September 13, 1985

Donna and Victoria returned. Donna wanted to speak to Marley.

Marley was up late last night pacing but she won't admit it. Dee is concerned.

Cass told Kathleen how much he appreciated her healthy appetite after all of those women at Lesoleil who pick at their food. She dropped her Smiley burger as a hot coal and reminded him she'd been transformed. They argued about telling Felicia. Cass: look, if we hadn't overheard this conversation last night we wouldn't even know this to tell her. Kathleen: if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound if no one hears it? Cass: what has that got to do with it? Kathleen: NOTHING, I'm just trying to follow your philosophical bent. Cass: okay. We need a better approach to resolve this conflict. A more enlightened approach to the problem. We CAN'T tell her. Kathleen: we have to. Cass: We can't. Kathleen: we have to. And so on and so forth seemingly interminably. Cass banged on the table to emphasize his point.

Zane has been sitting patiently pretending Felicia was fishing while she wrote. She asked if it bothered him that she was writing about Edouard. He said he didn't think it ought to and she was unable to get any more out of him. She suggested they celebrate the book's first draft next week. He coughed apologetically and said he wouldn't be around.

Peter confessed Marley had moved out. Donna was dumbstruck. He said she'd moved in with Dee. Donna said she'd moved out to be with Jake.

Special from last Marley said things had been strange (Dee: yeah, that trip to Lassiter sounded like a trip all right. Marley: yeah, it kinda was. [???]) Dee and Marley get along great. Tom came over with the baby asking for sanctuary from concerned grandparents. They are preparing for the christening and Jake's the godfather and Tom has a favor to ask Marley.

Zane's going to be doing some scouting for the Mary Jane. Felicia suggested it could wait and she could go too. He said he wasn't going alone and Felicia was strange but not inclined to ask. He explained he was going with six guys from the oceanic institute with a submarine. He's sort of like the historian and their friend. She asked why he hadn't told her. He didn't want her to worry [she's worried about the submarine] any longer than she had to. He's leaving tomorrow for a week. They think this is getting serious. Kissing.

Michaud doesn't want Edouard to get upset. Gerard is restless. Daphne was working late into the night last night. Edouard is worried about the curse.

Larry went to Smiley's looking for Clarice as usual. Maisie told him she was sick at home. He fled.

Kathleen doesn't think two men should be allowed to manipulate Felicia's life. Cass says they're doing it out of love. They quarreled madly. Cass thinks they shouldn't meddle in her personal life. Cass: maybe she would be surprised and delighted by this. Kathleen: and? Cass: and we'd have to admit that we were eavesdropping and she might get mad at me. Kathleen: you're a tower of strength. Cass: oh now don't get so high and mighty with me. Are you ready to tell her why we were outside that window last night? That we're investigating Lesoleil, the most important thing in her entire life? Kathleen: we are not investigating Lesoleil, we're investigating Daphne. Cass: since when? Kathleen: since we found out that Michaud is not doing anything nefarious. She said they had to tell her and she knew she was right. When Cass ascertained that she had no doubts he gave in. He said he'd tell her. He thinks he's more tactful. They argued about that. She said they could argue in the car on the way to Felicia's and said he was more tactful in a pig's eye.

Michaud did his best to charm the socks off of Daphne. He asked her to stop risking her life for buried treasure when she had everything she could possibly want now. She pointed out that he hadn't been to bed with her since Sally became the Lesoleil woman. He pointed out that he'd been in bed alone waiting for her last night but she was up and about pouring over hieroglyphics. He wants it out. Exit Michaud. Enter Edouard who warned her about the curse.

The Loves had a great big argument. Peter got rid of Bridget. Donna took fits about Jake and Dee ["the girl who started the brawl at the cotillion"] and herself at 17 and the way her life had been turned upside down. She hastened to assure Vic she loved her girls. Peter thanks Donna should talk to Marley. Vic said she'd do it and bring her back.

Tom asked Marley to be godmother. Marley was thrilled. Dee's looking forward to a christening party wild enough to get them all evicted. Marley said as godmother she would see to it that didn't happen. She cuddled the baby and rushed off brimming over with gratitude. Tom thinks Jake and Marley would be nice together. Dee doesn't know why Marley doesn't think so.

