October 15, 1985

Jake found Victoria in bed in his room. He has work to do on Dee's video. He told her he would start locking the door. She accused him of not wanting to spend time with her.

Marley bemoaned Jake's constant presence at her apt to Nancy. Nancy thinks they're destined to associate. Marley said she'd found out they weren't right for each other. She wishes she could get away until Jake's through with Dee. Nancy told her she should come to Algiers. Enter Fayez. Nancy told him Marley would join them. He looked unthrilled.

Daphne returned with her protective suit. Carl told her he was taking charge in Egypt and she wasn't going into the tomb. He told her he had the ring and he's not telling her where it is in case something happens to him.

Chris is writing to Mac in case the Cory phones are bugged. He's worried about Nancy.

Jake has to go to Dee's. Victoria is not thrilled. She offered to come and help but he works alone and Dee already has a friend lined up to be her sidekick [not Marley]. He has to go to work at KBAY. She said she could watch but he said she'd be too distracting and left.

Marley told Nancy she was crazy. Fayez told Marley the Algerians treated women differently and the language was different. Marley said she wouldn't go. Nancy insisted she take a brochure and sent her home. Nancy told Fayez she suspected him of trying to lure her to Egypt alone but Daphne was her very protective chaperone. He said he wouldn't do anything like that to Chris and she said she and Chris weren't as close as they had been since he started running her life and he'd be writing to Mac saying she shouldn't go.

Chris told Mac Carl was involved so Nancy mustn't go. He told him where he'd be staying and that he had all the keys to the tomb. He didn't mention Hawk.

Peter told Donna they shouldn't indebt themselves to Carl. He told her about Victoria dancing with Carl. Donna promised to make her own money from now on.

Dee's friend cancelled. Enter Marley just when they were in dire need of a friend.

Daphne wound her arms about Carl's neck and undid his shirt [she is so like a cat, really] as he was about to attack her on the desk [she told him to give up on Rachel] Fayez dashed in and said they had serious trouble.

Victoria went home. Donna yelled at her about the dancing. Victoria told her about the Northwoods Inn and how she'd seen Edouard Gerard in the door for an instant. Donna took notice.

Chris sent Hawk to mail his letter.

Carl says Marley can't go and mustn't be hurt. Fayez must intercept Chris' letter. Daphne suggested they get Nancy out tonight. Carl stopped her.

Dee and Marley wore sequined berets and scarves and had to stand close together swaying in time to the music for Jake to tape them. Dee got carried away and insisted on operating the camera with Jake with Marley. Marley laughed. They looked at each other funny when Dee answered the phone and had to comfort Meat in the other room because Six Pack left. Jake fled with the equipment. Marley fell asleep and dreamed that he returned and told her he didn't love Vicky he loved her and would never let her go. Dee woke her and Marley was confused.

Victoria watched the tape of Dee and Marley.

Nancy's all worked up about the trip. Ada is worried about Daphne. Fayez dropped by. Nancy told him she wanted to intercept Chris' letter.

Dee told Marley she and Jake were nuts about each other. Marley denied it.

Dana told Peter Edouard was in Bay City. She wants to track him down. Donna guessed he'd be at the Chapin Estate and they'd be rich. He told her to forget it.

Nancy and Fayez waited for the mail. She had qualms but he reassured her.

Jake found Victoria watching the bit with him and Marley and told her it was none of her business. She took fits at him.

Donna called Daphne to invite herself over this afternoon with a business proposition.

Ada got to the mail first and told Nancy there was nothing for her. Nancy told her there was a dog in her garden. Ada dragged Nancy off to get rid of him. Fayez got the letter before they returned. He told Nancy there'd been no letter and he'd meet her at the museum.

Chris had a nightmare about Nancy not listening to him. Hawk arrived. He's sure they have the jump on Carl.

Fayez took the letter to Carl. Carl says Chris is in for a surprise.

Marley told Nancy she'd go.

Victoria and Jake quarreled. She told him to stay away from Marley if he loved her. He said nothing was going on and he didn't answer to her. They fought like mad.


