Cass talked to to Mrs. Royer on the phone and they agreed that Cass as Dee's escort would be inappropriate. He has yet to tell Dee. Kathleen arrived. Strained small talk. Very polite.
Wallingford thinks they should try to patch things up between Cass and Kathleen by inviting them to dinner at the Northwoods Inn. Felicia's squeamish about being sole owner. She feels like a thief. Wally told her she couldn't back out. She intends to ask Grant to be her partner.
Geoffrey is determined to finalize the deal before it's condemned.
Ada's going to talk to Rachel about therapy at Mac's request. Rachel was initially opposed. She was mad that Ada was taking Mac's side but she gave in.
Felicia feels guilty about TAKING ADVANTAGE of Geoffrey. Wallingford's expecting a call from Marty his stockbroker. He doesn't want her to back out. The call came.
Kathleen asked to speak to Cass alone. Dee went to her room. Cass told Kathleen she looked great. She wanted to put bits of his book in Brava. He signed something for her. He said there was something he'd been wanting to ask her for very long time. Giving the impression of deep significance. But he chickened out and asked about royalties. Some chat about round figures. He asked her to sit down but she said she had to leave. He walked her to the door. He hopes to see her soon-about the serialization he added hastily. Drop by any time she said. She left. Cass: JERK. You should'a ' grabbed her and kissed her and told her how much you loved her. But no. You had to play it cool. I'D LIKE TO HAVE SOME INPUT ABOUT GRAPHICS. PLEASE. All I wanted was to kiss her. Dee appeared behind him during this.
Rachel went to see Dr. Linden with Ada. Ada was sent to the waiting room. The doctor is going to ask questions and give tests. Rachel says nothing's bothering her.
Grant is a crossword puzzle fiend. Carter found Quinn's cheque and got mad. Felicia called Grant and urged him to meet her to talk about the Northwoods Inn. He left. Carter resumed his argument with Tom. She thinks they should accept it but he's too proud. He opened the door to leave and Quinn was there. He left. Quinn said "I have the feeling that I came at a bad time. "
Carter at Smiley's overheard Wallingford talking to Marty about stocks and easy money. He advised Carter not to let money mess things up.
Tom took Carter's side with Quinn. Quinn doesn't want her to worry about money. Tom said she told Carter she'd give it back. She was firm.
Cass told Dee he wouldn't be her escort. She said she'd blow it without him. He said he'd be there but not as her escort. She's upset they won't dance together enough. He pretended he found her date from a wonderful family in Bay City. The name is a surprise. She blamed everything on Kathleen. He said Kathleen had nothing to do with it and it was for the best. He's nearly twice her age. He left the room. She said KATHLEEN DID THIS. She's not going to get away with it and stalked out.
Dr. Linden showed Rachel ink spots. Rachel: oh. Dr. Linden: oh what? Rachel: well, this is sort of a sexy picture. Dr. Linden: I see. Why do you think it's sexy? Rachel: well, it looks like two people beginning to touch. Dr. Linden: ANY two people, or people you know? Rachel said it reminded her of Rodin's the Kiss. She was surprised she knew Rodin. "They tell me I'm an artist." she hasn't done any sculpting or anything since the accident. He showed her a different kind of picture. Dr. Linden: what do you see? Rachel: I see a man and a woman. Dr. Linden: and what are the man and woman doing? Rachel: well, they've finished. Dr. Linden: finished? Finished what? Rachel: making love.
Felicia convinced Grant to be her partner not without some difficulty. She puts up money. He puts up know-how. He went to tell Carter. Felicia told Geoffrey she thought he was asking too little.
Wallingford talked further to Marty. Marty told him the Northwoods Inn was about to be condemned and he rushed out shouting WHAT HAVE I DONE? Carter was listening through a plant.
Quinn apologized to Carter. He said she needn't worry. She wants them to have insurance. She wants to help and it wasn't Tom's fault she had an overprotective mother. She left on good terms with him.
Dr. Linden told Ada Rachel was suffering from post-traumatic stress. Afraid to remember the being Rachel bit of her life because of Carl. It can go on indefinitely. She must have therapy. It could last for months. He wants to help her for her own good.
Geoffrey's lawyer arrived. Felicia said the Northwoods Inn was marvelous, wonderful, terrific, WORTH A LOT OF MONEY. They said how about $150,000 she said $125,000 was what she had in mind. They said OK. So let's sign the papers.
Wally's having a fits in a taxi stuck in the Tunnel.
Dee went to the Complex to see Kathleen. Kathleen was cordial. Dee interrogated her. Kathleen said they'd talked business not cotillion. She told Dee wasn't hard to get a man's attention but it was hard to keep it.
Carter was thrilled to hear about Grant's partnership. Grant said he should work less now and spend time with his wife.
Felicia gave Geoffrey a certified check. She went to get champagne. They fled. Wallingford arrived. Felicia is in a very good mood.
Tom's thrilled about the Northwoods Inn. Carter apologized. They're happy. Grant won't be back for a bit.
Felicia told Wally she'd bought the inn. She's insanely happy. He's laughing and laughing. She left. He made agonized faces and moaned.
Cass fantasized about reconciling with Kathleen and kissing her in slow motion. He berated himself again for not kissing her and telling her how much he loved her.
Rachel told Ada she wouldn't go back to Dr. Linden. She asked herself if she WERE afraid to remember.