Evolution of My Bike

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(Click red underlined text for details)

July 2001 

2000 RoadStar Silverado

Manufacture date - 12/99


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August 2001

Lowered fender, Baron's 5" Drag bars, KuryAkyn silver Bullet Rear Lights, Laydown license plate, KuryAkyn Mirrors, Chromed rear pulley, Relocated fuel pump



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May 2002

Seat post cut and A-frame moved rearward, Smoothed welds, Painted frame (HOK Kandy Apple over gold base), SS cables, V&H Propipe, Barons smooth BAK. RC Sabre wheels, Polished rotors, Polished front fork lowers and tins, Polished upper clamp, KuryAkyn silver bullet front lights



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May 2003

Wernimont Long Shot front fender, Baron's 3.5" tank extensions, Painted tank and front fender with graphics, Legends BigFoot Forward Controls with homemade adaptors, Rear brake pressure switch, Homemade shiftrod, R1 chromed front caliper, chromed rear caliper. Nemesis manifold, Yamaha 32 tooth front pulley, KuryAkyn gas cap.


(click pic for larger shots of both sides)


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May 2004

RC Sabre Rear pulley, Rear fender with LED rear running/brake light, Rear LED turning signals, 6" front light, Looney's 6* trees for tins, Baron's Too Nasty exhaust with tips, BSR sidemount plate, K&P Micronic stainless steel oil filter


(click pic for larger shots of both sides)


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May 2007

5 3/4' Billet Chrome Headlight with Tribar Lens, Billet Chrome vertical sidemount, 4" fork extensions with 4" extended lower tins, Yamaha Nude pulley, Repainted graphics, Barnett clutch spring conversion


(click pic for larger shots of both sides)


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To Be Continued


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