Susan McMaster Poems

Links, libraries, and reviews

Additional biographical and professional information, publication lists, performance records, and reviews may be found on the following websites, among others.

League of Canadian Poets

Writers Union of Canada

Susan McMaster Fonds.

University of Toronto Library

Library and Archives Canada 'Search Amicus' button, search by 'Name', 'McMaster, Susan'

Penumbra Press

Black Moss Press

YouTube video


Reviews of books and CDs

Women on Top Magazine (Jan-Feb 2011 issue)

Famous poets biographies

My books and CDs are available for loan at some libraries in Canada, including public libraries in the Ottawa system, libraries at Carleton and Ottawa universities, the library of the League of Canadian Poets, and the library at the Siena-Toronto Centre in Siena, Italy. I would be pleased to add to this list if you hear of other libraries that hold my books.

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Last updated 19 February 2019 by SM.