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May 20, 2024 - Northern Terminus at Latchford

We got up at first light and hit the trail for 06:30. A fairly flat but scenic walk along some nice lookouts over Bay Lake, the TCH, and railway had us stopping briefly for a few pictures. Deb texted Murray as we crossed Roosevelt Road, indicating that we would be at the trailhead in another hour and a half or so. At 09:00 Murray greeted us at the OTHT Latchford trailhead, having arrived just a few minutes before.

Quick rest above Bay Lake

Northern terminus

The next couple hours was spent chin wagging with Murray as he brought us back to Deb's truck on Rabbit Lake Bush road. It was a true pleasure listening to his stories of epic hiking and canoe trips, and the challenges of maintaining the OTHT. Back at Deb's truck we loaded the gear and hit the road. Almost immediately a clanging noise caused us to stop and check underneath the vehicle and we found the exhaust pipe dragging in the gravel. Not having any wire, we used a bungee cord to secure it, hoping it would last at least until we got back to the highway. It probably was only a few minutes until the bungee was a melted pile of stringy rubber, but we ran across some friendly campers who had a spare coat hanger which I used to jerry rig the pipe back in place. This "fix" lasted until Pembroke, where the other end of the pipe decided to separate from the vehicle as well. At this point we just removed it entirely and simply drove the rest of the way home with the music turned up a touch louder.

The remains of Deb's exhaust system

Hike Time: 2.5 hours

The End

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