Cass: just follow my lead. Kathleen: don't I always? Cass: and don't interrupt, okay? Kathleen: excuse me but this was my idea. Cass: and you are still wrong. If anyone can pull this off, I can. Kathleen: Mr. Winthrop: shall you ring the bell, or shall I? Cass: sarcasm, Kathleen, always sarcasm. Kathleen: just didn't want to overstep my bounds. (She rang the bell. [HA. They have gained wisdom since the Unfortunate Incident up at the cabin. I always have thought it terribly tactless of them to go bursting in like they did, especially knowing the habits of Catlin & Sally as we do.]) Cass: you just let me handle everything. (Zane answered the door.) Zane: oh, hi. Cass: now what do we do? Zane: oh, and a great big hello to you too. Kathleen: ZANE, it is so WONDERFUL to see you. Cass: hi Zane. [He said it very brightly, as though he had just been very clever about it.] Felicia: HI. What are the two of you doing here? Kathleen: well, why don't the two of you talk about whatever you want to talk about. Zane and I are going to play catch up. How have you been? Zane: well fine. Kathleen: GOOD. Zane just fine. [Kathleen dragged a wholly fogged Zane off into a corner.] Cass: Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa- Felicia: oh, stop it. I didn't know the two of them were so close. Cass: well, you know Kathleen. She's just crazy about those fishing stories. Felicia: what's going on, Cass? Cass: nothing. What makes you say that? Felicia: ho, NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. Cass: oh. Well. Good. Come on in, make yourself at home, sit down over here. Kathleen: I was just saying to Cass on the way over that I hoped you'd be here. Zane: well. I am. Kathleen: yes, there are just so many things I've been dying to ask you. Zane: yeah? Kathleen: yeah. Zane: like what? [There are large pauses between every period there.] Kathleen: you're a Cubs fan aren't you? Zane: yeah, but this has been kind of a rough year for Cubs fans. Felicia told Cass about her book's progress and put it down to Zane. She said she'd compared every man to Edouard and they'd all fallen short except Zane. Cass kept trying to talk about Edouard but he got sidetracked then. Cass: will thank you very much. Felicia: Oh no honey, not you. Cass: no? Felicia: NO. I wouldn't even bother to compare you. Cass: oh. Zane and Kathleen talked about Felicia's visualization. Kathleen's still bitter about having to fast. Cass got back on track about Edouard. He did a lot of beating about the bush. Felicia tried to help him along by saying she was in a mood to grant him a favour. Zane told Kathleen Felicia hadn't fasted. Kathleen got indignant and then she started realizing how different the whole thing was from her own. Cass sank deeper into the mire and floundered around desperately trying to say his piece. Felicia got impatient and they quarreled. Zane told Kathleen about the visualization being full of Edouard. Kathleen was suspicious because she'd been instructed to keep her own a secret and when she heard Zane hadn't been in it at all she thought furiously. Cass tried to work up to his point. He impressed upon her his sincerity. She begged him to tell her. Kathleen dashed up and said it was time to go. In the ensuing commotion she stomped on Cass's foot purposefully and he doubled up in pain [at first glance it looked as though she had kneed him in the groin]. Felicia: Cass, are you all right? Kathleen: Oh NO, it's his trick knee. Cass: my trick knee? Kathleen: Oh yes and when he's like this we can't do anything but get him home. Zane: if it's his trick knee, how come he's holding his foot? Kathleen: could you just give him a hand please? Felicia: shouldn't he be lying down? Kathleen: Oh no, that's the worst thing, isn't it Cass? Cass: no, Kathleen, I don't think THAT'S the WORST thing. Felicia: Cass could you just tell me what — Kathleen: oh just LOOK at his colour, oh it's getting worse could you please hurry? Felicia: when did it start, this trick knee? I've never heard of it. Kathleen: he never talks about it, he's so brave, you know? GOODBYE, thanks for everything it was a lot of fun. Zane: will you need help getting to the car? Kathleen: Oh no no no, not to the car, just to the door. Cass: door. [He's puffing and panting and saying "oooh" at intervals.] Kathleen: we'll be fine. Thanks a lot. Cass: 'bye. Exit Cass & Kathleen. Zane: do you have any idea what that was all about? Felicia: NONE. And I have the feeling I'm never going to. [OUT IN THE HALL.] Cass: would you mind telling me what that was all about? Kathleen: I had to. Cass: you HAD to sever every nerve in my right foot? Kathleen: you were about to TELL her. Cass: and of COURSE I was about to tell her you've been nagging me for the past 24 hours to tell her. Kathleen: it would have been a mistake. Cass: it would have been a mistake? Kathleen: yeah. Cass: and you couldn't just say that, you couldn't say " Cass I made a mistake. You were right"? Kathleen: you WEREN'T right. Cass: you had to shatter all of my metatarsal bones — what do you mean I wasn't right? Kathleen: you WEREN'T. Cass: Kathleen. I said that we shouldn't tell her. YOU said that we should tell her. so I come here to tell her, and then you resort to violence, and now you have the nerve to tell me that I wasn't right? Kathleen: you SHOULD have, given the information that we had but I found out something MORE. Cass: what? Kathleen: SHE didn't fast. Cass: NO. Kathleen: no. And she didn't visualize Zane, either. Cass: oh Kathleen I'm sorry. With news like that why didn't you just shoot me.? Kathleen: don't you UNDERSTAND? It was RIGGED, the whole thing was rigged. Cass: what, the visualization? Kathleen: yeah, that whole thing. Cass: and THAT'S why we shouldn't tell Felicia that Edouard is here? Kathleen: no, I don't think so, it might be worse than we thought, I mean what if she went bursting over there to find him and — Cass: and got into trouble. Kathleen: I'm sorry about your foot. Cass: oh, it's okay. Enter Felicia. Felicia: Cass. Are you okay? Cass: oh, honey, it's just a spasm. [He very obligingly clutched at a foot again] but we're on our way out. Kathleen: yeah, Felicia. You know I forgot to tell you you look really lovely in that outfit. Cass: mhm, sexy. Felicia: CASS. Cass: hm? Felicia: it's the other knee. Cass. Oh. Exit Cass & Kathleen.

