April 22, 1985

Marley doesn't know why Donna takes such fits about gloves. Besides, she thinks she has kind of pretty hands.

Bridget came calling after Donna.

The Joneses are wondering about Dee. Mrs. Jones went to check on her.

Dee overheard the debs further. Sudden silence. Sudden strange sound.

Nancy's thrilled to death. She's not hungry. He's pleased with her reaction. They're going to dance. She can't believe this is happening. She's forgotten about the cotillion. Kissing and rustling and the occasional sigh.

The debs are taking fits because the bathroom is locked and the presentation is soon. They went upstairs. Mrs. Jones came and asked her to come out. Dee's crying. She said her dress was a little strange and she got upset. [knocking things over.] Her grandmother asked for the truth. She admitted she knocked the things over herself [sudden strange sound of before?] because she'd heard the debs talking and they made her mad they were so mean and everybody likes them. Mrs. Jones said she was so sweet and easily angered and hurt. Dee said those girls hated her. Mrs. Jones said big deal. Apparently Tony's insistence that Dee come out was not her idea like he said. She asked what the girls said. Dee told her about the Mamie Eisenhower bit. "Those hicks," sniffed Grandma contemptuously. She suggested they leave. She doesn't care what people say.

Donna was deterred with stories of a strange mysterious important phone call. Victoria was able to hide in the closet. Donna fled with her gloves and shawl. Victoria came out again. Continued her snooping. Bridget came back and scolded her. Victoria doesn't care. She doesn't know Donna's her mother. She says Donna's a smart one and it won't be easy to fool her.

Jake's asking Marley about herself. She speaks deutsch and französisch.

Dee told Cass and Tony she is leaving before being presented. Muffy came over and told her how cute her date was and he was the subject of much conversation and she hadn't been able to take her eyes off her dress all night. Sudden screaming presumably as a result of Dee's dumping the centerpiece on Muffy's head. Muffy took fits. The Joneses left.

Nancy doesn't want this to end. She's been accepted to school in California. She'd like to do drama. Perry told her Bay State had a good drama department too. She likes the California weather though. Kissing.

Marley's laughing herself into kinks. She's known Muffy since the third grade and she's always wanted to do that. Donna appeared so she composed herself. She says Enid Royer is out of control. Quote: "She says girls that spread vicious rumors DESERVE to have centerpieces thrown at them." she apologized to Jake. Marley thanked her for the gloves. Presentation time.

Cass asked Dee what was up. He's confused. He doesn't know if there's something wrong or if she doesn't care. Dee: do you care? Cass: of course not. I'm too insensitive to care. I'm too much of a jerk to care. Ask Felicia. Ask Kathleen. They'll tell you. She apologized. Tony appeared and sent her to her room. She said everything was fine and left. Tony told Cass off. Cass told him off right back and clutched his collar.

Donna's upset. Mrs. Royer is blaming the whole fiasco on her. She wants to leave. Marley will too.

Bridget tried to get Victoria to leave. Victoria wonders what it would've been like to grow up with Marley's advantages. She and Jake are going to make sure she [Vic] gets what's coming to her.

Cass told Tony he was a creep. And a little slimy small creep at that. He accused him of trying to use Dee to get ahead in society. Tony told him he held him responsible for this evening. Cass asked which bit, the beautiful bit or the bit where she dumped flowers over that little witch. The latter said Tony. Good said Cass that's the bit I was proud of. He told him all about Dirk and said pretty much everything that had annoyed him. A lot of yelling. Cass called him a twerp and told him the debt was paid and threw him out with Mrs. Jones's help. Dee talked to her alone for a bit. She doesn't want anything to happen to Cass.

Nancy and Perry. Nancy thinks she should go home. She's been swept about as far as she can be swept. He understands. She's scared. BUT NOT TERRIFIED. More kissing.

Donna went in while Marley said g'night to Jake on the doorstep. She thanked him. She had a wonderful time with him. He made sure she didn't think he was the druggie. She told him Nancy told her everything. She misses Ben. He offered himself as substitute McKinnon. She kissed him quick and rushed in. Victoria appeared from the shrubbery and attacked him. Donna called out and I guess they beat it. Marley told Bridget she'd had an enchanting time. Bridget went to bed. Donna and Marley talked about not the right sort of people. Donna was nasty about Ben's unletters. Marley likes Jake and Ben.

Cass is drinking to his kneecaps. Dee came out and told him she'd heard what he told Tony. She said she had to tell him she loved him.

Victoria said weird things about Jake's sheets. Ironed sheets. Jake told her about Marley's linguistic capabilities. Vic seems to yearn to meet Marley. She doesn't want to talk about her tonight.

Cass said thank-you. She asked how he felt. He said he cared for her too much to lie he didn't love her. Dee: I know that. Cass: I love Kathleen. Dee: but--she's gone. Cass: so I noticed. She said he didn't have to love her and cried and she could make him happy. What he said amounted to she was too good for him. She begged him to give her a chance. He said he wanted to be able to tell her everything was all right but all he could do was tell her he didn't love her.




Just guess what Victoria means. Victory. Ha.