Ralph Scribner

Pedigree Chart

The history of our family has been an interest of mine for many years. It all started almost forty years ago when our Sunday drives with the children ended up searching graveyards for information on the Scribners. Marilyn was always quite patient but Kevin and Karl were not always impressed. 

The early days of searching for my roots was mainly concerned with getting dates of births, marriages and deaths. I spoke to the older members of the family who could refer to the old family Bible for exact dates. There were those who just liked to yarn about events in their lives through the good times and the hard times. I soon discovered that the family history was far more interesting than just dates. So, together with the dates to keep things in chronological order and many hours of digging, delving and networking I've put together our family history which covers not only the Scribner’s of course, but also Bursey(my mothers maiden name), Wortman( maiden name of Dad’s mother) and Willis( maiden name of my mother’s mother).

My thanks go out to the many family members and other contacts who have contributed to this effort with stories, photos and facts. Hopefully this history of the four family names will help our children and grandchildren to understand and appreciate their roots. The attached Pedigree Chart will help explain how they fit together to produce the family history of mine and my siblings.

My dad Ralph Sr. was born in Amherst N.S. to Henry Allan Scribner and Mona Louise Wortman. His family moved to Springhill, N.S. where he spent his entire childhood in this thriving coal mining town. My mother Margaret was born in Lewisville(suburb of Moncton, N.B.) to Herbert Bursey and Mary Willis. Ralph and Margaret were very much in love, hard workers and dedicated to family. They wanted a large family and brought nine children into the world. Each child was given love and affection, a healthy upbringing, a good education and respect for God and country.

Enjoy this journey through the ages which brings the past into the present.    

[Welcome] [Ralph] [Scribner] [Wortman] [Bursey] [Willis] [Marilyn] [Data] [Photos]