Rachel sketching. Carl trying to make conversation. She's short with him. Her sketch is of Mac.
Peter told Mac about helping Catlin in Wyoming. Mac's sure he'll do his best.
Cass muttering sullenly about Brava. Dee trying to be friendly. Cass sulking.
Kathleen & MJ preparing for Ben's going-away party. Donna floated in and MJ bogged off. Kathleen's mad at Donna withdrawing her recommendation. Donna said nasty things about her background. She said she wished Ben well and she thought it was good he was going away to make it easier for him and Marley to break it off. Kathleen said she didn't think they'd break it off because they were crazy about each other. Donna said that since Marley's been going to public school she [Marley] had become very democratic but once Ben went away she'd come to realise that a relationship with a man of such social standing would be inconceivable. Kathleen leapt to the defense of her family and called Donna obnoxious among other things. Donna said she was merely stating the truth and class had nothing to do with money, it had to do with BREEDING. And if the McKinnons won the lottery Ben still wouldn't be Marley's equal. Kathleen flipped out. "Listen. My brother Ben is as equal as anyone. SO AM I. And so is my father AND SO ARE MY TWO SISTERS AND SO IS MY DOG PROMETHEUS NO HE'S ON A MUCH HIGHER LEVEL THAN YOU ARE." Maisie and MJ appeared to arbitrate. Maisie: What's going on here? Donna: Just a little philosophical disagreement. Ben and Marley arrived. Donna was deeply effusive. She left. Kathleen muttered about Donna to MJ. MJ thinks she's upset with Cass and taking it out on Donna.
Dee is parading about with a book on her head for the benefit of a wholly abstracted and indifferent Cass. She's trying to dress right for him. He's fixing her grammar. She'll try. And her diction. Moses supposes his toeses are roses but Moses supposes erroneously, she said, trying to impress him. Cass was vaguely impressed but he said the chances of Mrs. Royce bringing up Moses or his toeses were very remote. Dee wished she knew what Mrs. Royce would talk about. Cass snapped at her and was instantly contrite. She forgave him. He left. She threw herself face down on the furniture hollering "He's gonna see her. He's gonna see her. That's ALL he thinks about."
The McKinnon festivities at Smiley's are in full swing. Vince is telling stupid complimentary stories about Ben to an admiring audience of Benwomen. Cheers. Cass arrived. Wished Ben well. Borrowed Kathleen. They went out back. Cass kissed her before she could yell at him and said he'd been wrong and apologized. She said he was wonderful. He said she was. She returned to the party saying joyfully that's it that's all there is. He said to himself that's it except for one more little thing.
Carl says he'll win. Rachel: Are you aware of how often you repeat yourself, Carl? It's a sign of a serious problem. Carl called her a foolish creature and set her sketch of Mac afire. Rachel: Another bad sign: destructive behaviour. He decided 'twas time to call Mac again. She's given strict instructions as to what to say. If she gives Mac cause for suspicion she'll be cut off and never allowed to talk to him again. Rachel sounded wooden. She'll call him back again tonight. He told her Amanda was having difficulty sleeping. Rachel told him to ask Nancy where a doll called Noreen was to help Amanda sleep. Mac said he would. She rang off. Carl says they'll be moving along soon and they'll be together for a long long time when Mac's out of the way and she might even grow to like it. He left. Rachel said she would not give in to his madness.
Carter wished Ben well. Jamie and Jake are now there. Jamie and MJ and Kathleen discussed the sudden Love tendency to go deeply aggressive in business matters.
Mac left Peter. Cass arrived and told him he didn't like (a) having his company raided; (b) the idea of Kathleen working for him; and (c) him. (Good for Cass. I don't like the man either if you've not guessed.) Cass told Peter he loved Kathleen. Peter dredged up Cecile. Cass told him to watch his step and he didn't believe he knew nothing of Emily's murderousness and he was to watch his step around Kathleen. Peter threw him out.
Ben has to leave. Jake's taping the good-byes. Marley's going to miss him so much. Kathleen interrogated Maisie subtly about Marley's reasons for working there. She left looking conniving. Ben and Marley's tearful good-bye outside alone. Passionate kiss and squeezing of shoulders. The man left. Marley cried and cried and returned to waitressing. Jake's filming Marley walking up and down. He spoke vehemently of the poor kids on the south side. He asked Nancy where Perry was. At Tallboys, she said, he runs TWO restaurants, wriggling her shoulders and looking smug. He said something about her needing a man who could show her a good time. She's leaving. He invited her to come up to his room when he got some playback equipment. She left with encouraging words to Marley. Marley asked Jake to stop taping her. He said he was just keeping an eye on her for Ben.
Rachel thinking furiously. Willing Mac not to forget about the doll.
Mac talking to Nancy. The doll escaped him. The old goat.
Donna asked Peter if he thought he could afford his philanthropy. She can't figure out why he wants so desperately to clear Catlin's name. She said warningly that Catlin and Sally loved each other very much and it would take a lot to change that. Peter merely looked smug and swilled some form of beverage. (Why is Donna concerned? Is she AGAINST Sally and Peter or is she FOR Sally and Catlin?)
Dee dancing. Cass turned off the music. She's dressed as herself. They argued. She said if he were allowed to have moods she should be, too. He asked what was wrong. She raved and raved and raved and said she didn't give a damn about being a deb.
Marley crying on Donna's shoulder. Donna's trying to comfort her but Marley doesn't appreciate it. Kathleen arrived. She ordered Donna to call Mrs. Royer and recommend Dee for the cotillion. Donna refused. Kathleen told her she'd be sorry.
Dee writing in her diary. Complaining about how Kathleen fills Cass' every thought and word and deed even when she makes an effort to please him. More flinging of self on furniture.
Kathleen asked Donna to ring for the maid so she could have tea. Donna told her to leave. Kathleen asked if the butler would show her out. Donna said she would herself with pleasure. Kathleen asked where the butler was and proceeded to tell Donna she had no servants and said if class had nothing to do with money and it were all breeding why was she so afraid of folk finding out she was broke? (Huzzah huzzah she done good.)
Rachel wouldn't eat with Carl so she can't phone Mac till later.
Mac asked Nancy about Noreen. Nancy, puzzled, said that Rachel knew she hadn't got the doll any longer because some boy had made off with it ages ago and they always called it the doll that Billy Jackson kidnapped. KIDNAPPED said Mac and leaped to the phone to ring the New York police.