Donjek - Day 8

Copper Joe Creek

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August 9, 2015

My Kobo e-book reader died last night so when I got up I borrowed Marc's book. I got through the acknowledgements and then Debbie arose so I chatted instead of beginning another novel. We started off on another nice day. Halfbreed creek started out dry, but as we continued it started to pick up small trickles, until later in the day, by the time we were on the next map sheet with the creek named as Copper Joe Creek, the water was raging. Today was a downhill only day, and navigation was simple; just follow the creek. We kept finding remnant of an old road, so the travel was easy while we were on this, but it disappeared frequently into the washed out streambed and rockfall talus from above. We had a litte bit of excitement during our lunch break. As we were sitting by the creek eating, we got paid a visit by a friendly neighbourhood grizzly bear. He stood up on his back legs to check us out, but decided to vacate up the hill when we all stood up and started yelling. Ivan fired a banger and that put some extra speed into his stride. As the canyon narrowed, the sides forced us to repeatedly make some difficult rock hop crossings of the river. At one of them I slipped and fell in to my knees. Miraculously, even though my pants got soaked, my boots remained dry thanks to the gaiters. A few nasty bushwhack sections also followed, one of which we met a huge fat porcupine. Eventually we got out of the valley into the open and immediately found a vehicle track which should take us the remaining few kilometers to the highway tomorrow. There was a great place to camp here, so we set up and spent the afternoon relaxing.

Leaving the park.

A stray moose jaw.

Today was a day of pretty seeding flowers.

Scrambling along Copper Joe Creek.

Highway of flowers.

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