June 2, 1986

Cecile ordered Cass to come back. She sent her subjects after him.

Jake stomped around. He showed Vince the letter and suddenly perceived Neal. He accused him of having conspired with Victoria.

It’s all right baby’s coming back and I don’t really care where he’s been it’s all right baby’s coming back and I won’t turn him around this time. Victoria toasted herself because nobody else cared.

Donna thought Brittany was faking. Britt said it was really labour. Donna suggested mildly that it was a little early. Brittany glared at her and said it was premature. When Donna didn’t budge Brittany stumbled into the coffee table and collapsed. Donne seemed slightly perturbed and less sure of herself when she advised her not to be so melodramatic. Britt said if she didn’t call she’d kill her. Donna seemed slightly more distressed and moved toward to phone. Catlin dashed in as Donna called. When Donna explained to Bridget and Catlin that Brittany had gone into labour Britt was quick to interject “premature labour.” Catlin soothed her. Britt insisted the baby wouldn’t make it if it was so early. He and Bridget reassured her. Britt: This is just like when we had our first child. Donna: Except it’s Peter’s baby, right? Britt flashed her a look of venomous hatred.

Vince shoved Jake and Neal into the alley to settle their affairs. He told Maisie Jake would straighten Neal out. She threatened to call the police but he assumed a maddening air and said SHE didn’t understand, but men had to stand up for what they believed in even if it meant slugging it out. Men have always had to work things out their own way. Ada suggested that was why civilization hadn’t come very far.

Jake smashed Neal a little bit and flung the letter at him. Neal read it and denied having written it. Jake refused to believe him. Neal persisted. Nancy rushed up and took Neal’s side.

When the king radioed Cecile told him Cass was cooperating in every way.

Cass sped along.

Donna casually reminded Catlin of what he’d come to day. He said it could wait. She persisted. Britt said she hated her. Bridget dragged her off to let the paramedics in. Brittany told Catlin Donna wouldn’t have called the ambulance if he hadn’t come. He didn’t believe it. (Neither do I). She made a great show of attempting to confess about Zane in the throes of terrible pain but he said not to worry about it. When the paramedics appeared Brittany started saying they wouldn’t make it in time. Donna hesitated to ride in the ambulance with her so Catlin leaped into a breach.

Neal tried too hard to convince Nancy that he hadn’t done anything and he doubted Victoria had. She told him how she’d fallen for the setup. He said it sounded like Jake was guilty and trying to cover up. She asked him if he’d written the letter. He asked why he’d do that to her, they’re family. Not quite said she.

Rachel disapproved of Nancy’s interference. Ada told her Nancy was miserable. Enter Nancy. She asked for the verdict.

In the ambulance. Brittany insisted she wasn’t going to make it. She asked why everything always went wrong for her. He told her to think of something happy. She talked about Evan. She said this baby would grow up to be just like his daddy – “Just like you.” She murmured they’d been so much in love.

Rachel asked Chris to be nice to Nancy today and fled. He asked her what the matter was. Nancy told him Jake wanted to kill her and he was probably justified. This didn’t enlighten him.

Vince is a jerk. Ada told him he was lifting things wrong and he insisted in lifting too much to prove himself of something. Not that I care about his back pain but HONESTLY. He suffered.

Chris read the letter. Nancy told him about Vic’s stories of sleeping with Jake. She said Jake thought she wanted everyone to be miserable like her. She asked if he’d ever slept with Victoria. He was astonished. He said he hadn’t. Nancy kicked herself. She phoned Victoria and insisted on seeing her because she had some hilarious news. Chris was summoned to deliver Brittany’s baby.

Peter was not pleased to hear Catlin had upset Brittany and gone in the ambulance. He said he didn’t want him in the house ever again.

Nancy told Victoria she knew she’d made everything up. Vic said Chris could be lying. Nancy refused to leave when asked. She told Victoria how rotten she was, admitting she had been thoughtless but not cruel. She said she was glad she wasn’t in her shoes. Vic said she hated her guts. “It’s an honour,” said Nancy.

Britt whined her way into the operating room, insisting it was too early. Donna wished her well. Britt muttered, “Catlin.” Rachel warned Donna if she said anything she’d tell Michael a few things.

Cecile et al rushed around like a chicken with its head cut off. They went out in their own boat.

Cass ran out of gas “and not a service station for miles around. He yelled “HELP.”

Catlin took his leave of Peter. Peter stayed him. He thanked him for riding with Brittany. He hinted that something had upset her. Catlin shrugged. Peter said he thought he deserved and explanation.

Victoria as Marley asked Donna to come to Vic’s room. When Donna arrived and asked where Victoria was she said she was gone. When Donna said “good” and hugged her Vic looked stricken.


