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September 3, 2006 - Brown Lake to West Otterpaw Lake

It rained all night, and was still raining in the morning so we stayed in the tent for a little while before getting up. It stopped raining long enough to get a breakfast cooked up, eaten, and even camp packed up. We hit the trail just as it started raining again. A rain that would last all day. Fortunately it was a warm day as we hiked along an interesting trail that had a mix of everything including steep climbs, rolling easy terrain, and several stream crossings via strategically placed beaver dams. Footing was sometimes treacherous on the wet rocks and logs. We stopped for lunch at a campsite by the lake and ate silently in the pouring rain. We did not see anyone for most of the day. We arrived at the trail junction to turn back west and met two people and an annoying dog which spent much time smelling my crotch as we chatted. The next 5 km of trail was more technical, with lots of steep climbs and descents. We also passed a few other parties of people and another annoying dog that looked like it wanted to eat us. The owner assured us that "Its bark is worse then its bite". Fortunately, it just growled and did not bite or even smell a crotch. After one more snack break, we arrived at West Otterpaw Lake and took the first campsite as it was empty and looked nice, even though it was right on the trail. We spent some time getting a fire going as it was still raining and all available combustables were soaking wet. Finally we achieved some flames and we began to dry ourselves out. The rain even stopped. We cooked up a spagetti dinner and took turns bathing in the warm water of the lake. The rest of the evening was spent drying clothing around the fire while drinking the remainder of the whiskey.

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