October 14, 1985

Brittany told Larry she was going to keep looking for Evan although he advised her against it. She said Catlin didn't care and she knew why.

Catlin resigned himself to three months of Sally as the Lesoleil woman. She said his job was important too and they should talk about it. He told a long and peculiarly emphasized story about a wayward chauffeur to impress upon her how dull it was. She asked about Indianapolis.

Daphne and Carl being DULL DULL DULL. If Fayez doesn't get the ring everything could be lost. They got a little less dull after the commercial. Carl has backup plans for any contingency. He has a massive gas mask to ensure he doesn't contract the disease in the tomb. He hasn't one for Daphne. She insists upon going into the tomb to see the treasure. He sent her to buy her own protective garment so he could think about Rachel being madly in love with him after Mac's death.

Chris accused Fayez of going after his bag. Fayez said he was looking around for Nancy's ring. Chris went to see Tom and Carter. Rachel stayed in the room so Fayez was forced to return to Nancy empty-handed.

Catlin tried to tell Sally about Indianapolis but he beat about the bush rather so she felt compelled to try to tell him what she thought he was trying to say. She was invariably wrong. He felt a little frustrated but he was on the verge of beating the actual bush when Kevin came in rabid to play monopoly. Sally said they could talk later.

Brittany bitched to Larry about how Catlin would take Evan to the cabin every weekend to play second fiddle to Kevin and she wouldn't stand for that. Larry said Catlin wouldn't. She said Catlin had changed. Larry said she had. She said if she had it was because of what Catlin had done to her. She went so far as to say he'd probably insist on giving Evan to Sally to raise. He scoffed. He watched as Clarice came in in a sort of feathery/furry [?] jacket with a man [they're in Smiley's]. Britt observed this and asked after Adrienne. He said she [Britt] could be real mean sometimes. She professed to like Adrienne. He said he was doing everything possible for her and she said just like Catlin had for her. He decided he'd had enough of her for the moment and went to talk to Clarice. They were civil. She asked him to call to make arrangements to take Cory clothes shopping. He will. He left. Britt accosted him at the door to tell him he and Clarice were the same as she and Catlin. He disagreed because Clarice would never do to him what she was doing to Catlin.

Grant and Tom told Carter not to ignore an injury. Chris arrived and Carter tried to laugh it off.

Nancy discovered Chris' bags and determined to ask him where in heaven's name he thought he was going.

Brittany tried on footwear. Sally arrived [Was this significant in her decision?] and Britt said she'd pay cash. Sally's picking up a pair of cowboy boots for work. Britt came over and ascertained that Sally would be traveling. Britt told her all about how happy she and Catlin had been in the southwest and how all the cowboys had loved Evan to distraction. Sally regarded her calmly and said she didn't mind Britt talking about Evan. Brittany said it was because she had a mother's heart — one more thing they have in common. Britt started up about Evan again. Sally went to try on her boots. Britt said they had a lot more in common than she knew. What can she mean?

Chris poked Carter in the ribs and when they were alone ordered him to come and be X-rayed.

When Nancy heard Chris wanted to talk to Mac she went weird. She told Fayez Chris was treating her like a child. Rachel called to her to fetch the Fortnum and Mason biscuits. Fayez left alone pocketed the ring which was in the bag Chris had left in plain sight. BRIGHT BOY.

Carter has a broken rib. Chris told him he wouldn't play this season. He suddenly realized it was 5:30. He's late for Mac.

Mac has to rush off to a meeting assuring Rachel he'd be back about 9.

Fayez took the ring to Carl having substituted a copy of the ring. Carl is afraid Chris will get Mac to prevent Nancy from going. They'll wait for Chris in Egypt.

Catlin and Larry and Kevin came in from playing CROQUET of all things. [Initially I mistook the mallet for FISHING POLES. Ha.] Kevin was disposed of and the brothers discussed how abysmally self-destructive Britt was. Catlin understands how she is about Evan and he has to sort himself out before he tells Sally. Larry told him he knew all marital troubles came from not telling one's wife everything. Catlin said everything important used to be in the cabin but things have gone peculiar. There is money at stake so there's pressure on Sally. Larry told him if the detectiving got off the ground there wouldn't be.

Tom White Mountain advised Hawk to go to Egypt via Arizona to diddle Carl. Chris called the Corys' to say he was on his way over even though Mac had gone. He said he'd mail a letter from Chicago.

Nancy deduced Chris was returning.

Carter told Tom he could play this weekend. She went to Dee and Marley's. He pulled off the bandage.

Tom White Mountain told Hawk to disguise himself as an Egyptian.

Chris told Nancy he was going to check out Navajo research and possibly move out there. She asked what was going on. He was going to tell her something about Daphne when he discovered he was late. He kissed her in a big way and told her to tell Mac he right. BON VOYAGE MON CHER.

Carter is behaving like a jerk.

Nancy passed Chris' message on to Mac. She's distraught. She doesn't think she knows Chris anymore.

Carl claims the first round. Chris' plane has left.


