Nicole told Cass she wanted action. Cass offered to act. He told her to stay behind., because she's the woman. She was furious.
Amanda told Sam that Rachel had called her to say he'd be working late, so she brought him extra marking pens and Mexican food. Actually the food is hers, meant to tempt him to ask her to stay and share.
Clara told Victoria to leave Michael and Donna alone. Victoria said she had to tell Michael the truth. Clara made Victoria come downstairs. She told her it was none of her business. Michael came down when they knocked a lamp over and asked what the problem was.
Sam stuffed his face and ignored Amanda, since he was working. He asked her to leave.
Nicole and Cass called each other dwarf names. Cass told Nicole he was a better second-storey man, being more experienced. She said she'd wait for him. He left. Nicole changed her mind as the elevator disappeared.
Victoria and Clara did not tell Michael what they had been arguing about. They said it was concern for Clara's health. Victoria fetched her medicine. She assured Michael that they were all deliriously happy and left to celebrate. Michael was perplexed.
Cass pried open a crate and hid when someone came in. It moves like Nicole. Cass flung his crowbar away from him in order to create a diversion and jumped her. It is Nicole. They squabbled.
Amanda convinced Sam to let her clean up, as long as she was quiet. She took his garbage out and did unnecessary dusting. He yelled at her when she looked at his paintings. She apologised and praised him. He said he'd be a better artist if he were Rachel, because she'd married money and therefore leisure. Amanda offered to make coffee. She answered his phone and he told her to take a message, but he was willing to talk to Joyce in Seattle. He misses her.
Victoria joined Tony in Tops and drank his scotch. They danced.
Nicole is no good with a crowbar. They found some of Barbara's own hideous designs. Nicole heard a noise and jumped into Cass' arms. (She SHOULD have been left behind.)
Sam drinks his coffee black. Amanda revealed herself to be an uncultured boor. She was vague about her father's occupation. He found out she'd taken the bus and said he'd give her a ride if she told him where she lived.
Michael worried about Victoria. Donna came down. She and Clara didn't say anything. Michael went to answer the phone. Clara told Donna Victoria had to be made to understand that she loved Michael or else she'd talk.
Victoria drank more Scotch. Jamie came over to object because she's underage. Victoria dragged Tony out onto the terrace and climbed upon the wall and wouldn't let Tony touch her. She lost her balance. Jamie came out and hauled her back. He sent Tony away. Victoria let him.
Michael has to attend a fire in Oklahoma. Oil fields. Arson.
Amanda had Sam drive her around and around. She was forced to pick a house at random. He waited and watched to see she got in, but she waved him away.
Cass and Nicole prowled around. A black cat appeared. Nicole hates cats. Barbara never goes anywhere without hers. (And yet it never occurred to them that Barbara would be with this one.)
Jamie gave Victoria tea and asked her to confide in him. She told him Donna was fooling around with John and denying it. Jamie asked if she was sure. She said she'd been sent photographs and seen them kissing. She doesn't want to break Michael's heart, but she doesn't want anyone else to do it. Jamie advised her to tell him the facts, no speculation. Victoria appreciated the advice. Jamie told her he wouldn't tell anyone. She headed for home. Zack has an appointment with Colette. Julie Ann arrived because Amanda had called and told her to come. Colette and Amanda showed up at the same time. Amanda told Julie Ann about her evening. She has an idea. Colette told Zack she'd received a ransom note. Amanda told Julie Ann she'd given Sam her [Julie Ann's] phone number. Julie Ann asked if it had occurred to her that she was lying to Sam. Amanda said she'd tell him when he'd fallen deeply in love with her and it would be all right.
Nicole couldn't find any of her designs. Cass sensed a trap. They hid when a woman (in heels) walked in.
It turned out that Oklahoma didn't need Michael. Clara went up to bed. Michael picked Donna up and carried her upstairs. Victoria came in. Clara came back in. Victoria told Clara she had a big day tomorrow and headed upstairs.
Donna looked pensive. Michael bundled her into bed.
Victoria stopped outside Michael and Donna's door.
Enter Barbara Van Arkdale, chain smoker. Nicole viewed her with fear and loathing.
"Send the money, or the chicken gets it." Zack told Colette they should return to the scene of the crime. Amanda decided to get her story straight about her parents.
Victoria knocked on the door, Michael invited her in. She said she had to talk to him alone.