July 29, 1987

Cass came up to Tops to brood over Mitch's photographs of the accident in Brava. Wally stopped him and served him a Phillipine Pistol.

John told Victoria stories. When Michael and Donna came they hid Victoria's drink. John's car looks like an old parade float, according to Michael.

Sudden inexplicable static; suddenly Mitch walked in on Cass embracing Felicia. Felicia let go of Cass and brought Mitch in. Cass and Mitch discussed the crash. Mitch maintained that Kathleen could never have survived the explosion and so he was justified in preventing Cass from killing himself trying to save her. Cass ran along, having conceded the point. Felicia made Mitch comfort her. Cass stared from the doorway.

Rachel gave Jamie a hard time. DISNEYLAND ALLEGORY: When Rachel took Jamie to Disneyland for the first time, the whole expedition was ruined because Donald Duck wouldn't talk to him, since the guy in the outfit couldn't do the voice. She says it's the same with Lisa. She told him he shouldn't make Lisa talk to him.

Mary brooded over a photo of Kathleen and MJ as very small children. Vince assured her she'd loved them tremendously. She regrets not having any memories. They began discussing the bedroom furniture. Somebody is obsessed with the notion that the McKinnon women are afraid of thunderstorms. It's Kathleen's turn today. Mary told Vince how she'd loved seeing bits of both of them in Kathleen.

Cass retrieved his notes for the mass and fled to Tops. Mitch wondered if there was a problem. Felicia assured him Cass would be thrilled for them once he had it explained. She said she would have to be supportive of Kathleen's loved ones. Kissing. Lisa interrupted. Mitch left for work.

Rachel and Jamie quarrelled. Lisa phoned and asked Jamie to meet her for a talk. He played hard-to-get, looking sulky, but she asked nicely and he agreed. Rachel was less than pleased with him. Enter Mac. Exit Jamie. Enter Matthew with a piece of ivory sent from Amanda. Mac sent him to his room. Rachel told Mac they ought to quit spoiling Amanda.

Vince and Mary arrived at Mary's Place. Not even Adam, the lousy customer, was there. Becky drew a picture of Kathleen in heaven. Mary wept a little and went to get some scotch tape. Ada had Cheryl and Becky get it instead. She showed Vince and Mary a package from Cass & Kathleen.

Felicia gave Lisa tea. She reassured her and advised her to tell Jamie the truth. (I seem to have missed her telling Felicia that someone had raped her.) Lisa said she felt ashamed. Felicia grabbed her and told her in the same way she never told Donna that she had nothing to be ashamed of. Lisa saw reason.

Mitch dropped by the romance to visit Matthew. Rachel suggested he stay and have dinner with Matthew. As a reward for good photography, Mac seems to intend to promote Mitch.

Lisa showed Jamie to a table. He advised her to hurry up in case he was beeped away. She screwed her courage to the sticking place.

Everyone came to Mary's Place for pot luck. Mary and Vince werre surprised. Cass had no knowledge of the package. They opened it. It was miscellaneous gifts, on for Cass even. When Cass saw it he laughed. It was a dress. In India, Kathleen had insisted on hiking a very long way on a pilgrimage to stare at Baba Mitiwanda. They didn't have enough food. It poured rain, so Cass stripped and frolicked. A flood washed away his clothes so Kathleen sewed two of her dresses together to keep him decent. Everyone laughed and then fell to brooding.

Lisa spilled her drink and said it was before Gollum, it was someone her mother had known. She stood up. He had her sit down. She hesitated and began. Jamie prodded her. She looked away. He asked if she were afraid someone would recognise her. She suggested going someplace else. He made it into a romantic moonlight swim. She refused. He suggested a ride. She went to change.

Mary's present was a potholder. Kathleen was glad to hear she was living at home. Vince got a stuffed dog. Becky got earmuffs. Cass and Felicia slipped away. The Corys and the Edwardses arrived. And Father Donne. Nobody knows where MJ is. Mitch dropped in and said he had an assignment and he'd be in late. Cass went into the kitchen. Felicia kissed Mitch goodbye. Exit Mitch. Cass returned with a candle. He renounced moping and said how much Kathleen had loved her home. He lit the candle and waxed sentimental. He put it in the window.

Jamie waited.

Lisa clutched her diary and recalled some good times with Jamie. Then she phoned the bus station.

Jamie phoned Lisa's and got a busy signal. He decided to go down.

Lisa began to pack. Jamie knocked.


