Ottawa Community Housing

Ottawa Community Housing Agng in Place OWCS

One Offer of Housing Rule TOP

This map was made to help with the new, One Offer of Housing Rule.

All households on The Registry's waiting list, including those with priority status and OCH's overhoused tenants, will now only receive one offer of housing. Previously, they could receive up to three offers. This means that it is very important for tenants to select communities where they want to live.

These changes took effect on January 1, 2020 and the Registry advised everyone on the waiting list of this change.

How to use this map when trying to choose a new home or Transferring to a new Ottawa Community Housing property.

The Map is designed to allow you to checkout the neighbourhood with Your interests in mind for transit,shopping,medical, and community supports.

Start by selecting the menu then type of housing that you and your family require

Make a list of the most important things to you and your family like, Schools,Transit,Doctors appointments,Food resources,Place of worship,Garden plots and Parks, for example.

When you select a property on the map a panel will appear on the left side of map with an image and basic property information

At the very bottom of this panel there is a link called, View in Google Maps, select this and a new window will open in a new tab to look around the neighbourhood in street-view

In this map you can search for things of interest from your list and have a better overview of what is available with the aerial view.

Get Directions for Walking, Bicycling, Public Transit, Driving, including the ability to output directions to phone,Email, allow for printed directions including scheduling Public Transit, allow GPS audible directions for Walking,Cycling,or Driving with road closings, traffic updates, weather warnings built in.

Usage Offered as a permanent link that can be added to the bookmarks bar of any organisation, library, school, Drop in, or embedded in a website in a scaled format that can be used on any website including Facebook,Instagram, and X.

This being said, I hope you look at the map and make recommendations for me to update this information.

Transfers, Crisis Moves and Accommodating Disabilities TOP

Article Source © Ottawa Community Housing

Has your situation changed ?

If you find that your situation has changed and the Rent Geared to Income (RGI) home you are renting no longer meets your needs, you may be eligible for an internal transfer to another OCH home.

OCH offers Internal Transfers in certain circumstances and will make offers of RGI homes to households on the Internal Transfers list before making an offer to anyone on the Registry list.

Internal Transfer Categories

Tenants may ask to be added to the internal transfer list for the following reasons:

Transfer to Wheelchair Accessible Home

(Accessible home needed)

Your situation has changed, and you need to live in a wheelchair-accessible home.

Transfer from Wheelchair Accessible Home

(Accessible home no longer needed)

Your situation has changed, and your household no longer needs to live in a wheelchair-accessible home.

Transfer due to Under-Housed By two (2) Bedrooms or More

You are eligible for two (2) additional bedrooms based on the number of people currently living in your home as part of your household.

Please complete the Internal Selection Application Form (General) and submit it to OCH with your formal request.

Transfer to a Seniors' Building

You are currently an OCH tenant who is 60+ years of age and want to live in a designated seniors' building.

Please complete the Internal Selection Application Form (Seniors) and submit it to OCH with your formal request.

Transfer of a Non-Senior Living in Seniors' Building

You are currently an OCH tenant who is under 60 years of age and is required to move to Non-Seniors' Building.

Please complete the Internal Selection Application Form (General) and submit it to OCH with your formal request.

Other Requirements

  • Your household may not be eligible if you owe money to OCH or to another social housing provider
  • Your household may not be eligible if OCH has started an eviction process

Related OCH Procedures

Crisis Moves TOP

Households may be eligible for a Crisis move if they witnessed a traumatic incident, or they are a witness in a criminal investigation and are suffering intimidation or threats because of it and a move will assist in resolving the crisis. 

Eligible households will be offered a move to an appropriate and available home but will not be added to the internal transfer list. If the household does not want to move to an available home, they may apply at the Social Housing Registry for a move to a new location.

If you would like to apply for a Crisis move, please contact us at 613-731-1182 and ask to speak to your Tenant Support Worker OR visit our Bank St. or Chapel Cres. offices.

Accommodating Tenants with Disabilities

Households that have one or more members with disabilities, visible or invisible, and require accommodation in their home may submit a request to OCH. A licensed medical professional must specify the specific needs of the household. OCH will consider each request. When accommodation is required, OCH will work collaboratively with the tenant, their health care provider, support agencies etc., to find a way to meet the tenant's needs.

If you would like to request an accommodation, please contact us at 613-731-1182 and ask to speak to your Property Manager or Tenant Support Worker OR visit our Bank St. or Chapel Cres. offices.

If you qualify for an OCH Internal Transfer, please contact us at 613-731-1182, option 4, then option 1.

Aging in Place TOP

Article Source © Ottawa West Community Support

This innovative program provides a variety of services to seniors living in Ottawa Community Housing (OCH) apartment buildings including:

  • Homemaking & meals
  • Transportation
  • Nursing & Allied Health visits
  • Personal Care
  • Case Management
  • Rapid Community Support Referral
  • Crisis Intervention

Services at Aging in Place offices include: 

  • Service referral and coordination as well as assistance filling out forms.    
  • Short-term homemaking service and emergency meals and medical transportation    
  • Health education, events, and classes    
  • Van outings can include a trip to the grocery store or social outings such as a visit to the sugar bush or seeing Christmas lights.  

Through our everyday work and that of our many social service partners, OCH is committed to improving the supports and partnerships to drive increased successful tenancies. Aging In Place is a core example of a successful collaboration that enhances the quality of life for tenants.

This initiative is one of the many examples of how partnerships help to address gaps in support for tenants with higher needs. One of the core priorities . developed as part of OCH’s 2024-2027 Strategic Plan identifies the need to grow and support innovative partnerships such as the one with Aging in Place. This expansion is a welcome addition to 8 new communities, serving 7,000 senior residents. We are proud of this relationship 15 years in the making.

One Offer of Housing Rule

OCH Transfers

Crisis Moves

Aging in Place

Self Assessment

Alternative Housing

Aging in Place OWCS

Services are available at the following OCH locations: (Red icons)

Hover over address for contact info

Aging in Place

Aging in Place (AIP) is an innovative project designed to provide an integrated mix of services to seniors living in select Ottawa Community Housing apartment buildings.


To reduce Emergency Room visits and hospitalization by assisting residents of these buildings:

  • By providing outreach and intervention activities.
  • By reducing health care access barriers.
  • By providing services designed to support seniors to live healthier lives and remain longer in their own homes.
  • By linking residents to appropriate community resources and services.


Designated Ottawa West Community
Support Outreach Coordinators (CSOC) and CCAC Case Managers (CM)
collaborate and work in store-front offices in each of the buildings
providing and coordinating a wide range of services including:

  • Crisis Intervention
  • Enhanced Case Management
  • Nursing Visits / Nurse Practitioner
  • Occupational Therapy Visits
  • Physiotherapy Visits
  • Homemaking
  • Foot Care
  • Meals (Meals on Wheels)
  • Transportation to urgent medical appointments
  • Transportation to health related activities
  • Health Promotion Sessions