Edouard warned Daphne about the curse. She doesn't believe in it. She says she'd earned the treasure. He warned her of Carl. He seems to think she'll take to killing people.

Vic said Marley would listen to her. Donna gave in. Vic had a chat with Bridget. Vic wants to be able to keep an eye on Marley. Bridget's not sure Marley will want to move back.

Michaud surprised Kathleen alone in his office. She asked him if it were absolutely necessary to fast and have meetings beforehand. He said it was. He offered her lift but she said she had to see Cass.

Clarice is lounging about at home sick. Enter Larry bearing flowers and groceries.

Victoria showed up at the apartment and said she had to talk to Marley. Dee said she didn't know when Marley would be back. Vic said the Loves were concerned because the move seemed UnMarley-like. Dee pointed out that Carter and Tom lived across the hall. Vic didn't consider that grounds for moving out of a mansion. Dee [by now a little put out] said perhaps it was because Jake was Carter's best friend. Dee's on her way out. Vic said she'd wait. Dee said it had been swell talking to her.

Clarice appreciated the flowers. Larry said he was worried about her. She says she wants things the way they are. He said she should tell him when things go wrong. She said she should rest. He left.

Felicia: it gets like this a lot, crazy people coming in and out. Zane: but I like Cass and Kathleen. Felicia: you like CASS? Zane: yeah, I do. Felicia: WELL. We have strange things in common. She appeared bearing a gift for him. It was a bathrobe. She suggested he keep it there. He'd be thrilled. They want this to work out.

Cass doesn't like Kathleen taking chances. They pored over the notes for Felicia's visualization and found out Edouard had been substituted for Zane all over the place. Kathleen: something is rotten in the state of Lesoleil . Cass: well, Rosencrantz, what do we do about it.

Michaud was pleased to see Daphne had cleaned up her Egyptian stuff. She asked him to cancel his trip to Detroit. He said it was business. She said she decided she couldn't manage the treasure hunt alone. Michaud's pleased to hear that Zane's going out of town. Daphne sent him to tell Edouard and got on the phone to Carl. Marley returned. Vic said she'd come to take her home.


