Chad left Dawn in Felicia's care so he could pick up her ticket to New York. Felicia said she would be on that flight on her way to Europe. This was news to Mitch.
Sam let Amanda know she was too pushy.
Donna said she loved yellow roses best. Victoria asked John why he'd been sure it was gardenias. He said Donna had tons of them in the greenhouse. Clara had Victoria take her up to bed. Donna hissed at John for putting her on the spot. Peter eavesdropped. John didn't see the big deal. He limped off. Donna raced upstairs. Peter came in and sat down. When Victoria came in Peter let on he hadn't seen John and Donna. Victoria asked him what Donna's favourite flower was. Having heard the argument, he was able to say gardenias. Exit Victoria. Peter phoned That Old Carrot with an update. He suggested they send flowers.
Mitch was so understanding that Felicia felt he didn't want her to be with him. Scott brought Mary up to Mary's Place. He spotted Dawn and introduced them. Mary is supposed to be meeting Zack. Dawn told Scott she didn't want to leave Chad. He followed her out on the terrace. He offered to fly with her.
Amanda told Sam she'd do anything to get the job. Kevin started knocking. Sam began to be swayed by Amanda's determination. Amanda went and told Kevin to give her a few more minutes and found Mac at the door. Amanda became obsequious. Sam looked embarrassed for her. Mac suggested she leave so he could see Sam. Mac has a last-minute advertising change to be made. He left Sam with it. He advised Amanda, who was lingering in the corridor, not to torment Mr Fowler. When he was out of sight Amanda went back into layout. Sam told Amanda Mac probably thought Kevin had been thrown out of the office so they could have sex. Amanda was tickled.
Peter found Donna and tried to comfort her. She told him her troubles, at least the innocuous ones. He suggested that the advent of Michael had not solved all her problems. She said everything would be fine.
Scott advised Dawn not to go to school in New York if she didn't want to.
Felicia complained to Mary about Mitch. She had wanted to ask him to come with her. Mary advised her to ask him. Dawn told Scott she couldn't let Chad down by not going to school. Scott said there were plenty of good music schools in Bay City. She agreed to think about it and left. Zack arrived to see Mary. He served her with divorce papers.
Amanda sharpened Sam's pencils. He fumed.
Felicia's packed. She complained she didn't know what the weather would be like in Paris. Mitch said it was like Ohio. Felicia did not take it well. She yelled at him for not seeming to regret not being able to come. He said she'd miss him. She said she could always find a statue to stand beside (equally inexpressive, tu sais.) He kissed her.
Peter overtipped the flower boy. He sent Bridget to fetch Victoria. Then he hid. Donna found flowers and the card saying "It IS gardenias." Victoria found her viciously trashing them. She told her she was sick of the lying. They yelled at each other.
Amanda made Sam let her go to the supply closet, claiming she knew where everything was. But Sam overheard her imploring Kevin to help her, since she knew nothing.
Flowers were delivered to Mary in Tops. She saw That Old Carrot and realised they had come from him. She gave them back to him, saying she couldn't accept them.
Dawn told Chad she knew he'd sent the Mom letters and presents. He assured her she'd loved her nevertheless. He told her Mom drank and had problems with men, but she loved her children.
Mitch and Felicia in bed. Mitch told Felicia he would have come to Paris if he could, but he had work to do, particularly reprinting the photographs that were stolen. Felicia said she couldn't think why anyone would have stolen those photographs.
A man in a suit looked at the photographs and put them in a locker. He has a wedding band and -- the back of Cass' head?
Clara told Donna to cut it out. Donna said she wasn't doing anything, but said she'd see that it stopped.
Amanda hugged Kevin and thanked him. Sam returned and gave in to Amanda's persistence.
Felicia gave Chad and Mitch last-minute instructions. Dawn told Chad Scott could take her to the airport.
Clara told Victoria to make a special effort to get along with Donna. Victoria got it into her head that Donna was with HIM.
Donna went down to the beach house to confront John.