Sam admired Amanda's perfume.
Scott agonised. He thinks he screwed up his bar exam. Dawn soothed him.
Felicia asked Nicole if she could borrow Cass. She asked him what was up.
Michael told Victoria she could tell him anything.
Donna told John she didn't think Victoria would blab today. He said he thought they should do it for her. Donna was all for keeping quiet. John said they shouldn't burden Victoria that way. She begged him not to ruin her happiness after all this time.
Sam opened a window. They're hungry. Sam suggested they take a supper break. It's Hallowe'en. They ordered in. Mexican. They talked about his serious brother, and her fourteen-year-old brother, and his fourteen-year-old nephew. He got back to work.
Cass explained to Felicia that it was strictly business. Felicia said it was a crummy plan. Marriage is never strictly business. Cass asked for her help.
Dawn and Julie Ann tried to cheer Scott up. He stuffed his face. Cap'n Delaney showed up in a matador's outfit to beg Ada to come to a Hallowe'en dance. She refused. Mary brought Becky in in a witch's outfit. Adam was excited to hear she had pumpkin stickers. Vince loved Becky's costume. Scott was suspicious when Dawn started whispering to Ada.
Michael and Donna conveyed a bed jacket from Bridget to Victoria. (Bridget is afraid of infecting her with 'flu.) He told Vicky that the beach house was ready for her. Vicky said she didn't want to live there. Donna made sure that Michael interpreted it as a desire for familial closeness. She assured Vicky that no one was forcing her to do anything.
Felicia explained Nicole's situation to Mitch. Cass said a dinner party would be a good idea to demonstrate closeness. Mac & Rachel, Zack & Colette, Mitch & Felicia. Felicia warned Nicole that being romanced by Cass might tip her over the edge. John told Wally he had a dilemma. He can tell the truth and hurt someone he loves, or keep a secret and hurt someone else he loves. Wally said the truth would seem to be the better bet. John left indecisively. Cass' dinner party is to be on a yacht. (Keeps Peter from crashing, I suppose.) Nicole insisted she wasn't attracted to Cass.
Sam's cupboard is bare. Trick-or-treaters dropped by. He does have chocolate. He offered to make them an offer.
Vince and Mary hugged Becky. She divided up her loot. Delaney pled with Ada. Dawn and Julie Ann plotted. Mary came over to comfort a hellishly depressed Scott. Dawn put "Put on a Happy Face" on the juke box and sang with Ada and Julie Ann to cheer him up.
Victoria said she wanted to start over. Donna promised everything would be different. They all held hands. Enter John. The cosy family portrait disconcerted him. He left abruptly. Donna went after him. John said that Michael was Victoria's father and he wouldn't destroy that. Donna thanked him.
Scott's women are convinced he passed. Mary knows where Vince keeps things better than he does. She insisted Ada go with Cap'n Matador. She relieved her of her apron. Vince grinned.
Sam bought the trick-or-treaters' taffy apples for $5 apiece. He's been craving them all night. Amanda had to dip into her purse and in the process spilled her driver's license. He scooped it up to see the picture. She grabbed for it. They wound up ripping it. He was rather sweetly contrite, for him. He said he looked like a psychopath in his. He suggested they call it a night. She left.
Michael paraded around in a blue bathrobe and took Donna in his arms.
Adam showed Henry a picture of Donna.
Cass invited Zack and Colette to the party. Zack took it exactly as planned. Felicia warned Cass that Nicole was fond of him. Cass assured her he'd break it off if he thought Nicole was slipping. Mitch told Felicia not to borrow trouble.
Ada dressed up in the corresponding Spanish Doņa's costume and told Cap'n Delaney she'd never forgive him. Scott kissed Dawn. Mary told Vince he could go out with Diane and she'd close up. She'll see him in court. She swept.
Amanda sat in the park. Sam came across her. They traded food, since he coveted her taco and she was willing to take his hamburger. (Whatever happened to the stuff they ordered in?) It started to pour. They had to sit together under his newspaper.
Henry admitted he'd seen everything.
Donna and Michael beamed at each other.