September 16, 1985

Nancy found Chris in Smiley's and they argued about her concern in his affairs. They made up and ordered hot fudge sundaes. Chris is writing to the Egyptian guy telling him to buzz off. Nancy disagrees.

Daphne told Carl she had a present for him. They made a date to meet in his hotel room tonight so she could give it to him. Carl is aware Daphne's up to something but she won't win.

The Marleys argued about the lies [mostly about Jake]. Marley said they could start over again only if they promised to tell the whole truth always. Vic agreed and said she had a question. "How was it with Jake?"

Nancy persisted in saying father Chapin can't have been all bad. Chris refuses to believe that. She told him he'd be happy if this Egyptian thing were good and if 'twere bad he'd have to set it straight so he had to accept it. He told her to drop it.

Marley proclaimed her innocence. She said Jake was all Victoria's. Vic didn't seem to think Marley had any say in the matter. She asked Marley to come home. Marley won't. It's Victoria's turn to be Donna's only child and Marley's chance to live her own life.

Tom and Carter are madly in love and spooning on the couch. Tom is the wildest matchmaker. She's trying to set Dee up with a friend of Carter's and she has high hopes of the godparents. They decided to invite Victoria to the christening.

Victoria told Donna Marley wasn't coming home. Vic took Marley's side. Donna went to fetch Marley herself. Vic told Bridget Marley was in love with Jake in spite of herself. She said Marley loved her too so she was giving him up. Bridget told Vic she was within her rights in hanging on to Jake. Vic went to wait for him in his room.

Meat and Sixpack dropped by to visit Dee and Marley. Dee bemoaned the shortage of men. Donna arrived. Marley made the introductions and Meat extended his hand. Donna looked at it in horror.

Daphne got to Carl's. She presented him with a wicker basket containing a major clue. They decided to work together. Michaud hampers Daphne and time is against Carl. Carl says Michaud is a silly boy. ["The boy is a silly boy, he's a silly boy and I'm going to punish him."] He sounds likely to attack Daphne. Champagne. They have to get the ring and the pendant. Daphne knows who has the ring.

Nancy and Chris get along fine. Enter Victoria looking for Jake. Chris was civil to her. Nancy was unthrilled. Vic dispersed. Nancy was catty at Vic's expense. She said Chris was different around her. Chris said he wasn't used to girls like that. ["She FLIRTS."]

Donna was mercifully saved by Dee leaving and taking Meat and Sixpack to the Todds'. Marley invited them to come back any time. Marley told Donna she'd loved Lassiter and she knew she could be stronger and freer. Donna said she could live in the gatehouse. She doesn't like Meat and Sixpack but she supposes they're delightful company after spending weeks with Jake.

Dee was introduced to Carter's friend Adam Becker. She tried too hard.

Victoria wandered around Jake's room and looked at a bit of videotape of Marley. She got a bit of paper and started writing a letter about deceitful Jake. She crumpled it up and decided to just love him.

Donna and Marley quarrelled about Jake. He knocked on the door.

Daphne and Carl said Nancy had the ring. They can't think where the pendant is unless Frederick gave it to Chris. Carl will look into it. Daphne wants the ring. Carl said he wouldn't allow Nancy to be hurt. She wasn't thrilled.

Nancy wants Chris to sleep on his letter. They argued. She wants him to wait.

Donna blamed Jake for everything. She told him to leave. Marley threw her out. She examined a bruised and battered Jake. He kissed her palm.

Carl spoke of Nefertiti and kissed Daphne. She didn't hit him but she said it had to wait in order to keep the search uncomplicated. He sighed. One gets the feeling she is leading him on in order to get what she wants.

Adam left. Dee kicked herself. The Todds consoled her.

Victoria is naked waiting for Jake in bed. There are candles scattered about.

Marley asked Jake to leave and go to Victoria. He refused. He was about to kiss her when they froze as The End came upon them.


