Scott let Cheryl alone in the gazebo to fetch hot chocolate from the house. She was scared. She got the everlasting McKinnon twitch and worried about her mother.
Mary pled further with Father O'Connor.
Jamie found Mitch on Cory property "working late". He asked him if he'd seen Brittany .
Brittany got out of her car, the better to yell at the Unknown Man. He had disappeared. The baby started to cry so she went back to her car. Peter appeared. "Going somewhere?" He took the baby out of the car. She got upset. He ignored her. She pled with him. He told her she'd lost the baby for good. She promised to do anything. He told her she was too stupid to have thought of this plan on her own and demanded to know who had helped her.
Jamie behaved in a very suspicious manner. He warned Mitch not to start any trouble. Mitch said he didn't remember having seen Brittany but the Loves didn't know where she was.
Cast and Kathleen and Father O'Connor assured Mary they weren't keeping anything terrible from her and said they'd talk in a couple of days.
Peter returned home and turned the baby over to Sara. Gomez told him Reginald was incommunicado everyone except her. Brittany dashed in and told Peter if he didn't cough up her baby he was dead meat. (Or words to that effect.)
Mary went to the McKinnons'.
Sara reappeared and said the baby wanted his mother. Brittany trotted off triumphantly. Peter asked Sara if Brittany had been visiting with anyone she didn't normally see.
Gomez bossed Mitch around a little. Reginald wants him to hurry with the trump. It's that same old story.
Michael and Victoria argued about Reginald. Michael tried to convince her that Reginald was trying to buy her love and told her she didn't want to end up like Donna. He told her she would if she took the business. Victoria went out. Bridget told Michael the medication made Donna sleepy.
Sara told Peter she didn't remember.
Adam plied MJ with wine. Cass and Kathleen returned and reported on the meeting. Mary came a-knocking at the door, saying she wanted to see her house.
Greg apologized to Nancy for his mother but praised her for the way she'd put up with her. Victoria cruised in to break up the party.
Felicia told Mitch he was going to be a pirate for Hallowe'en.
Scott found out from Bridget his mother had gone to the McKinnons' and dragged Cheryl off home.
MJ said Mary couldn't be there when Vince came home. Kathleen said she could stay. Mary has a faint hope that it will help her memory. Mary wept and looked at photographs. They told her the house hadn't changed much since she left. She rocked them in that rocking chair and made that very quilt. Enter Scott and Cheryl.
Peter and Brittany quarreled. She took off.
Michael took Catlin up to his room. Brittany rushed into the stables screaming for Michael with Peter in pursuit. She threatened him with a pitchfork. (I was pleased. I think she should carry one in her purse.) Michael and Catlin came dashing down to investigate. Brittany told them Peter had been about to beat her Peter denied it. Catlin and Michael suggested Brittany go back to the house. She left. Peter told them he knew Brittany loved him but he was afraid she was on the verge of nervous breakdown and he intended to get her professional help. Catlin made potentially threatening noises. He doubts Peter's word.
Adam made certain MJ didn't tear Scott limb from limb. Mary agreed to leave with Scott, although Kathleen and Cheryl were reluctant to let her go.
Mitch thought about convincing Brittany to go away. He phoned the Love house and learned she'd gone home. Felicia overheard and asked why he was worried about Brittany.
Peter cornered Brittany and informed her that she was to start seeing a psychiatrist for appearances' sake. He warned her against getting out of line. When he was out of the room for a second she phoned Mary's Place to look for Mitch. Nancy went to look for him and returned just as Peter did. She heard them squabbling and Brittany threatening Peter's life. Brittany hung up quickly. Jamie dashed in and asked if she were all right.
Victoria invited Greg to the Hallowe'en party. He asked if he could bring Nancy. She said he could and left. Nancy told him if he was going he could go alone.
Lily-white Mitch is too sweet for words. He is not carrying on with Brittany. He explained that he was worried about her. Felicia told him he was a nice guy.
Catlin warned Sara not to take any risks.
Brittany and Peter assured Jamie everything was fine. Jamie said she could call him if she needed anything.
Mitch warned Felicia against being too friendly in case other men get the wrong idea. He's going to protect her.
Adam vanished. MJ turned on Cheryl.
Mary started wondering how many of the horrible things which made her want to leave Bay City were organized by That Old Carrot.
Peter warned Brittany to behave herself. He recited appropriate bits of Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater for her. Left alone she stabbed her incipient jack-o'-lantern viciously.