October 4, 1985

Brittany told Catlin Evan's eyes were just like his [of course according to her so are the eyes of all his other Friends-and-Relations. Just like Rabbit, darling] and produced her newspaper clipping again insisting it was Evan. Catlin is not as reluctant to believe as previously. Britt started breathing funny [as she so often does around Catlin] and said they'd get their baby back. Sally wandered up smiling wildly and Britt left saying talk to you later. Sally asked him what she was up to.

Victoria's wearing one heck of a black sleazy dress for her date with Jake and Marley. Bridget called her a tramp. Vic told her about Donna. Enter Donna.

Wallingford found Cass in Smiley's. Wallingford: I've been looking all over for you. Cass: hi. I'm treating myself to a lavish expense account dinner, is that all right with you? Wally: guess where I've been. Cass: I couldn't possibly. Wally: in a motel room. Cass: oh, Wally, good for you, anybody I know? Wally: sure. CARL HUTCHINS. Cass: I didn't think he was your type. Wally dragged him off.

Catlin told Sally what Brittany had shown him. Sally was indignant and said Britt was trying to break his heart. He seemed on the verge of explaining when a woman rolled up to ask about Lesoleil. Sally explained that she and her husband hadn't had dinner alone in a while so would she please push off? The woman retired, ashamed. Sally agonized. Catlin was about to proceed with his explanation when a waiter shoved champagne at them from Peter and Britt at the next table. Catlin glowered.

Britt said Catlin hated champagne. Peter said Sally liked it. He sighed. Britt can't see what everyone seems to see in Sally.* [MAJOR POINT IN SALLY'S FAVOUR: she's never been dead.] Peter offered to explain it to her and said he thought they [he & Britt] could work well together.

Donna was abject. Victoria was flip. Donna told her she owed her an apology and she could see Jake as long as she saw other men because of Marley. Donna promised to be nice to Jake and Victoria agreed to send her sleazy dress back. Vic can't see what Donna doesn't see in Jake. Donna told her about her visit to Carl and the potential loss of the house. She won't touch the trust funds. Vic says Carl can't get away with this.

Wally and Cass arrived at the airport to meet the flight Carl went to meet. Wally told him about the pictures of Rachel and everything else he'd heard [not Donna]. A woman announced there was a message for Carl at gate six. Cass leaped in and took it. The man Carl's supposed to meet has stopped in New York and will cable a new arrival time. Wally and Cass backed off as Carl strode up for his message.

'Stomorrow morning. Vic told Bridget about seeing Jake. She thinks Donna will take one look at Jake and change her mind so she's going to buy herself a little insurance. She told her Marley had changed Donna's mind for her. she thinks Marley has an Angle — she wants to be Donna's favorite again.

Nancy's worried about Chris. Hawk reassured her. She's very fond of Chris but he won't open up to her. Hawk says she's good for him. Enter Chris. Hawk had Nancy leave. Chris has a date at the Northwoods Inn with her tonight. Hawk told Chris Tom White Mountain was coming to Bay City. Chris found out he had to work and might not be able to party it up at the Northwoods Inn tonight. Nancy became a particularly objectionable clam. Enter Marley exit Chris. Nancy told her about Algiers and she said she was figuring on not telling Chris out of spite because he's ever cancelling out on her.

Hawk met his father at the airport. Tom showed him Carl Hutchins a little way off. Hawk said he didn't look like he'd expected. Tom said ominously "evil comes in many forms." They say Carl looks smug, all unawares of the powers against him.

Peter: what is the Big Deal about this mausoleum? Donna: Peter this is my home. Peter: yeah but living here is a lie. We've got these grounds, this house, we can't even put food on the breakfast table. Donna: Peter you can be so DICKENSIAN at times. Peter said if they sold the house they could afford to fight Carl. She said Carl would burn the money rather than let her have it. She won't sell the house to an anonymous purchaser. Peter wants a co-op. She said it would be too humiliating. They argued [using a great many words with "SH" in them]. Victoria out in the hall decided to visit bestbeloved Carl.

Britt met Catlin in Smiley's. He told her Larry had found the Kents [he still won't call the child Evan]. She said they had to go. He won't tell her where they live because she won't listen to anyone she'll just barge in there upsetting any adorable little boys who cross her path. She thinks they should be at hand in case it is Evan. She convinced Catlin that they could go and not see the boy unless they found him to be Evan and if he did prove to be Evan they would be able to hold him and love him like mad. He took some convincing. [If she went insane and kidnapped the boy she wouldn't be fit for anyone but Peter.] She clasped his hands and thought "we're going to be a family again."

Wally's worried about Carl. Cass is worried about Lesoleil.

Nancy bitched about Chris because he's cranky and thinks of nothing beyond being a doctor. "Right. So he saves a few lives now and then, what's the big deal?" Marley told her archaeology was unglamorous. Nancy is still starry-eyed.

Carl got Fayez [the unspellable Egyptian man] to his room. he is to make up to Nancy. Fayez: don't worry, I have always done very well with American women whether I was tired or not. Carl: I want you to BEFRIEND her, not assault her. Fayez must say he was Perry's roommate at college. Carl showed him a photograph. He said she was beautiful. Carl said Chris was trying to take Perry's place. Fayez is to invite her to Egypt from Algiers. Carl told him to make nice with the family and not mention Carl. He warned him never to interfere with his schedule again.

Hawk showed Tom to his room above Smiley's. He keeps saying melodramatic things about Carl.

Fayez called Nancy to offer her his condolences re Perry. She recognized the name as the man who'd written Chris. He said he wanted to meet the woman who had made Perry so happy. She said it would be all right. Fayez sounds mildly infat. Carl advised him to keep his distance. Victoria came knocking and Fayez hid.

Lesoleil is a big fat lemon and it could wipe Felicia and Cass out. Their only hope is Sally's cosmetics line. Wallingford offered to invest his little all. Cass was kind but said somebody had to stay solvent. They are pinning their hopes on Sally not that they can fund the advertising let alone producing stuff to sell. Wally said someone had to tell Felicia.

Chris arrived to chat with Tom. He [Tom] told him [Chris] someone had to stop Carl.

Victoria told Carl about the nasty little rumors flying about the Love mansion to the effect that he would kill for sex or power. He said she reminded him of himself. She asked for the money back.

Sally found Catlin in Smiley's and told him they were going to Hawaii to shoot a commercial and wouldn't they have a great time together. He [pulling the face he invariably pulls when he tries to shield her from the dreaded existence and proximity of Brittany] told her he had to go to Indianapolis on confidential business. My blood is up.

Tom told Chris he had to stop Carl by obeying the letter.

Victoria told Carl "I didn't work my butt off to get into this family just so we could all sit around and be broke together." She said she wasn't a mission from Donna. He whipped out his chequebook and said he liked her [regarding her vast expanse of leg]. He gave her $50,000 because he liked her and she'd get more if he continued to like her. She asked what that meant. He said one step at a time. These people just exude sexual innuendo.




* From Is Sex Necessary, by E.B. White and James Thurber:

People have never been satisfied with marriage. If the contracting parties are satisfied with it, someone else isn't. How often one hears the expression "I don't know what she sees in him." As a matter of fact, however, we hear that expression less frequently today than we used to, because psychology has enabled us to know what she does see in him. There is, however, still considerable doubt as to what he sees in her. Some authorities claim that no man can see all there is to see in a woman, because she is too complicated and mysterious for him.