October 2, 1985

Jake went to the apartment to see Dee. Marley let him in. They made inane conversation until Dee surfaced, whereupon Marley fled to get ready to have lunch with Donna and Dee showed Jake her songs.

Rachel told Mac about Carl's limo-cum-photographer. He decided to call a senator friend of his to cancel Carl's furlough. JERKS.

Carl instructed Professor Layton [whom he has under his thumb] with a dig in Algiers to respond to Cory inquiries in an appropriate fashion. He had Daphne memorize the information to tell Nancy. Carl took fits because Daphne had been snooping and found his precious collection of pictures of Rachel. She was amused. Daphne teased him about his weakness. He said it was a strength. Daphne can't see how an obsession with a woman [here we hark back to Michaud] could be a strength. He called her his dear Rachel. She asked what he was planning. He threw his drink in her face. He wants cheap thrills.

Mac is such a jerk. The Corys are rejoicing. Nancy went to the bookstore. Ada thanks Nancy does nothing but enjoy herself. The married Corys don't care. They've decided to cut their cruise short or postpone it. They rushed off to Daphne's.

Dee sang bits for a preoccupied Jake. He encouraged her. The video has limitations [images, and money]. He thinks if they do something GOOD it can open doors for both of them. She's got a gig at the Northwoods Inn. Marley went through dressed in white. Dee told Jake how great Marley was. He asked for more music.

Cass is concerned about Lesoleil. He's going to sweet talk Kathleen into providing good publicity. She joined him for lunch demanding "the dirt".

Daphne and Nancy kissed each other in greeting. Daphne admired her pendant and offered to buy it. Nancy refused to sell because of Chris. Daphne stared at her.

Donna is dead charming with Grant.

Cass said there was nothing to tell. She got annoyed.

Donna gave Marley her mail. Mixed in by mistake was a tax assessment thing third notice. Marley asked if they had money troubles. She asked if Donna thought she could get her job back. Donna eyed Cass at the next table and said she thought she had a plan to get her even more responsibility.

Cass pushed Lesoleil to Kathleen. She inspected him to see if he were actually a robot spewing forth propaganda. he told her Lesoleil was clean. Donna rushed over and congratulated Cass on his new position. Kathleen LOOKED at him.

The Corys and Daphne talked about the renovations and archaeology. Daphne told her about the dig near Lesoleil Algiers where Nancy could be an unpaid apprentice and stay with her. Daphne noticed Carl spying on them through the eyes of a portrait and the cutlery slipped from her grasp.

Donna apologized for spoiling the surprise and fled. Kathleen said she'd lost her appetite, yelled at Cass and left calling him the most self-centred human being she'd ever known and saying "I give up." Wally swooped in like a vulture and devoured her abandoned lunch.

Marley told Donna about Dee and Jake. Donna can't imagine Dee has any talent. Dee has cut herself off from Tony. Donna's down on Jake too.

Jake enthused to Vic about Dee. They are getting along well. She asked about Marley. He doesn't want to talk about her much. Victoria decided to get back in good with Marley.

Daphne recovered herself. Nancy's thrilled about the dig. Daphne told them the security was because of Carl. Mac told her about his string-pulling senator. They toasted Carl imprisoned for life. They left. Daphne laughed at Carl. He thinks she should have worked on the Corys more. She's sure Nancy's sold.

Nancy got permission from her professor to get credits for the dig. Ada doesn't like it. Mac will check it out. Ada said she can go if it's clean. Nancy embraced her exuberantly.

Donna apologized to Cass again and asked if Kathleen really meant to write an article on the REAL Lesoleil [Kathleen had said a large number of sarcastic things about one when she heard the News]. Cass said not. Donna impressed upon him how vital she was to the organization, ask Daphne. He told her Daphne was taking time out to play with her Egyptian stuff. She mentioned Carl's Egyptian obsession. Cass perked up. Donna said she didn't care for Egyptian art and left. "Carl Hutchins and Daphne Grimaldi... Now that could be REAL trouble" said Cass.

The one redeeming feature of Algiers in Ada's eyes is the complete lack of Carl Hutchins.

Cass expounded his fledgling theory of alliance to Wallingford. Wally said it's like Jeopardy! — they know the answer [Egyptian things] but what's the question? Wally fled to be a fly on the Hutchins wall.

Victoria called Marley and suggested a double date.

Mac's senator told him his hands were tied. They're annoyed. Mac's a JERK.

Carl bribed Washington to behave itself and not give in to Mac.

Wallingford located and gained entrance to Carl's room. He decided to hide in the closet in which he found some papers and a photograph of Rachel.

The twins and their fellas plan to watch Dee's debut. Vic returned to Jake and reported the outing. Enter Donna.


