Dear Mum & Liz (&Toby)
I'm writing this on Saturday, the 17th, in Harwich, but since I don't have an envelope or anything & it's Sunday tomorrow, it may not get mailed for a couple of days.
Right now I'm in a guest house in Harwich after an absolutely beautiful day of riding through fog around The Naze (no sarcasm.)
But to begin at the beginning: I arrived on Tuesday morning & met Uncle Roy and Uncle Russell at the airport. They didn't recognze me until I walked right up to them & said hello. The flight was precisely on time but it wasn't a 747 (only a DC10) & it was cloudy all the way over. They fed us twice, a large dinner (with wine (75 cents)) & a continental breakfast.
We had coffee in the airport, then Uncle Roy drove us to Rainham after parting with Russell & giving him his goose. [Note: my mother had carved and painted three wooden Canada geese as gifts for the relatives I would be staying with.] We arrived in Rainham just at lunch time after quite a long drive through London & met Susan just coming home for her lunch. I gave Auntie Marjorie her goose & she was ecstatic (she had calmed down a bit by the time we phoned.)
