Larry and MJ used the key to open something. "So this is Willa's secret." "Let's get back to the office."
Dale dropped by the police station to see Larry. She left her name and left a message to say she'd found it. The policeman she'd left it with called someone and said they had a problem.
Wallingford: But look, Marty, for a stockbroker you're pretty devil-may-care. /I don't care what the stress book said, I want you to worry. I want you worry a lot. Because if this deal doesn't go through I'm going to be ruined. /Marty, DON'T TELL ME THAT THERE'S MORE TO LIFE THAN MONEY. YOU'RE A STOCKBROKER. /Marty, I've got to put you on hold I've got another call. He just took a stress test. Now he's telling me he's going to be a whole different man. Grant: Sounds like a great guy to handle your money. Wallingford: He's a JERK. -- I mean, Northwoods Inn, how may I help you?/Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Gallant isn't here. We don't know when she's going to be back. /Um -- could you hold on a minute? GRANT. GRANT. PHONE. GET THE PHONE. Grant: calm down. What's going on? Wallingford: Don't ask. Just say yes.
Bridget said the jig was up. Donna came to the door to say cheerily "Marley darling, guess who's come for a visit?" Victoria said she was very tired and NO TEST. Donna insisted but the doctor said they'd do it tomorrow. He went downstairs. "I think he's kind of cute," said Donna. "Do you think I should ask him if he's married?" Exit Donna. Bridget thinks they should call Jake.
Tom's been released. She's not sure about moving. She hates watching people work when she can't. Joyce made her see how much she wanted to move so when Dee came bounding up Tom was all for it.
Dale called Larry's and said she had to talk to him RIGHT AWAY. He's not there.
Wallingford: The half of that conversation that I heard was very strange. Grant: You should've heard the other half. Wallingford: Well, I was hoping you'd tell me. Grant: She just wouldn't take no for an answer. Wallingford: Who? Grant: the woman on the phone. Wallingford: Grant, I know that. I want to know what her name is. Grant: You and me both. Wallingford: Grant, you asked her I heard you ask her. Grant: Apparently she didn't hear me because she never told me. Wallingford: OK, well what did she say? Grant: She offered me $25,000 cash to throw a party in here Friday night. Wallingford: And then you told her about the publishing party. Grant: That's right. Wallingford: And so she changed the date. Grant: No. Wallingford: Oh, Grant. She backed out? Grant: No, no. She said it was fine that there was a party for Cass and Felicia as long as she had control of the guest list. Wallingford: She's willing to spend $25,000 to throw somebody else's party? Grant: And she wants a private VIP lounge. Wallingford: I wish I were a VIP. Grant: You are. You're on the preferred list. Wallingford: Really? Well at least we know this lady has class. Grant: I got the same impression. Wallingford: It's going to be a great party. Grant: IF there is one. The other stipulation is the Felicia act as hostess. Wallingford: Our Felicia? Why are they interested in her? Grant: I don't know. I think we better forget the whole thing. Wallingford: WHAT? Grant: Well, the whole thing smells a little fishy to meet. Wallingford: Grant, for $25,000 it can smell like a three week-old trout. Grant: Hm. What about Marty? Wallingford: Who? Grant: your STOCKBROKER. You've got him on hold. Wallingford: Oh. The stress will do him good. WE'VE got to get a hold of Felicia before this mysterious party giver changes her mind.
Dee tried to tell Tom how awful the place was. Tom: You and Carter say it's great. Dee: Well yeah, it was great, but -- it's no good. Tom: Why? Dee: You know what I mean. Tom: No, I don't know what you mean. You said it was a very nice place at a very good price. Dee: Well. Carter and I thought it was a nice place but -- we're not like you. Tom: What am I like? Dee: Well you've got taste and everything. Thomasina, I really think you'd hate this place. I mean, there is no view -- Tom: Well, then, if there is no view, FORGET IT. Dee: Yeah. Tom: Dee, I'll be happy if it has windows. Dee: It looks at a brick wall. Tom: Brick's nice. Dee: it's got GRAFFITI all over it. Imagine if that is the first thing your baby learns to read. Carter appeared. Dee took him aside and told him how much Tom wanted the apartment now. He said he'd tell her about the money. Dee said they'd get it. The downpayment's due in two hours. Good luck. She'll meet him at Grant's.
Rachel came for a checkup. She wants to talk to Joyce later about their mutual acquaintance Brittany.
Carter told Tom they didn't know Dee very well and they shouldn't live with her. She's set on moving and she likes Dee.
Sly found Dale and threatened her. Dale ran off.
Quinn's got a woman to look after Tom. Carter sent her [Tom] to bed.
The doctor advised Donna to let Marley wait for the test if she wanted. There is no cure for the disease. Donna got hysterical. Peter arrived and asked how much time they had. A MONTH if we're lucky, a week if we're not.
Joyce likes Brittany. Rachel said she seems to have made a big impression on Mac. Joyce asked if she were jealous and said she did know about Brittany and Catlin. Rachel said she wasn't talking about that. They discussed deafness and amnesia and kid gloves. Joyce suggested Rachel learn to sign.
Carter talked to Quinn about not telling him about Tom's woman. We raised our voices slightly. Carter told her they were moving and living with Dee. Quinn brought up money.
The stuff Willa had was a lot of drugs. They're putting it in the police vault. The cahooted policeman called someone about it.
Dee told Wallingford she needed money for the apartment. He said his was hers but his assets are frozen. They didn't tell Grant.
Donna wants to take Marley to Switzerland clinic. Peter said no. He told her to tell Marley everything [motherhood]. She won't. Peter said he would be there for her no matter what.
Victoria loves being Marley. She says she's earned it. In exchange for Marley's life.
Liz brought some things for Mac. Among other things an invitation for Mac and guest to Felicia's party. Rachel: I wonder who he's going to take. Liz: Well that's an odd thing to say. What are you looking at? Rachel: Um -- nothing. Liz: BRITTANY. What is she doing here? Rachel: She works for us now. Liz: She gets around. Rachel: Yes. One wonders where she's going.
Peter and Donna came to speak to "Marley". Victoria doesn't remember things. Peter left. Donna told Victoria they were going to do anything she wanted for a whole day. Victoria wants her to tell her about all the happy times they had. Donna was touched and pleased. She told about Marley destroying the rosebed at 9 because she'd insisted on driving the car. So they gave her a puppy. ["DANNY"] Victoria cried and said she was so lucky.
Dee came to see Tom and Carter. Carter made her go back to bed [she'd just got up]. There's one hour left. Dee reported no luck. Carter's going to try his. He's going use Quinn's cheque. He despises himself. He's determined to repay it and Dee's $500.
Larry thinks Dale's holding out. He says if she cooperates with them they'll have to get her protection. MJ hates slimy drug pushers who prey on kids. Larry auch. They got a call. Dale's missing.
Donna went to make Victoria hot chocolate. She said she loved her. Bridget told Victoria this ends tomorrow. Victoria didn't answer.