Brittany washed up on Mitch's doorstep and demanded to know where her gun was.
MJ hovered around, making it impossible for Cheryl to go to the party with Scott.
Mary asked Reginald not to touch her. She told him about her visit with the McKinnons in Her House. She hates not being able to remember and blames him for having taken her away. He said she had wanted to go and the lack of memory had made it less painful.
Scott attempted to persuade Cheryl in a whisper.
Mitch managed to let Brittany know Matthew was there. They pretended to be discussing her Hallowe'en costume.
Peter tried to get Donna into the Hallowe'en spirit. Michael cruised through. He and Peter are not best friends.
Mary told Reginald Father O'Connor would be dropping by. He told her she had no need to torture herself. He begged her not to destroy their love. She said if they had any right to it nothing could destroy it. Exit Mary. Enter Peter. Reginald, ashen-faced, told him it was all over. Peter phoned Father O'Connor pretending to be the son of a dying former parishioner in Chicago. He begged him to come at once. Father O'Connor agreed to put off Mary. Reginald said they were just postponing the inevitable and staggered off. Victoria wandered in in a bodystocking with strategic black sequins, a black cape, and very bride of Frankenstein hair.
Mitch and Matthew began a jack o'lantern while Brittany turned the apartment upside down looking for her gun. She told Matthew she'd lost her keys. Matthew asked to see Mitch's costume. Mitch produced his pirate's eyepatch. Felicia arrived, magnificently attired as a parrot.
Scott cornered Cass and asked for his help. Cass told him if Vince found out that Cheryl was at the Love house he would blow a gasket. Cass bugged him about Romeo and Juliet. (So it was HIS fault. He said it in a really sucky voice, though, as if it disgusted him slightly.) Exit Cass. Cheryl crawled up and said Vince had been heavily sedated so she guessed it would be all right. She justified it by saying Mama would probably like to see her. She admitted that the only reason she was going was because she wanted to be with him. Sound of something approaching Carter missing an elevator.
Adam dragged MJ down to the precinct. Cass: don't worry. I've got everything under control. As you were. Kathleen: well you're just a little mister take charge. Cass: it's pretty hard to believe, isn't it? Cass Winthrop, bon vivant, liver of life in the fast lane (that looks odd), sort of hanging out here in a neighborhood bar and grill. Kathleen: so you found your true nature. Cass: and he's crazy about a wacko redhead named Kathleen McKinnon. Kathleen: I resemble that remark. Cass: the kicker is, he's also in love with this person's wacko, totally off-the-wall and, yes, definitely obstreperous family. Kathleen: I wouldn't say definitely obstreperous, exactly. Cass: you are all hard-headed to a person. Kathleen: YOU LOVE IT. Cass: yes, I do. I really do. To the McKinnons: long may they wave. Cass is a sort of honorary McKinnon. Kathleen loves him.
Reginald loves Mary . (Yeah, yeah. Let's not go into detail.) He tried to convince her she was too deep to have shared his bed and yet be able to walk away from him now through lack of love. He convinced her to hug him a little. Enter Bridget to announce the arrival of Père O'Connor.
Felicia and Matthew teased Mitch about his not being mean enough to cut it as a pirate. He obliged them by doing his very best mean pirate voice. Brittany found her gun and produced her keys from her purse. She ran off home. Matthew went down to Rachel in the car. Felicia told Mitch it was safe for them to hang out together because they could never ever have designs on each other. Ever.
Donna let Catlin and Sara into the party. She was gracious and polite and made no attempt to undress anyone1. Peter is dressed as his hero Iago. Michael stomped through as his old buddy George Patton. (Never lost a war, always got the girl.) Donna was distressed to see him. When Victoria appeared Michael panicked and attempted to extinguish her with voluminous articles of clothing. Scott and Cheryl snuck in as Romeo and Juliet. How too unsubtle. They danced.
Reginald told Father O'Connor he could leave as he was no longer needed. Mary asked him to stay. She told Reginald she loved him but she had to know the truth. He dispersed. Father O'Connor told her he'd phoned the hospital in Chicago and found out that the former parishioner was not registered, and he suspected it was a ruse. Mary suspected Reginald right off. She asked if she'd planned to retrieve her children once in Paraguay. (Reginald had told her they'd meant to do that but the amnesia had made it pointless.)
Adam tried to get MJ to relax. She told him he could buy her dinner later. He invited her up to his place. Enter Zach. He's there to see LETTY JOHNSON, prostitute. MJ got weird at the mention of the name. Adam was concerned.
Party. Brittany was civil to Catlin. Peter rolled up and congratulated him on his imagination in coming as a semi nude gladiator. Catlin told him to stuff it in the friendliest way possible and walked over to Sara. Peter drew Brittany's attention to that. She looked mildly stricken. (Brittany, by the way, is wearing a little blue cowboy outfit.) Victoria chatted up Scott and took Cheryl's punch from him. Cheryl stomped off. Michael attempted to chat up Donna. I think he wants to start a Society of creative anachronism. (No Kentucky Fried sporks here. I am speaking of the disparity of their costumes. Donna is wearing a mustardy 1760s concoction.) Reginald staggered around in despair. He wouldn't let Peter interfere with the priest. There was much applause when Felicia appeared. Peter bugged Brittany about her staring longingly at Catlin and suggested she stomp on down to the stables to look at her newly arrived mildly untrained horse. She told him the only place he belonged was six feet under.
MJ tried to avoid seeing Letty today but Zach wouldn't let her. Adam realized he and Jamie had played with Zach as children on the Cory estate. MJ tried to sneak out. Enter Letty. "MJ McKinnon, is that really you? MJ!"
Catlin and Sara hung out in the stables. He insisted he wasn't in love with Brittany. They hid when Brittany came in. She saw a rattlesnake and was frozen to the spot.
Father O'Connor told Mary she had been passionately in love with Reginald but she had told him she was going to break it off with him and returned to the children. Desperate to exonerate That Old Carrot she said perhaps she hadn't told him before the accident. Father O'Connor told her she had phoned him to say she had and Reginald had been furious. She wept. Enter Reginald. YOU KNEW she hollered and hit him.
* Russian doctors say раздевайте. So do Russian hosts, but they are merely asking to take the guest's coat. You can tell the difference because doctors do not serve paté.