Carl awoke but was unable to see Marley among the shadows and rocks. He said she wouldn't get far.
Edouard is not looking forward to his Audition for Raoul Lefferts, genius. Indignity of indignities. Felicia told him it could help his career. He asked her to stay to prevent bloodshed. Zane called for Felicia. For a late date. She agreed. Then she told Edouard what was what and informed him we would be charming and cooperative and not lose our temper tonight. Edouard said he wouldn't cut his own throat but he might cut t'other's. Raoul was announced slightly premature.
Daniel told Sally he'd rewritten the script. She took fits especially when she saw he'd written them a kiss.
Chris raved about the beautiful girl he loved in his delirium. Nancy said WHO? He said he had to keep her safe. He mentioned his lust which he had kept in check. Nancy asked if he meant HER. She assured him they had plenty of time and begged God not to let him die.
Raoul is rather conceited. Felicia is doing her best to keep life in order and avoid an audition. He'll return at 9 tomorrow morning. Exit Raoul. Felicia gave Edouard what for. He said Raoul was pompous. She told him she would love to see his career take off. He asked her to read the script with him. She declined.
Marley whimpered for Jake and sniffled.
Felicia found Zane gone but a note promising to return soon. She looked around and discovered a ring in lieu of a bottle opener. Enter Zane. She got nervous. He's leaving tomorrow for the Mary Jane dive. As far as I can tell Zane keeps bottle openers in the laundry hamper. He said even a houseplant could tell Cass hadn't murdered Daphne [that's Donna, right behind the begonias]. He plots to have Felicia to himself all evening.
Sally told Daniel a kiss should mean something. He asked if she felt guilty. She said not. He said it was rather sweet, really. She snapped at him for being condescending. He said Catlin was a very lucky man but he doubted he was as loyal as she was. She said he was. He is surprised she is so sure. He doesn't believe in faithful husbands. So they'll kiss tomorrow. Daniel is SUCH a jerk.
Carl assured Marley there was no place to hide. She cowered behind a rock.
Jake waiting for the dawn told Marley to hang on and he'd get to her.
The desert is still. The occasional whimper escapes Marley.
Chris woke up undelirious. Nancy told him how sick he'd been. He began spouting medical jargon. She started laughing because he's alive. They have no water. They are relieved. Funny breathing.
Felicia doesn't think Zane should overtax himself. He wants to hurry back from Lake Superior. Felicia was left alone while he went to shower. I'm told she got the ring stuck on her hand and had to hide it. Zane emerged and said his goodbyes. He thinks it would be fun if Edouard gets the part and goes to Hollywood. Exit Zane. Felicia muttered under her breath.
Daniel thinks the commercial is swell but they have to redo the kiss. Sally laughed and said no.
Jake is out in his chopper looking for his lost love.
Felicia struggled with the ring. [?] Edouard showed Raoul out. He thinks he impressed him no end. He is pleased with himself. Hollywood in a month for them. THEM?
Daniel apologized to Sally for upsetting her. He told her she was frightened of her attraction to him. She laughed and said that was presumptuous. He told her not to deny it. She told him to leave her alone when he accused her of being afraid to leave Catlin alone.
Nancy told Chris he said some things last night. He doesn't recall. He said delirious hosp. patients said pretty embarrassing things. She refused to tell him what he'd said.
Marley kept hiding from Carl. He stalked her.
Felicia wondered why Zane hadn't given her the ring. She had a strange thought I didn't recognize [probably because it hadn't taken place] in which he did give the engagement ring. She hesitated. She said [out of the dream] "maybe it's not your problem... maybe it's mine."
Chris pushed Nancy to tell him. She confessed he talked about love. He deduced it had been about her. He said whatever he said wouldn't embarrass him [hey, it did ME] because he would have meant every word. He's sure of his feelings.
Marley skulked.
Jake chopped and chatted with the pilot through a headset.