October 15, 1984

Lily got vastly chummy with the students. She told them of the dangers of being mean.

Kathleen came back to life. Many people said "You're not dead" or "She's alive."

Cass fought with Ross and fell out a window. He thinks he's broken his leg.

Donna tried to leave the country club. MJ stopped her. Donna denied everything she could think of. She says she doesn't keep secrets and she raved about how everyone is ganging up on her. She asked Carl to drive her home but he refused and offered Sandy instead. She said "You can't do this to me" he said "Of course I can. Of course I can." He told her off and sent Sandy to take her home. Sandy didn't want to. Now everyone's mad. Sandy is simmering over Donna's attitude to him.

Ross got away.

Joyce seem to be making incriminating phone calls about syringes.

Felicia told Cass off for being a jerk and nearly getting killed by Ross. MJ told them all off but especially Kathleen. Cass and Kathleen are both in pain. As it turns out Kathleen was wearing a bulletproof vest. All of a sudden everybody started shouting.

Ross is having his asthma attended to by Joyce. He's taking drugs from her too. Joyce argued with him about his smoking. He wheezed [laughed] at her.

Lily made quite an impression on the kids and left.

The suspense is mounting. Who will be homecoming queen? All Bay City is agog.

Sandy gave Donna what for. He told her never ever to speak to him that way in public again.

Ben is being a jerk again. Thomasina's trying to make him talk to Marley but she's with Hunt so he doesn't want to.

Hunt is making vast fun of Nancy's dateless state.

Felicia called Smiley's and told Vince about Kathleen.

Blaine is having an almost satisfactory time with her baby but they both wish Daddy were there o yes indeed.

Donna and Sandy are arguing. She said her arrest and her almost arrest were worse than terrible. He said he is nobody's servant and she said he seemed to be Carl's. Donna is crying and saying she's not a monster and she never killed or hurt anyone. Sandy was instantly contrite. He called a truce. Donna is sniveling like nobody's business. Sandy left. He thinks all is hunky-dory because she promised to make an effort to get along with him. But as soon as he was out the door "I'll make an effort. I'll make an effort to see you get what's coming to you" wicked Donna.

Ben is furious with Hunt. Tom got rid of Hunt so Ben can go talk to Marley.

Vince is upset at Felicia for setting Kathleen up to be shot (Felicia: she went into this with her eyes wide open. Vince: she never goes into things with her eyes wide open. She's just a kid. Felicia: face it, Vince. She is not a kid. She is a full grown woman and possibly even a barracuda.)

Cass has dislocated his shoulder. Emily says Joyce has disappeared. She is found again.

Kathleen is mad that her father was called. Cass is still convinced that Donna's guilty. Peter is not. They very nearly came to blows. O my goodness.

Grant is back to his old ways but not as violently. He is making Carter rest tonight.

Ben is being a jerk because Marley is going to homecoming with Hunt. He stomped out on her. She is distressed.

Carl and Donna. Donna needs reassuring. Donna: just tell me that everything will be all right. Carl: everything will be-interesting. Donna: Carl. Carl's: well that's much better than all right, isn't it? Donna's again on the verge of tears.

Cass is mad that Donna was arrested. Felicia is compressing him again (I guess I should say suppressing.) (Cass: but something good came of it anyway. something very unexpected. Kathleen: o really? What was that? Cass: well, tonight, seeing you on the terrace there, with the wind in the trees, and the moon, and stars--Kathleen: yes, go on, Cass: I looked at you, and you looked so beautiful. Kathleen: I did? Really? Cass: really. And then the shot rang out and and I realized--Kathleen: what? Cass: I realized--what it meant --what it had to mean--Kathleen: what? Cass: that Cecile is still alive. Well, I mean--what else could it mean, Kathleen? Why would they try to kill you otherwise? Why--what are you doing Kathleen? O--Kathleen! Ow--Kathleen!)

I suspect she's beating him about the dislocated shoulder.


