Donna tried to put Michael off, without success. She reminded him of the time she had wanted to get away from her father but John began to bellow and she sent Michael to him. Michael said they'd talk later.
Lisa doesn't know that she is the peg o' Dr Glaser's heart. She knows that there is a peg, but not that it is of Dr Glaser's heart.
Gollum doesn't want anyone to defile Lisa. Felicia phoned and suggested he have dinner with her and Lisa -- and Jamie, natch. Gollum fell in with her plans but began to consider Jamie: The Concept. Evidently Jamie is a bad concept. One of those defiling types. One supposes.
Wallingford was distressed to hear that Felicia had thrown Mitch over for Gollum. Felicia cornered Jamie and Lisa. Lisa objected to Gollum but Jamie and Felicia talked her around. She said she'd phone Adam.
Mary and Vince decided that their first concern was Becky. They will live together for her sake. Mary said she could bring some of her stuff over today. Scott dropped by to disapprove.
John demanded that he be told that he would never see again. Michael assured him he would never lie to him or to Donna. John subsided. Michael accused him of being truthful and secretive. Donna quaked as Michael described their excessively truthful and confiding marriage.
Gollum's attempt to sit next to Lisa was thwarted. Wallingford was barely civil. Lisa kept drifting in and out. She had a clear feeling of danger. Jamie said he wasn't much of a fish man. Adam showed up. Lisa insisted on going to the office with him. She rejected Jamie's escort.
Cheryl and Becky left the room. Mary sent Vince with them. Scott tried to talk Mary out of living there. Mary assured him Vince knew the score. Becky and Cheryl drifted back in. Becky compared Mary to her mother.
Lisa gave strict instructions for Jamie's care; Jamie gave strict instructions for Lisa's feeding. Lisa and Adam left. Jamie left. Gollum asked Felicia if they could postpone this to a dinner date (with Lisa). She agreed. Michael and Donna came up for lunch. Michael resumed his interrogation. Donna said she just realised that her father was a pain in the butt and her life was fine now. She suggested Michael not rub it in in John's presence. Michael was impressed with her selfless consideration of his brother. She said she cared about him. He suggested they have John to live with them if he didn't get his sight back. (You know, Donna should really be a person more likely to accuse someone falsely of rape than to protect anyone who had actually raped her. Sic transit gloria (alii) mundi.)
Mary told Becky about all her children. Becky and Cheryl returned to Vince in raptures. Scott realised that Mary's mind was made up.
Donna assured Michael that nothing would thrill her more. Michael admitted that John might not be thrilled. Michael wandered over to Jamie. Donna told Felicia that she couldn't stand Reginald's needling and John's presence. Felicia advised her to take time to think and then decide. Donna said she hated lying to Michael. Michael came back and said John had called to say he had to talk to them.
Lisa told Adam about the love thing. Adam told her about the clues from the lighthouse. Fibres, footprints, and a button. He said that MJ was behaving oddly and he wasn't sure that she wanted to go through with the wedding he'd kept calling off. (I will not ask what this morning was all about). Lisa got a fix on Gollum's wedding plans. Adam asked who the bride was.
Gollum attached himself to Lisa's shrine.
Lisa felt that Gollum had been obsessed with his bride for a long time. Adam asked Val to check out people who had applied for a marriage license lately. (I like suspecting Adam, even now.)
Zipper sounds. O-kay.
Wallingford objected to the dinner date. He tried to tell Felicia that Mitch was the man for her. She said she wasn't the least bit interested in Mitch. Wallingford said he was Wilt Chamberlain. (Wally should be better-behaved.)
John said that he'd overheard nurses saying that Mom wanted to see him. He gave Michael a hard time for not telling him. Michael admitted he hadn't told her that he was blind. John insisted on being allowed to see her. Michael insisted on going with.
Scott reluctantly left Mary in Vince's hands. Vince gave Mary Kathleen's room and warned her that they had to share a bathroom. (What price the one apparently attached to Cheryl's room?) Mary said derogatory things about the wallpaper. She picked it out 20 years ago. Vince protested. Mary had her way.
Lisa worried about her feeling that Jamie was in danger. She pnoed him and ascertained that he was all right., She's committed to catching the killer. They got word that the Bay City Yacht Club had received a bunch of the incriminating buttons. A lead.
John and Michael said ridiculous things about John's injury. They were gay and bantering. Clara asked what they weren't telling her. She insisted on family hand-holding.
Vince objected to Yorkshire pudding until he realised he was hurting Mary's feelings, I guess. He reminded Mary that she was there for Becky's sake and she should keep her impure thoughts to herself. She started smacking him and breaking chairs over his head from the sound of it.
Adam decided to check out the yacht club. Lisa felt Gollum making his move.