September 24, 1985

Kathleen and Cass marveled about the irony of this Edouard business.

Felicia found Donna placidly reading her Edouard book. "how DARE you?"

Brittany dropped by to ask Larry about Evan after Catlin had gone. Catlin returned for something he'd forgotten and asked what she'd been saying. He clued in.

Marley thought about Victoria telling her she loved Jake. He asked which it was to be — A kick or a kiss [not his words]. She asked him to leave. He argued with her. She told him he belonged to Victoria and she didn't love him. He tried to persuade her but she denied everything. He might have kissed her; she whimpered and said she'd reimburse him for his trip to Lassiter.

Britt asked Larry to leave. She explained everything to Catlin. He refuses to believe Evan could be alive. She showed him the picture. He said it wasn't Evan much as he wished it were. She refuses to give up hope. He doesn't want her to be hurt.

Kevin is mildly a brat. He's not thrilled to see Sally back. He's tired and cranky. Sally is afraid she can't keep this up. Aunt Liz assured her she could. Aunt Liz left. Sally's been missing mothering things.

Donna and Felicia were wildly bitchy to each other. Donna was nasty about the book. Felicia made cutting remarks about Daphne's sanity and sobriety when she hired Donna and [Felicia] fired her [Donna].

Jake refused the money. He said Marley was really Donna's daughter and left. Dee came out and got the scoop. Marley's a wreck but not admitting it.

Donna argued the point. Felicia told her to clear out her desk and never return. Enter Kathleen and Cass. Felicia left. Donna bitched to the assembled gathering. Her feathers are somewhat ruffled. Exit Donna.

Carter found Jake in a mood. Jake snapped at Maisie and commanded her to accept his rent cheque now because he's fleeing town.

Victoria's nervous as a cat. Bridget's sure Jake loves her. Donna returned and asked to speak to Vic alone. Donna poured out her sad story and accused Felicia of all kinds of things. She won't go back unless they offer her a substantial raise. Vic promised she'd get the money back from Carl.

Cass & Kathleen & Wallingford are worried about Felicia who is nowhere to be found.

Brittany said a large number of heart-rending things about having nobody at all. Catlin was kind but said things had changed for him. He said he had to go to relieve Liz [Sally's back ahead of schedule so he doesn't know]. She asked that he not tell anyone so she won't be exposed to public scrutiny. I think somebody kissed somebody.

Marley went home to talk to Victoria but Vic's not there. She told Bridget it was over between her and Jake. Bridget said she'd get over him. Marley cried. Enter Donna who told her about being fired. Marley started to go and Donna resented it mightily. She cast it up to her that Vic was at home. Marley left.

Sally ambushed Catlin. Delightful though LA was she would have preferred it with him along. And now she is willing [nay, eager] to forsake the attractions of Paris and New York for the fun of touring the bedroom in his company. [Berlitz bedroomese.] For some extremely complicated reason I heard only one set of feet leaving the room [Perhaps one of them has a peg leg; "Colonel Gilbert and his wife, Louise, came in after dinner; both of them had wooden legs, with which they could do all sorts of entertaining tricks." Either that or one is a wheelbarrow.]

Felicia returned home and found a platoon of concerned friends. [Donna was conspicuously absent. HA.] Kathleen let on they knew about Edouard. Felicia got upset over not being told. She is unhinged. She tried to throw them out but Wally stood firm lest she burn the book.

Carter interrogated Jake. Jake's not coming back until he owns Bay City. [Jake is insane.] Maisie told him he was silly. She asked him to stay to protect her from bid big bad burglars. He's leaving first thing in the morning as a concession to her fears.

Catlin and Sally have a serious defect; They cannot sleep apart [they do not sleep together but that's just because there's something better to do.] * For this reason Caitlin is going to tag along on the next business trip. He says she has everything.

Felicia refused to relinquish the book because Cass is not her mother. She took screaming hysterical fits but gave it to him and threw them out. She nearly smashed a gift from Wally but he stopped her and advised her to sit down and cry.

Maisie told Larry the latest about his family. Enter Brittany. She and Larry chatted about how nice it would be if life were simple, black and white, right or wrong. They can't sleep for thinking.

Kathleen praised Cass for his performance at Felicia's. She offered him coffee. He asked for a kiss goodnight. He was given Prometheus [actually his choice]. He left. He came back to worry about what would happen to him if Lesoleil exploded. They have to investigate. She should talk to Edouard.

Felicia feels herself the epitome of doormats. She wants to be left alone. Wally was a good friend to her. He advised her to talk about Edouard. She gave way to horrible sobs. He comforted her. she doesn't know what to do. Wally knows she'll be all right. She's grateful for him.

Bridget told Victoria about Marley. According to her version Jake says he loves Victoria.

Dee told Marley to retract her smashing of Jake. Marley insisted she was very very happy. [The lady doth protest too much, methinks.]




* a man can't sleep when he sleeps with sheep. Can't make no vows to a herd of cows.