Zane and Felicia are not particularly articulate at the moment. She's going to purge her system of Edouard's residue by finishing the book.
Victoria woke up alone in Jake's room at 2:30 AM. She suspects him of being with Marley.
Marley told Jake she couldn't be with him and he had to go to Victoria. He said he loved her and he wouldn't leave until she believed that. She said he'd loved Vicki first and Vicki loves him. He said that didn't matter. She said love couldn't be that selfish. He said their love was real. Enter Dee. Jake stopped out saying he'd be riding his motorcycle all night. Marley went to bed.
Victoria smashed the alarm clock and pulled the bedding about threatening Jake and Marley.
Felicia wrote bits of her book about finding a new love because of Edouard.
Edouard's bandages are coming off first thing in the morning. "Felicia will it be too late for us?"
Maisie teased Jake about not being able to remember his name. "Hey, come on, give me a kiss, stranger." [Jake beware the predatory Maisie is on the prowl. Actually she's inclined to behave herself once a man is spoken for UNLIKE SOME WOMEN I COULD MENTION.] "now don't take this wrong honey but you look terrible. I mean you kiss great but you look terrible." He's tired after his all night ride. He's going upstairs to sleep. Maisie suggested he chat with Kathleen. Jake: hello Kathleen. Kathleen: excuse me, I don't think that we've met. [This may be off topic but do you know what I like about Felicia? She never looks like she's about to ambush Catlin. Even Aunt Liz does.] Jake: I just went through this whole thing with Maisie. Kathleen: oh, you mean I'm old hat? Jake: no, I didn't say that, I just have not been gone that long. Hello — Cass. Cass: Jake, isn't it? Kathleen: I wouldn't know how long you've been gone, I never hear from you anyway. Jake: just what I need, a good dose of that McKinnon guilt. Makes me feel great. Kathleen: you're right, I'm sorry. Heaven knows I've had enough of it. But you could at least call. You could come over for DINNER. Jake: I will, I promise. I'm going to go take a shower now. Kathleen: yeah. Go clean up your act. And then — Jake: I will CALL. I will call. I'll see you guys. Cass: see you Jack. Jake: you don't quit. Exit Jake. Cass and Kathleen are worried about Felicia and Edouard. Cass: WHY? Why didn't he just drop her a note? "I'm alive, I still love you, let's get together." Kathleen accused Cass of having rigged her visualization to insinuate himself into her thoughts. [Kathleen: YOU. Cass: ME, what me? Kathleen: you RIGGED mine. Cass: I did not. Kathleen: then how did you pop up in my visualization? Cass: I — I did? Kathleen: WELL. That's a relief, at least. Cass: wait, that wasn't rigged. Kathleen: oh come on don't take me for a fool, Cass. Cass: who would rig yours? Who put me in yours? Kathleen: YOU, that's who. You knew all about this rigging thing. Cass: I did not. You know I didn't. [PAUSE.] SO. I was there, huh? Kathleen: along with several other men. Cass: YEAH? Kathleen: you were the most fleeting of images. Cass: uhuh. ME, huh? "When I woke up this morning doo doo doo doo da doo doo you were on my mind" Kathleen: only my FIRST visualization. MANY painful parts of my life wormed their way through. Cass: what was I wearing? How did I look, okay? Kathleen: I am not going to discuss this anymore, period. Cass: did I have that little smile? Kathleen: well. I'll see you later. Cass: in your dreams.] Kathleen went to see Michaud about the visualizations.
The bandages will come of[f] in a matter of minutes. Edouard is worried about Felicia's reaction. Michaud is supremely confident. [Is he going to behave himself in Detroit?]
Dee's been up all night. Marley: what's the matter? Dee: oh, nothing. It's just that when you're a jerk you don't sleep much I guess. She's still upset about blowing it with Adam. She thinks Marley might have good advice but Marley's advice was not forthcoming. Dee advised her to make up with Jake. Marley went to see someone. Dee thinks her pep talk worked.
