Marley called Michael and told him she was staying in his hotel in Chicago. No one is to know where she is. He told Sherri to see to it her every whim was catered to. If anyone asks, we haven’t seen her.
Donna said Victoria had been a huge disappointment. Vic suggested it was impossible to love her.
Catlin advised Peter to drop it for the nonce. Peter persisted in asking why Catlin had upset his wife. Catlin told him.
Brittany refused to push because it was too early. She moaned and cried. Chris told her to cooperate. She refused to have Peter in. She said she was afraid the baby’s father would never get to know it.
Peter scorned Catlin’s suspicions. Catlin gave his reasons for them. Peter was mollified.
Donna agreed with Vic. Vic suggested it was because she hadn’t grown up with her but having considered this said she’d felt the bond at their first meeting but Vic did everything to fight against it. (You DO realise she thinks it’s Marley, hein? I think half of it is trying to make Marley feel better, really I do. Donna said she’d TRIED but Vic had been vile to sweet Marley too. Vic said it had been Jake and (vehemently) Victoria didn’t deserve to be loved. Donna thought this out of character.
Maisie cannot keep her hands off Vince. (She wants to rub his back.) Jake and Nancy are forever going opposite directions through the swinging door and he looks daggers at her. Vince and Maisie advised her to try to make it up with him. No one has seen Marley and no one has seen Jake in such a vile temper. Nancy cornered Jake and said she wanted to apologise and make up for it. He asked if it would bring Marley back.
Donna tried to soothe Vic by embracing her and telling her she loved her. Vic said she had to be alone. Donna begged her to come home and let them take care of her, suggesting that Victoria could move out to make things easier. Donna said Vic was an embarrassment. Wanting to sleep with Jake while he was engaged to Marley was too low for words. Victoria can never be one of us. Enter Michael breathing fire. Vic fled leaving no address.
Britt told Chris if he could make the baby wait a couple of weeks they could thwart Donna. He reasoned with her. She sobbed and said she had no friends and relatives. Chris said she had a husband. She said she wouldn’t if this didn’t work out. Chris told her to push. She sobbed and called for Catlin.
Catlin told Peter about the Zanelie and the similarities between Britt’s car and the one following Sally. Catlin will find out the truth.
Nancy’s explanation was not exactly muddled but it didn’t appease Jake. She said she had been convinced Vic was able to seduce Chris so Jake must have tumbled like a stack of ninepins. The logic hat er nicht gern, and can you blame him? She begged forgiveness. He said they had to work together. She asked if he could forgive her. He asked if it would restore Marley.
When Donna attempted to pursue Marley [Vic] Michael advised her to worry about Victoria a little. (After all, she’s the one who go the whipped cream in the kisser. Yes, but she didn’t lose her job and she did. “Darn tootin’ she did, I arranged it.”) He got upset at her for saying those terrible things about her daughter. They had a huge snob fight. He told her Victoria didn’t have to earn a spot in the family and to show her some acceptance. He has a plan.
Peter refused to admit Brittany might have run a woman (or two) off the road. He said he’d enjoy proving Catlin wrong. Catlin was mistaken for Peter by the nurse reporting the baby was on the brink.
Brittany is the worst nuisance in the world and I hope she never has another child. She has taken up asking if her baby is dying or dead every other second. After a generous dose of oxygen the baby cried and Chris congratulated her on the birth of her son. “Oh, Catlin,” she said tenderly.
Peter seems to see Catlin as a common (or garden) loiterer. Donna was tickled to see two expectant fathers in the same waiting room. She jibed at Peter about Britt’s Zanelie. A nurse appeared with the news. Peter gibbered about his own son. Catlin asked after Brittany.
Maisie couldn’t control herself any longer and rubbed Vince’s back. Jake is being slightly more civil to Nancy but he told her he’d kill Victoria. He showed her Neal the great tourist attraction and said he’d written the letter. Nancy confronted Neal. Neal denied it. She threatened to expose him. He ignored her insinuations about his reward for writing the letter. She’s never speaking to him again.
Liz told Catlin she was taking Kevin to California for a change of scene for the summer. (I’m LIVID.) Catlin sounded lost as Liz prattled on. She told him they had to deal with their grief.
Peter asked Britt about the baby. She assured him the Reynoldses were always big babies. At least he has his health. Peter insists on calling the baby Peter Reginald (after his father, whose name was Brandon but HEY.) Britt was revolted (in private). Enter Donna who asked if she wouldn’t rather name her baby Catlin.
Michael found Neal snooping in his briefcase in the stables. Neal denied snooping and helping Victoria. He [Michael] ordered him off his daughters. Exit Neal. Enter Vic in a temper. He tried to help bu she stomped off.
Vince told Jake he was better off Loveless but refused to say why exactly.
Peter rescued Britt from Donna’s sniping. Exit Donna. Britt told spiteful tales of Donna in the nursery. Talking to Chris he found out he [the baby] wasn’t so terribly premature.
Donna told Vic Britt’s baby would never be a Love. Britt fled. Michael took charge. He found Victoria smashing things and tried to calm her down. She told him to admit he hated her. He said he didn’t.
Britt made much of her baby. Peter heard her tell him he was handsome and strong like his daddy. “Your daddy WOULD BE so proud of you.” (Interesting choice of words.)