September 29, 1986

Brittany introduced her husband. She was surprised to find they knew each other. Peter told Brittany to pick up the baby and come along. Brittany insisted on staying. Jamie supported her.

Ruthless People. Reginald and a blonde hastening to the wedding. It's Victoria (still faceless).

Michael and Marley said some sweet things to each other and hit the aisle. In addition to those present on Friday we have a bevy of bridesmaids in pink monstrosities (Cheryl, MJ, Kathleen, Nancy); their men even unto Scott; Bridget, Ada, and Maisie. Marley was thrilled. Dearly beloved – did we ever find the license? Jake attacked Mr Burns. Marley explained to him about the delaying tactics and they got down to business. Marley vowed first. Jake didn't wait to repeat after the presiding official. Mr Burns: the way it is, Jake, you usually repeat after me. Jake: yeah, but I know it. (He sounded ever so slightly discomfited. It was sweet.) General laughter. Mr Burns: okay, you're on your own. Jake vowed. They produced rings.

Reginald and Victoria arrived at the house of the Justice of the Peace.

Jamie ignored Peter and proceeded to examine the baby. Peter seethed. Brittany was triumphant and defiant. (OOOOH.) Jamie asked to speak to her alone.

Wedding. Jake said deep things about storms. When he placed the ring on Marley's finger the sun broke through the clouds. (Ignore the fact that a second ago it was a fully fledged thunderstorm.) Ada and Maisie oohed and aahed. ("It's an omen.") MJ sang.

Reginald and his party cooled their heels in the foyer.

Jamie interrogated Brittany about her being so skinny and nervous. She was evasive. He told her not to tell Rachel he was in town before he could.

Rachel told Mac about what she'd been discussing with Matthew. She rushed out. Matthew attempted to waylay Mac.

MJ finished. Jake made a speech about loving Marley. Marley made a speech about growing and finding herself. (She loves him too, by the way.) Mr Burns allowed Mrs Burns to ask if anyone had any reason why these two should not be married.

Reginald shrugged and told Victoria it was futile to try to stop it and the marriage would peter out of its own accord so why bother? (How stupid.)

Jake and Marley were pronounced man and wife. Jake kissed the bride. There was a clap of thunder. (Ignore the fact that a second ago it was supposed to have cleared up enough for the sun to shine on the happy bride.) Adam and Cass compared notes in an undertone on their investigations. Adam took the file and told Cass he wasn't involved anymore. Cass ignored him. Michael made a speech about his swell family and expressed the hope for grandchildren. A toast. Vince made a speech about the McKinnons and the Loves being united. He's proud to have Marley as a McKinnon. A toast. Dancing. Michael danced with Marley. Jake danced with Donna. She forbade him to call her mother-in-law. Michael rendered unto Caesar his bride. Reginald attempted to cut in. Jake told him he wasn't welcome. Marley said she wanted to keep the peace and as a McKinnon agreed to dance with him. Maisie and Ada restrained Vince. The dance ended. Michael told Reginald to leave. Reginald told him he [Reginald] and not he [Michael] was head of the Love family. He drank to the Loves. No one else did.

Peter and Brittany went home. She admitted to having lied to him and never loving him and insisted Miss Weston be fired. He ignored her until she told him the rest of the household knew Miss Weston was incompetent and it would reflect badly on him to keep her on. Enter Rachel. Exit Peter.

Jamie went to the Corys' and confessed to Mac about working in town. Mac summoned Matthew. Matthew was thrilled to see him. They told him about Mitch. Exit Matthew. Mac admitted he didn't know where Rachel was.

Rachel told Brittany her troubles. Brittany let slip she'd seen Jamie. Rachel flew up in the air and ran home.

Jake and Marley cut the cake. They went to change their clothes. MJ and Adam discussed the investigation.

In the foyer Reginald reported on the movements of the bride and groom. Victoria took notice when the bouquet was mentioned. Reginald referred to her as "Mischief". (YUCK.)

Brittany sat and knitted. Peter came in and reminded her not to tell anyone about Peter Reginald's paternity. He told her to stay away from Jamie. She clutched her knitting bag tightly. There's a gun inside.

Rachel yelled at Jamie. He sweet-talked his way out of it. He expressed a vague interest in skinny and nervous Mrs Love. Rachel did not enlighten him.

Everyone threw rice at Marley and Jake. Marley told everyone she loved them all. Victoria edged up. Marley threw the bouquet and ran. Victoria caught it. Donna stared. Reginald said "Surprise."


