July 29, 1985

Brittany, watching Jimmy, gripped her paring knife more tightly. She gasped, startled, as Tommy Lee put his arm about her from behind.

MJ was ill-at-ease. She told Jamie she had business that would keep her out of the way for a while.

Sally stood in the entranceway smoothing her dishevelled hair for a time. Michaud was impressed. Cass was elated that Michaud had taken to his choice so well. Michaud cautioned him not to tell anyone even HER about being the Lesoleil Woman. Michaud will take it from here.

Kathleen noticed Sally and asked if Catlin were with her. Sally said vaguely he was on business and she had a meeting herself. Kathleen introduced her to Daniel (with some difficulty over the name "Sally Ewing -- Sally FRAME" "Ewing's my married name.") Said Kathleen, "You are positively GLOWING, Sally. Are you okay?" (What is this, glowing is a symptom of a dread disease? I suppose the idea is being pulled to bits in a car by Catlin or the man one loves is good for one's complexion and/or morale.) Sally intended to dash off to put herself back together upon hearing that her Wash. man would be late but when Kathleen fully understood that Sally was considering fleeing Bay City she insisted upon introducing her to the Lesoleil people. Cass was not thrilled by Daniel. Kathleen hinted that Sally was VERY TALENTED and looking for a job. Michaud kissed her hand. Daphne is not thrilled by Michaud's attentions to Sally ("the perfect woman" -- he said it up there, not to her face).

Jamie told MJ they had ceased to be a priority with each other and he had to get on with his life. She agreed with him. They love each other but it's not working. He said the turning point for him was when she refused to move in. Things were just going on and nothing was happening. She had to go to work. He kissed her cheek and she fled in tears.

Tommy Lee was rather friendly to Brittany. She was not thrilled. Enter Larry. Tommy Lee confided in Jimmy saying he was considering doing away with him regardless. He told Larry he had someone in the back he wanted him to meet.

Catlin lounging about alone in Tommy Lee's office contemplated answering the phone. Wicked detective Cannon was on the other end. Catlin picked up the phone and turned it over to Tommy Lee who had just come in with Larry. Cannon told him he'd likely find out a fair bit from MJ in her reduced state. They'll keep in touch. Tommy Lee made the introductions. The brothers eyed each other with suspicion and distaste. Tommy Lee told Catlin it wasn't nice to answer other people's telephones. Catlin said he wanted to talk to him about the delay and he'd hoped it would be the Man. Tommy Lee had Larry leave and told Catlin the Man had just called with orders to put off visiting the lab. He gave him Brittany for another night. Catlin went to his hotel.

Rachel found Jamie alone in the dark. He told her he'd been staying in Bay City mostly because of her amnesia.

Sally disentangled herself in order to fix herself up. Cass complimented Kathleen lavishly (for him). Michaud told Kathleen they'd be able to start on her transformation soon. Mass exodus leaving Cass and Kathleen alone. She pressed him about the Lesoleil Woman. He told her Michaud had nixed his idea. She's suspicious because he's in such a good mood in spite of the nixing. He told her he stood to make a lot of money and Michaud wanted them to work closely (him and Kathleen).

Jamie told Rachel it was over with MJ. He's going to visit Sandy & Blaine in San Francisco. And he can write a book away from Cory. Rachel will miss him terribly. She wants him to find LOVE with the right woman.

Sally with her hair combed turned down the Washington job. The man urged her to reconsider. She said she had a husband and child to consider and she didn't want to leave. He tried to goad her into changing her mind by saying he'd thought her a liberated woman. She retorted that she was but she wanted to be happy personally as well as professionally. He gave in and said the door was open if she changed her mind. He left. "Good going, Frame -- Ewing," she corrected herself. Michaud came over to talk to her. Daphne looked at her and I mean LOOKED.

Jimmy told Larry Tommy Lee had sent Adrienne someplace for a rest and he should back off from Brittany. Exit Larry. Jimmy kissed Britt's neck a fair bit. She thought about him saying he'd finished off Willa and gripped the knife. Tommy Lee intervened and told her to go to Roy. Exit Britt. The way I understand it Roy's function is no longer to guard the lab although he doesn't know it. (I'll bet they want him to do away with Larry.)

