Ferrite Lake

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August 9, 2018

The descent down the Valley of the Thousand Waterfalls was spectacular. We were constantly stopping to "ooh!" and "aah!" at the magnificent sights. This drainage is one of the wonders of the earth, but almost no one has seen it. We continued all the way down to the Palmer River valley and then immediately turned south and began climbing up another drainage. This one we are calling Tallek view due to the lovely lookout to the north, terminating with the sight of the Tallek Arm off of Nachvak Fjord. We saw the largest pile of bear scat ever along here... polar bear maybe?! We continued on but stayed in a tight group formation as we climbed up this valley for several hours. The hiking was lovely though, weith a gentle slope crossing the arctic meadows. As we got higher we climbed up a steep moraine and walked along a knife edge to some pretty waterfalls where we stopped to refill our empty bottles. The slope got even more gentle as we approached the top of the pass, and upon finally reaching it, we sat down in a patch of grass and took off our boots for an extended lunch break. A couple more hours of hiking into Quebec, across some wide open meadows, snow fields, and broken talus, brought us to the lake we were targetting. It took some time to locate a suitable spot for the tents, but we managed. Though it is a little wind exposed here, at least there are no bugs.

Descending the falls.

Fall after fall.

Big snow.

Entering the Palmer River valley.

The sentinel guarding the entrance to Tallek View valley.

Paul taking in the Tallek view.

Rusty moraine traverse.

Great walking.

Crossing back into Quebec.

Ferrite Lake camp.

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