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July 4, 2015 - Sisco Lake to Manitou Lake - 2 portages totalling 2840 m

It rained a bit last night, but nothing remained of it when we got up. Another cool day awaits, but at least the sun was out again. A short paddle across Sisco brought us to the longest portage of the trip of two kilometers. The trail was very good however, so this ground was easily covered in under twenty minutes. Reaching the end gave a suprise though, as the small lake we were supposed to paddle across was no more, thanks to some very industrious beavers. So, instead of paddling we walked across the lake bed to the next portage and then carried another 500 meters to North Tea Lake... two portages for the price of one! We now had a long paddle in store for us, but a steady breeze pushed us along in the right direction. A few quick tacks to bypass a peninsula in the choppy waters, and then running with the waves all the way down to the bend. Once around the corner, the world changed as we were now sheltered in calm waters for the next few kilometers up towards the portage to Manitou. We stopped for a short break at a campsite to refill the water bottles and our bellies prior to the last carry of the day. Manitou Lake was also windy, but in the right direction. We aimed for the first peninsula and found a nice, relatively bug free site with the good breeze over it so decided to stay.

Arrived at the lake, but something critical is missing.

Damn lake-stealing beaver dam.

Paddling North Tea Lake.

Campsite on Manitou Lake.

Sunset paddle.

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