September 27, 1985

Michaud pleaded with Sally to come with him. She pretended to think he meant business and declined. He said he loved her and no one had ever loved her as he did. She kept saying no. He grabbed her and kissed her. She struggled.

There is a man who does not like the drum of snow suspended over Sally's head on the set. Daphne does. Very much.

Zane told Felicia he loved her and he was going back to the lake. She doesn't know what's going to happen. He doesn't want to crowd her. She thinks he's too noble for words. He thinks Edouard was being a jerk. She told him she had accused Edouard of manipulation. She told him Michaud was Albert ["runs in the family, huh?"] who had been like her own little boy. But she feels the same way about the plot.

Britt dropped by the jail to ask Adrienne about Willa again. They discussed vaguely their respective hopeless passions. Adrienne mentioned Willa's Things. Brittany guessed they'd been given to Catlin as next-of-kin and rushed out.

Daphne ran into Daniel and bitched about Michaud's romantic obsessions. She said she had no doubt they were planning a wonderful future together right now.

Sally pulled away. Michaud kept telling her he loved her and of all he could give her. He particularly mentioned the first time he'd seen her and she informed him she'd been glowing so furiously because of Catlin whom she loves. She yelled at Michaud.

A secretary over the phone told Catlin he couldn't talk to Sally because she was with Michaud. Catlin said it was important but to no avail. He got mad and hung up.

Sally is furious to find that she got the job only because Michaud had the hots for her. He said it was more than that but she told him what love was all about. She's upset because Catlin saw through him from the very beginning. She told him he had manipulated her, using their friendship to get something. She said he'd been wrong. He said he was sorry from the bottom of his heart. She told him a few more things about loving Catlin and said she hoped they could still be friends. Exit Sally. Enter Cass. He told Michaud they had real big trouble. Said Michaud "what else is new?"

Zane wants to plug Edouard in the beezer but he thinks he should let Felicia sort this out herself. He thinks Edouard had bad timing. Felicia has to go to support Sally morally. She can call him if she needs him. Exit Zane.

Cass told Michaud Daphne had borrowed money from the Swiss underworld. Michaud sent for Daphne. He's rather subdued. Cass asked what else was wrong. Michaud said it wasn't business. Exit Cass. Michaud said brokenly "SALLY" and watched her on a monitor.

David Norris: I can't do it. Sally: what? David: I can't work on TENSE HAIR. Sally: TENSE HAIR? David: yeah, look at your shoulders, they're up around your ears. Sally: I'm sorry if they're in your way. David: don't be SNIDE. Look I know you're upset about something and it affects how you look. So. Tell me EVERYTHING. Sally: I can't. David: oh, come on, you HAVE to, I'm your HAIRDRESSER. Is it that ROUGH but SENSITIVE husband of yours? Sally: David I like it better when we talk about the Dolphins. Enter Daniel. Daniel: Sally. I was wondering if I could have a few words with you. ALONE. David: I'm her ENTOURAGE. I can be trusted IMPLICITLY. Sally: David, PLEASE. David: OKAY. You know this job COULD be a lot more FUN. Exit David. Daniel asked what was wrong. Sally said she didn't handle surprises very well but she'd handled it on her own. She won't feel better until she can talk to Catlin. The secretary appeared with a sheaf of messages for Sally all from Catlin. Sally told her from now on Catlin's calls were allowed to interrupt ANYTHING, even Michaud. She got a little upset. Daniel had the set cleared so Sally could call Catlin. He asked what was wrong. She said she couldn't really talk about it now but she missed him. He said he'd cancel fishing with Wallingford if she was coming home. [Dear boy. I like to see him friendly with Wallingford.] Unfortunately she's not coming home until late. Brittany burst into the cabin and commanded Catlin to get off the phone. Sally asked him to tell her he loved her. Britt told him to just get off the phone because it was URGENT. He told her to hold on and told Sally he loved her twice. [She responded in kind] before turning his attention to Brittany. [awful peremptory the woman was.] She demanded Willa's things. He fetched them although he thinks it's stupid. She doesn't care what he thinks. She found in the lining of Willa's tacky pink purse some form of jewellery.

Michaud told Daphne off. She told him he'd spent too much on Sally and his other obsessions. She says she's nothing to him and she has things to do. Exit Daphne. Michaud called Paris.

Britt showed Catlin Evan's cross given him by her father on his christening. She said Willa would have buried the cross with Evan if it had been Evan [her logic is fault are faulty. How would a child not Evan have the cross? I suspect either Willa took it to sell OR Britt palmed it to "find" in the purse in Catlin's presence]. Britt nearly cried with happiness. Catlin told her she was wrong. She took to screaming at him to help her find him.

Daphne told Carl on the phone she had things to do. She said Chris had advised Nancy against her. Cass overheard that bit. When she perceived him she pretended she was making a date with a woman Marie. She told Cass there was no end to his spying. She's mad he told Michaud. He said he'd come to her first. She said some cryptic things. He asked if he could help. She said there was nothing wrong and left. He said "sure baby. SURE" and ran into Felicia. She says she's fine. He's kind to her. Someone to talk to. He said he loved her and left. She thought about a variety of intimate situations with Zane [so funny with the endless resounding kisses].

Sally is more relaxed now. Daniel thinks the snow thing is a pain in the neck. [My mother makes Rude Remarks about Daniel.]

Michaud told his father had he'd lost control and blown it with Sally. And Felicia. And what Daphne done! Enter Felicia wanting to talk to Albert but Michaud locked her up with Edouard. They decided Albert had some growing up to do. He was such a pure and sincere child. She doesn't know who Edouard is anymore. He wants to be allowed to introduce himself to her.

Sally like a good little girl stands right under the drum.

Britt in Smiley's examined the cross and said "we're going to find you baby... mommy and daddy... we're going to find you."

Catlin brooded in an itty bitty rocking chair in the cabin [probably of reasonable size but he looked squished up] for a time before calling Sally but they told him she was shooting the commercial so he set out for Lesoleil to see her. Muttering things about having to do things himself.

Felicia was morally supportive of Sally blowing her kisses etc. Sally stood on her mark and when the drum surrendered to gravity [with, one assumes, Daphne's help] Daniel yelled at her to look out.


