It turns out that Cass had met Barbara in Monte Carlo. Nicole was furious. Barbara suggested that they had broken and entered.
Tony hit on Dawn. Scott came up and found out from Wally that Dawn was not "with" Tony and he'd been drinking. Peter assured That Old Carrot that Victoria would move soon.
Donna asked Victoria to put it off. Michael went downstairs with Victoria. Victoria told Michael she loved him and she wouldn't hurt him for anything. He told her there was nothing she couldn't tell him. Peter came in and lurked in the foyer.
Donna roamed around the bedroom and phoned Tops looking for Felicia. John answered, Donna found out that Felicia was in Europe and hung up quickly.
Scott saved Dawn from Tony's drunken clutches by saying they had a date. She was grateful. That Old Carrot bounded up and demanded to be introduced. Scott hustled Dawn into the elevator.
Nicole had a fit. She accused the pot of calling the kettle black. Barbara denied everything. She said she was bringing a suit against Nicole for stealing HER designs. Nicole lunged at her. Cass had to hold her back.
Michael misinterpreted Victoria's way of leading up to her confession and thought she was telling him Donna felt neglected. He told her about the baby. Victoria was stunned. Peter pondered. Michael rattled along happily. Victoria decided not to burst his bubble. Michael hugged her. Peter got on the phone to report failure. He suggested using Clara instead. He saw John pull up and got a move on. Donna came downstairs. Michael told her everything was out in the open.
John was fetching tools from the garage. Peter appeared and suggested he come up to the house. John refused. Peter asked if he wanted to buy the sailboat. John said he'd get back to him. He couldn't start his car. John told him he'd leave a message for him at Tops. Peter left, satisfied.
Barbara was coolly bitchy. Cass pointed out that the court might make and unfavourable correlation between being fired by her and having one's hands broken. Barbara was unperturbed.
Scott took Dawn for a walk. He explained about That Old Carrot. Dawn never knew her father (he wasn't Mac). They imagined themselves a boat and a moonlight cruise.
I hate Nicole. I much prefer Barbara's cool.
Donna was relieved to hear that everything was all right. Michael dashed to answer the phone. Victoria went upstairs, having issued a warning to Donna. Michael got off the phone and, catching sight of Peter, said that it had been arson at the oil field and we all know who goes in for that kind of thing. Michael went out to find That Old Carrot. Donna fretted. Peter told Donna he needed her signature to sell the boat. He told her John was in the garage. She rushed out saying she'd told him never to come back. Peter poured himself a congratulatory drink. Enter Clara. Peter told her where Donna had gone.
Donna accused John of having come to see her. He accused her of having left gardenias on his boat. Donna denied it. John didn't believe her. Clara overheard them shouting.
Michael chatted with That Old Carrot about arson.
Dawn could be straight out of L. M. Montgomery, or worse.
Cass dragged a threatening Nicole out. Barbara cuddled her cat.
Dawn and Scott took a trip to Europe. Whimsy is not my speed. Scott told her his favourite city was Venice. They played at gondoliers.
Nicole loathes Barbara. Cass told her Barbara could teach her something about strategy.
That Old Carrot and Peter chuckled over the phone.
John grabbed Donna's head and said he would never do anything to hurt her. Clara burst in. Donna escaped.
Michael returned home as Donna ran in. She kissed him. He noticed grease on her cheek and asked why she'd been in the garage.
Scott showed Dawn the sights. He promised to do it for real someday.
Nicole said life wasn't fair. Cass said death wasn't fair. They said it was time the good guys won. Nicole kissed him goodnight (cheeks, not lips) and went to bed. Cass spoke in a sinister foreign accent a little. How odd.
Donna said it was just dirt and she'd been in the garden. She got upset about That Old Carrot. Michael calmed her down. They decided to go to bed.
Clara asked John to walk her to the house. They saw the light in Michael and Donna's room. John stared.