Pukaskwa - Day 5

Willow River to the White River

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August 10, 2017

I awoke at 05:00 to a big kaboom! I quickly was scrambling to get the fly closed up as an early morning thunderstorm rolled on through. I read for a while and finally fell back to sleep. Two hours later it was still raining, so there was nothing else to do for it, except get up and do the morning routine while getting pissed upon. The rain continued all day, fortunately for the most part as a light drizzle only. If it was going to rain for any one day of this journey though, this was the best day for it as the hike was through the forest for the most part. No slippery coastal slabs to deal with, and not a lot of views either. After about three hours of hiking through a tree tunnel, with the occasional break to stop and pick blueberries, we reached Hook falls on the White River. We then hiked along the shore for the next couple of kilometers towards the suspension bridge which we will be crossing tomorrow. I stopped at a beach just before the bridge to get a photograph, while the rest of the group motored on. I hustled to catch up and shortly came to a junction with the group nowhere in sight. A quick map check showed that our campsite lay at the end of the left fork along a portage trail, so I continued this way. After a few hundred meters when I still had not caught up to the group I figured that they must have made the wrong turn, however I simply continued onwards until I found the campsite. I dropped my pack and expored the area, and about ten minutes later everyone else arrived, allowing me to get in some good jabs about navigation skills. The rain unfortunately had not abated, so we quickly set up tents, erected a tarp for some lunchtime shelter, and then all retired to tents to snooze the afternoon away.

Well built trails today.

Hook Falls.

The gang gazing out at the falls.

Proverb found in a portage register on my way to the campsite.

Rainbound camp.

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