Michaud asked about Catlin. Sally told him he was a wonderful man and the reason she wasn't going to Washington. Not that he'd asked her not to go. He wouldn't do THAT. But she wants to stay. Daphne dashed up with an important phone call for Michaud. Kathleen asked Cass about the punctuality. He slid out of it. Daniel approached and asked her to dance. Kathleen: Do you mind? Cass: Oh, how kind of you to ask. Not at all. In fact tonight even I would dance with Daniel. Daniel: Well, thank you, Cass, but this fills up my card. Exit Daniel and Kathleen. Sally dashed up hoping to talk to Kathleen but she's gone dancing. She danced with Cass.

Rachel and Mac had dinner out on the terrace. He asked what was wrong. She told him about losing Jamie.

Kathleen's determined to find out what Cass is up to. She's going to a baseball game with Daniel tomorrow with intent to explain the game. Grant was introduced to Daniel. Daniel thrills him. And he's decided on Frame-Harding construction for the building. Kathleen pursued Sally who was trying to leave to ask her why Michaud was lavishing such attention on her. Sally said she hadn't wanted anything but she found herself confiding things in him she wouldn't tell just anyone. She puts it down to the accent. Kathleen pressed her to ask Michaud for a job. Sally said the only thing she was interested in right now was going home to bed. Kathleen said as one reminded, "Oh, how is Catlin? I haven't seen him in ages." (As if the two were synonymous.) Sally said he was out of town on business. She misses him horribly. Kathleen envies her the reciprocation of feelings. "He's a wonderful husband," quoth Sally.

Britt told Catlin all about Jimmy. She's mad. He told her she wasn't going through this one more minute.

Mac told Rachel if there was anything left for MJ and Jamie to salvage they'd manage. Rachel cried.

MJ decided to tell Cannon. I don't know what she told him because we went outside to see Jamie leave a letter.

Kathleen pressed Sally to stay. Michaud complimented her endlessly. Sally couldn't stay. She went to make a phone call but was released only upon promise to say goodbye after said phone call. Kathleen asked Michaud about the working more closely with Cass. He told her it was perfectly true. She smiled wanly and said it was no trouble. Sally returned. Kathleen determinedly left them alone. Michaud insisted on walking her to the door. Sally laughed a good deal. She seems to find him funny and charming, dear boy.

Rachel feels that he amnesia helped to make her less spoiled. She doesn't resent working in the stables like she would have before. They're madly in love. Mac said Jamie had to find his own way. Rachel said that was what she'd advised Sally to do. She said it was so difficult being young. So much TURMOIL. Not that they're not young. They're going to take a moonlight swim.

MJ read Jamie's letter.

Kathleen: well, thank you my escorts for escorting me home it was very kind of you I had a wonderful time. Daniel: So did I. Cass: (brightly) That makes three of us. Daniel: YES IT DOES. Cass: Yes. Kathleen, at the risk of repeating myself you did look fabulous tonight. Kathleen: Thank you. I have DANIEL to thank for that actually. Cass; Well, well, you're turning out to be quite the man, Dan. First plumbing, then wardrobe. Kathleen: Daniel has been a great help to me, Cass. Cass: well Kathleen is always wonderfully appreciative of people who have helped her out, ONCE SHE FIGURES OUT WHAT THEY'VE DONE FOR HER. (Enter Prometheus. Strange looks passing between the menfolk as Kathleen talked to Prometheus and ascertained from him that it was past her bedtime.) Well I guess that's our cue. After you, Dan old man. Daniel: well it is getting late. Kathleen: Yes. Daniel: I'll see you tomorrow. Kathleen: Yes. Daniel: Come on, old man, I want to take a look at your car. I think you need a new set of spark plugs. Cass: Oh, DO YOU? Exit the menfolk. Kathleen: Well. TWO MEN. Not one, but TWO. I don't know what all of this talk about transformation is for. What do you think of all this, Prometheus? Yeah, I don't think I need it either. I'm going to have more men than I can handle. d'you think? No, I'd manage. Somehow. Okay, Lesoleil, get ready for Kathleen McKinnon. It's hard to improve on perfection but I'll let you give it a try.

MJ and Larry are worried about Catlin and Clarice. She told him about Jamie leaving. She's depressed. She thinks she's lost him forever. Larry assured her they'd get through this.

Brittany doesn't want out she wants justice. Catlin let her know that stabbing Jimmy was not a good idea. She made a speech about how she KNEW now that the way to get what she wanted was to persevere and slow and steady wins the race. He asked if she could stick with it. She grabbed his shirt and put her face close to his and said, "It's you and me together, cowboy, to the end."

Sally talked to Catlin's pillow about how much she missed Catlin and wished he were there. She contemplated his Thursday rose and put it on the pillow while saying she loved him and hoped he be back soon in one piece.


