Food You Can Trust

Potato Harvest / Lifting Party

In Polish Wykopki
Come gather round our camp fire
and remember the good old days?
Some of us would walk along behind a horse
or chugging tractor picking up the turned potatoes?
It was memories of this kind that gave
birth to the idea of our

"This Spud's For You" Potato Harvest.

Harvest organic potatoes the good old-fashioned way
and to make the whole thing a bit more exciting,
we decided to throw in a cooking campfire too.

Enjoy picking veggies and greens, digging potatoes,
and visiting with our organic ecosystem.

Some of the harvest can be cooked over the fire
for a harvest / potluck dinner!
Bring your own hot dogs, hamburgers,
sausages or whatever to add to the meal.

The Big Dig:
The potato harvest looks excellent this season
due to all the great spring rains.
The plants usually die back in late August.
Then the digging can begin.

garden left garden right
Herbs Herbs

Most potatoes available in stores are from last year’s
harvest and have been in storage for months.
"Fresh" potatoes have a creamy texture and richer
flavour one might not expect from the simple spud.

Share in the bounty of our garden:
We invite you to meander through our edible jungle,
peer in to squash huts, see what grew,
harvest what is ripe, and buy some to take home.

Bring the kids & your Guitar:
We all recognize a potato, but many children
have no idea that they grow under the ground.
You are invited to bring instruments and songs
to play around the garden and fire!

Our food isn't on drugs.
We eat it, so can you.

Choose your weekend.

Talk to us about Share the work /
Share the harvest

co-op partnerships or other ways you wish to be involved.

Please contact us with your questions.

Be careful when entering your email address
(We've gotten many rejections).

Looking forward to hearing from you.