Jake dropped by the McKinnon place begging for Kathleen's ear.
Rachel's in a bad temper because Brian reads Chinese. The next clue was the Chinese character for and. She accused everyone of being in cahoots with Mac. Mac appeared with a new clue.
Cass asked Michaud why Felicia had to have a second visualization. He's rather upset. Michaud impersonated a reasonable man and said it was just an experiment. Felicia told Cass to calm down. He and Zane don't like it. Felicia got rid of Cass to say goodbye to Zane alone again. They will be counting the days.
Cass called Kathleen and informed her he was coming over. Jake has told Kathleen the whole sordid Marley story. She corrects his grammar* and comforts him with assurances that Marley loves him. Peter came over. Kathleen ran to fetch galley proofs. Peter was rather civil and told him to leave the twins alone. Jake said he didn't take orders from him. Exit Jake.
Chris: what does that say again? The black and the white that rides in the red? Nancy: you know Chris you've said that about 100 times Now. Ada: that's some riddle. Some riddle. Rachel: are you enjoying this are you happy about this? Are you enjoying this? Mac: I'd tell her the answer if she got testy but she just LOVES working out puzzles. LAUGHTER. Chris: he does this to you often? Rachael: a LOT. Nancy: you'd think a doctor would have a nimbler mind. Chris: thank you. And you haven't killed him? Rachel: HE doesn't bother me as much as the rest of these smug onlookers. Chris: I know exactly what you mean. Nancy: OK I'll tell you what. I'll give you a hint. Chris: no, don't tell us anything. Nothing. Rachel: no wait a minute. Nothing? Chris: what's black and white and red all over? Rachel: we've DONE this. Chris: no no no. A newspaper. Okay. Black and white and RIDES IN THE RED. Rachel: a newspaper in trouble. Chris: a newspaper reporter and a penguin riding a fire engine. Rachel: anewspaperreporterandapenguinridingafireengine. Nancy: anewspaperreporterandapenguinridingafireengine. Rachel: RIGHT. Chris: I'm seeing a new side of you Nancy. A side I hate. Rachel figured out it was a Dalmatian. "Romance and adventure and you and me and a Dalmatian!" They all laughed at her. it's the last clue. Rachel has to fix up the Dalmatian before it's acceptable. Ada suggested he was giving her a fire engine. Chris and Nancy were left alone.
Carl told Daphne to arrange a meeting with Nancy so she could stand her up and he could see her in her place. She is the way to Chris Chapin BUT she doesn't love him. Says Carl. She loves Perry.
Cass showed up at Kathleen's. He and Peter were very rude to each other and Peter left. Cass told Kathleen he didn't like the experiment. She suggested they get Daniel's help. He said he'd pump Daphne then.
Mac won't tell. Rachel threw everybody else out. She told him he was taking her on a cruise up the coast of Yugoslavia. Dalmatia. He was thrilled. Loud kissing.
Kathleen found Daniel. He said there was nothing going on. She told him she knew about Edouard and she wanted the truth. She is worried about Felicia. He took her somewhere.
Cass found Daphne [Carl had to hide]. She was on edge. He asked about Felicia's second visualization. She said it wasn't her department. She knows nothing. She thinks he's being silly. Cass was shown out dissatisfied. "people get into bad moods. But this too shall pass." Carl was let out. He accused Daphne of having succumbed to Cass' charm at some point and going so far as to sleep with him. She didn't deny it exactly but it's the first I've heard of it.
Daniel wouldn't tell Kathleen anything. He just kept telling her everything was all right. He admitted Daphne is a bit out of her plate but Felicia won't be hurt. She was not appeased.
Felicia is being rushed through things. She heard a woman tell Michaud they needed a karate instructor and she proffered Catlin as a black belt. [I was astounded.] He took her into the visualization room. He told her to concentrate.
Kathleen reported to Cass. She trusts Daniel. He doesn't. He told her Daphne had been remote, tense, and nervous but he didn't think it had aught to do with Felicia.
Chris is poring over the 101 Dalmatians. Nancy told him what the treasure was. She is impressed. Chris said she was really into THINGS. It comes from having little as a child. He's more into people. Ada surprised the minute clinch and hollered I NEED MY GLASSES. She made small talk and left. Just as Chris and Nancy were beginning to collect their scattered wits Daphne called. Nancy arranged to meet her in Smiley's before class. She told Chris she was meeting Marley.
The Cory household is a beehive of activity getting rid of Brian. Ada cornered Chris and there were mutual apologies for their last little talk or yell as the case may be. Chris said she could trust him. Ada said she wasn't asking if his intentions were honourable. He said they were. She was pleased and struck dumb.
Nancy gushed to Jake about his wonderful relationship with Marley. He kept trying to shut her up and snapped at her. Exit Jake.
Felicia is relaxed. Michaud told her to let her emotions come to the surface. He left her alone.
Mac and Rachel are a couple of dopes planning to spend a month cruising POSH. She's worried about Carl but he's beefing up security.
Carl startled Nancy and asked for a moment of her time gazing at the pendant.
Edouard came out of the mist as Michaud spoke with suppressed excitement. She [Felicia] reached up to feel his face.