Carl told Sandy of Mac's accusation.
Felicia can't believe "perky Emily Benson" killed anyone. She and Lily and Wallingford are playing Candyland. Wallingford: You'd think Miss dePollac would at least have a deck of cards around here. Nothing but little Maggie's games. Felicia: Hey, it says here they think she may've poisoned Peter. Wallingford: Nonsense. She's not even three years old yet. Felicia: I'm talking about Emily, you idiot. Wallingford: Sorry, I was preoccupied. You can still be sent back, you know. You draw the ice cream card and you're dead. Lily: They say that EMILY poisoned Peter? Felicia: Yeah. "Police theorize." At least that's the phrase they use here. Lily: Yeah, but weren't the two of them, you know -- Wallingford: Sleeping together? Felicia: Well, I would assume so. At least I hope so. Wallingford: So? Lily: well, I may be old-fashioned, but I can't quite feature poisoning the man you're going to bed with. Wallingford: Women's Lib. Lily: Oh, but Wallingford, even so . . . Felicia: Yeah, even so . . . They discussed Emily some more. Felicia wondered why Emily bothered to arrange a leave of absence. Wallingford: Well, so she's a murderer. She's a very responsible murderer. Well, you have to admire that. Lily said she must've been stalling for time. Felicia suddenly realised that Emily was with Peter when they found out a lot of things. Lily urged her to tell someone where Cass is "in case sweet, perky Emily Benson decides to take a trip to Majorca."
Emily's entertaining Cecile, Kathleen and Cass. They went to the meeting place and Emily's told them Peter's there too and Catlin and the police are wrapping things up. Kathleen and Cecile are very tired.
Donna thinks Carl's tense and changeable. Sandy asked after Carl's father. Donna told him the father committed suicide. Carl told Donna he was upset because she was in jail.
Felicia told Peter where Cass is. Peter says Cass is a fool.
Emily sounds insane (in general. Just talking to Cass). She wouldn't let Cass make a phone call. I think Cass suspects. He told Cecile not to drink any more. He asked Emily whether Catlin told her about Cecile dressing up as a maid. She said yes and he knew she was lying because Catlin didn't know that. He tried to wake Kathleen & Cecile up but Emily pulled a gun on him and made him drink something. Ross called and told Emily the sleeping pills were poison. He told her to meet him at the castle.
Catlin has managed to get a small red vehicle. He's driving to the mountain house where Cass, Cecile, Kathleen and Emily are.
Cass asked Emily to take them to the hospital. Emily raved about babies some more and her unhappy home life. Catlin arrived. Cass warned him of the gun in time. He got a good grip on Emily. ("Let me go," said she. "Not on a bet, lady," said he.) Cass told Catlin they could die but he'd manage while Catlin went to save Sally. Emily told where the castle was. Catlin left in the vehicle again.
Ross put Sally in a tower of the castle (her clothes look different again) to await the helicopter.
Wallingford is inventing hero and heroine names. Rocco and Tony Jones came to visit. They took Wallingford away to give him a message for Mr. Winthrop.
Sandy told Brian about Carl's father.
Emily is tied up. Cass is waking Kathleen and Cecile up to get them out. (Predictably he was willing to carry Cecile and just set Kathleen on her feet and let her stagger from there.) They all staggered out to their car. Cass is going to drive them all to hospital. (It was splendid staggering.)
Felicia and Lily are just lounging around wondering where Wallingford is. He came to the door all bloody and it's awful. I hate it.
Cass' driving is ungreat. Rather blurred and wobbly. It's making me carsick. He was stopped by a policeman.
Sally: Catlin, where are you? (I do not sanction this if she means "Why are you not rescuing me?" but if it's concern for his well-being I can live with it.) Ross came in and said a number of things about it being just them together and she wasn't to resist him. SINISTER.
Catlin has arrived at the castle.
NB If Ross is attacking Sally (as opposed to just making conversation) I think it would be a good idea if she threw him. If she just waits for Catlin to get there I'll be mad (If Ross goes out there's not much she can do but if he gets violent she'd better do something. And to what better use can this "skill" Catlin has tried to teach her be put? Why else lead up to it? Who else would she use it on? (O, Donna, I forgot. Silly me.))