After leaving St. Paul's (revolving doors in a cathedral??!!) I had the lunch Auntie Marjorie packed for me in the park on the Victoria Embankment. There was a band playing there as well.
After lunch I walked over to the Parliament Buildings & went in Westminster Abbey to see all the tombs. I wasn't quite as impressed as with St. Paul's but it is a lovely church. I then walked through St. James Park (what a collection of birds!) to Buckingham Palace. By that time I was a little bored with museum type places so I didn't bother to go inside, but I did peek into the riding school before heading for Hyde Park. My feet were getting rather tired by this time, so I took off my sandles and strolled barefoot through Hyde Park as far as Kensington Park. I then headed back to the train station at Picadilly & Trafalgar Square. Didn't think much of Picadilly, but in Trafalgar Square I was immediately branded as a tourist and a guy popped out of the flock of pigeons, thrust a pile of corn into my hand and stepped back to take my picture. After a short argument I found he wanted me to pay a pound for four pictures, so I told him to go away and just walked off.

