Chalfant Cove to Gargantua Bay

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Sep 12, 2021

I spent a long morning sitting on the beach watching the sun rise, the waves splashing and the waterfowl carousing. In the meantime I started and finished a great fiction novella about educating fetuses in the womb. "Dr. Pak's Preschool" by David Brinn. Available on Smashwords for a buck. Check it out.

We packed up camp and hiked out the long mostly flat walk back to Gargantua Bay. Stopped for lunch on the windy beach just before the parking lot. The long slow drive down the horrendous road fortunately did not shake anything apart on Kat's Matrix. A short highway hop back to our starting point of Agawa Bay had us review much of the hike in reverse with familiar views from the roadway. We bid Judy farwell here and then drove up to Wawa where we plan to vacation for a few more days before heading home.

A long walk through the forest on easy but pretty trails

Some road walking near the end

Gargantua Bay

Completion of the hike

Hiking time: 4 hours

The End

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