him as Sally entered.


