Donna joined Felicia at the hospital. She asked a couple of perfunctory questions about Lisa before launching into her own troubles: the fact that she told a psychopathic murderer everything about herself, and the fact that John is missing.
Lisa demanded to be allowed to go home. When Jamie tried to restrain her gently she told him rather sharply not to touch her.
Cap'n Delaney was unable to convince Michael not to go back for Adam.
Gollum attacked Adam. The record slipped. There were several shots. Adam dared Gollum to catch him. Gollum muttered unintelligibly for a while. He raved about Lisa's not being as pure as he'd thought and implied that she and Adam had been carrying on. Then he said it was time for Adam to die.
Jamie told Lisa she had no reason to be afraid of him and he'd let her go tomorrow. She gave in. He looked at her funny and tried to get her to talk to him. She snapped at him and said Dr Glaser hadn't done anything to her.
Donna said security had seen John getting into a taxi without a suitcase. Felicia told Donna that John still cared for her. (No comment. But if rape is an expression of affection in Felicia's book . . . ) Donna changed the subject to her fear that Gollum would rat on her to Michael.
The cab driver didn't like to leave John alone.
Felicia reassured Donna by saying that Glaser might be dead, and anyway even if he did tell Michael anything who would believe him. (GOOD ATTITUDE. We should all hope that our husbands won't believe anyone who says we were raped.) Bridget phoned to say that the cabbie had phoned to say he'd left John down at the docks, looking depressed. Donna rushed right out. Jamie came out and suggested to Felicia in the most oblique way possible that Glaser had raped Lisa. She's showing symptoms.
Cap'n Delaney worried that Michael wouldn't be able to land the plane and they'd both drown and never be any use to Adam.
Adam suggested that Gollum come down off his high horse and stop killing people because he could prove that Mother was as big a whore as anyone. This merely inflamed Gollum more. Adam warned him he'd never know the real truth about Mother if he killed him.
Felicia said that Lisa could be telling the truth. Jamie said she could be blocking it out and said they had to have her examined to make sure. Felicia went in to see Lisa. She tried to get her to talk. She suggested they have a few more tests. When she mentioned a gynaecologist Lisa refused. Felicia said it might be necessary. Lisa realised she thought Dr Glaser had raped her.
John recognised Donna by her smell. He said he wanted to sail away on a boat. She told him he was a coward. He asked what she was afraid of.
Michael and Cap'n Delaney began to land.
Mother told Gollum not to listen to Adam but to shoot him. Adam told him Radio Mom had been lying to him all these years to keep him away from other women. Adam said Mother had never been affectionate toward him. Gollum insisted that Mother had loved him. Adam tried to convince him to give himself up.
Donna told John she was afraid he'd say something to Michael. He said they'd been Over that and Over that. She said he'd been unpredictable since the accident. (I don't like the way in which Donna is Not Amused by John's sarcasm, which is not half bad. Anna Stuart could have done it so much better.) He said he was leaving. She told him to go. She said things about his not letting anyone close to him.
Lisa said Gollum hadn't raped her. She was very definite about it. Dr Crane, the female gynaecologist, came in and said the people who loved her weren't sure she hadn't been raped and they'd just have a quick examination. Lisa gave in. Out in the hall Jamie brooded about wanting to kill Gollum. He wants to restore Lisa to her former loving state.
Gollum sobbed. Adam rubbed it in. He tried to get the gun away from him. It went off. (I think Gollum had intended to commit suicide.)
Dr Crane told Jamie and Felicia that Lisa hadn't been raped, but even though Dr Glaser hadn't managed anything physical the whole ordeal had had pretty much the same effect on Lisa. Hence the symptoms. Jamie and Felicia went in to pester Lisa. Felicia promised her a shopping spree if she'd rest. Felicia went home. Jamie sedated Lisa and told her nothing would ever change the fact that he loved her. She didn't say anything.
John came back because Donna was right about his running away. He went up to bed.
Gollum moaned a lot. Michael and Cap'n Delaney arrived. Gollum made vague remarks about Donna for Michael's benefit. They led him away in chains. Adam lagged behind.
Michael phoned Donna to reassure her. He said Gollum was rambling when she asked. She told him John seemed to be coming around. He said it was nobody could resist her. I think John overheard her say she loved him and would warm up the bed for him.
Jamie tried to make fun future plans. Lisa became drowsy and started suddenly for no apparent reason. She made him leave the light on when he left.