Vic bitched to Bridget about Marley and Jake. She can't stand by and let them live happily ever after. Donna entering heard Jake's name and got upset. Vic left. Donna questioned Bridget. Bridget said Victoria was over dramatizing things. Donna decided it didn't matter. She's going to stop Jake. Enter Marley. Donna praised her for coming to her senses. Marley has just come for her birth certificate to register at Bay State. And to tell Donna again she needed her freedom. They quarreled. Donna dragged Jake into it. Exit Marley.
Kathleen asked Michaud about Felicia's visualization. He admitted that all visualizations were rigged to make the woman happiest. And the process is slightly different for everyone. Kathleen commented on the lack of Egyptian thingummybobs strewn about the room. She is surprised Daphne put them away because she seems the sort to see a thing through. Michaud said she didn't know Daphne very well. He asked if she were suspicious. "Heavens no, me? What would I have to be suspicious about?"
Peter wants Victoria to sign some papers but she's out. Donna wants him to file charges against Jake for kidnapping Marley. Peter shot that suggestion down promptly. Donna wants him in jail somehow. Not that he's actually committed a crime or shown any tendency to do so in the near future. She thinks Jake is poisoning Marley against them. Peter pointed out she'd said the same thing about Ben and Sally. Donna doesn't think Sally is in the same league with Jake. Peter told Donna to be reasonable. She snatched up her purse and rushed out. Peter called after her "DONNA whatever you're thinking DON'T do it."
Dee told Maisie about Marley and Jake [mentioning her own spinsterhood in passing]. Enter Victoria who expressed Incredible concern [ha!] for Marley and Jake's relationship. She was relieved to hear he'd been alone all night and was sleeping alone now. Dee told Victoria Marley and Jake were crazy about each other. Maisie told Victoria Peter had called about some papers to sign. Vic went out the back way.
Jake's in bed dreaming about kissing Marley very enthusiastically sans chemise and then saying he couldn't do it. [He doesn't sleep anywhere near as cute as Michael J Fox.] Victoria came and sat on the bed and forgave him everything. He's dead tired but conscious. She left promising to see him tomorrow.
Zane and Felicia are deliriously happy and thinking about considering practicing living together. This is big league stuff. She is to give her answer just before he goes Lake Superioring. It's going to be on their minds constantly. Sound of a man being slapped roguishly.
Cass: couldn't we talk at Lesoleil? Kathleen: ears have walls there. Cass: walls have ears. Kathleen: whatever. She told him about seeing Michaud. He told her he'd found out other things. Cass: Daphne Grimaldi. Kathleen: oh, that is not another direction. I've suspected her from the start. Cass: but of what, my dear, of what? Kathleen: EVERYTHING. Cass: that's a little vague. You can't randomly suspect somebody because you don't like her. [Poor Daphne. Nobody likes her. Not even Carl. And Michaud certainly seems to be losing his grip on reality.] Cass got the Interpol report from MJ. Daphne's a shady lady with many other names and criminal record in Cairo. They have to find out if Michaud or anyone else at Lesoleil knows. Kathleen thinks Felicia could be in danger.
Jake was forced to drag himself from his bed to admit Donna to his room.
Kathleen called Peter to tell him she was pulling the Lesoleil stuff until further notice. Peter took fits but she ignored him. She wouldn't explain. He told her Mac would be unhappy. She doesn't care. Cass wasn't thrilled. Kathleen won't rest or publish anything about Lesoleil until she's sure everything is all right.
Felicia wrote about her last meeting with Edouard. He gave her a rose and left. It was in a Moorish castle. She mentioned his 8-year seclusion and subsequent disappearance 7 years ago.
Edouard has two eyes. Michaud is thrilled.
Jake told Donna to give up. She told him to leave her sisters alone. He told her the girls were old enough to decide for themselves. She observed that he was a very attractive young man in his own way. She asked him if he'd like to earn a great deal of money.