Kathleen has read the first chapter of Felicia's Edouard book and she thinks it's wunderbar. Felicia offered her the next chapter and Kathleen immediately [upon reading a bit of it] went weird. Felicia was alarmed.
Marley and Dee can't lift the massive trunk in which Marley put her books for the removal. Makes no never mind, Meat's helping and he can do it. Marley thinks they can use the trunk as a coffee table [This is good. Dee likes furniture.] Enter Bridget alarmed to see Marley leaving. She said she couldn't go today. What about Victoria?
Donna backed away in terror and called Jim Bedsoe. Enter Jim and Vic. The sheriff explained the charge and cuffed her. Sheriff: this is going to work out better for you, little lady. You won't be so lonesome in the city jail. Donna: I want you to sue this man for false arrest. If you've scratched the crystal on my watch you just might as well change the charge to murder. Vic: DONNA. Jim: Sheriff would you please remove the handcuffs until we've discussed the charge? Sheriff: why? Jim: I'll take responsibility for my client. Sheriff: OK. You've got a handful, buddy. [Donna was released.] Donna: you just don't understand. Sheriff: Ho. I sure do understand. I've got the evidence right here. Vic: well what does this mean? It doesn't mean anything. Sheriff: You're trying to tell me my business? Vic: what kind of evidence is this it isn't even made out to anybody. Donna: that's right, it's not. Sheriff: there's my TESTIMONY. I know what you're doing. Jim: I think you'd better check with the DA before you start making assumptions like that. Sheriff: YEAH? Donna: I think this is police brutality, don't you Mr Bedsoe? Jim: I know that you're proud of your record, sheriff. Don't you think you'd better make that call? [Jim took the check.] Vic: there's a phone in the kitchen. Exit the sheriff. Donna: The NERVE of that man. If you hadn't — Jim: SHUT UP and make this check out to the Sheriff's Benevolent Association before he figures out that that phone doesn't work. Donna: oh, OH, good. [she did so.] The sheriff returned and they were all nice as pie and gave him the cheque.
Marley was not swayed.
Felicia was distressed. Kathleen maintained she had suddenly remembered she had a dentist's appointment in 5 minutes and fled, bumping into Michaud at the door and greeting him with such wholehearted enthusiasm that he was surprised and pleased. Michaud has a video tape of Sally's appearance in Detroit. Felicia fled to check her chapter again. Michaud got on the phone to Sally and told her how wonderful she was. He got a little carried away and very nearly said some terribly indiscreet things. She modeled a negligee in spite of her reservations and he assured her it had been very tasteful and she was beautiful. She's afraid it was too revealing. She likes the hotel but she wishes she weren't alone. So does he, oddly enough. They rang off. Michaud imagined Sally coming into his office in a negligee and telling him she had wanted him for so long. He was of course thrilled and kissed her until the negligee fell about her feet on the floor.
Sally and her hotel room held the negligee up in front of the mirror and imagined herself in it and Catlin coming in behind her he told her how much he'd missed her and kissed her. His shirt evaporated and he carried her over to the bed, at which point Sally sternly admonished herself to get a grip on herself. She decided she couldn't be faulted for calling him and did so accordingly. There was no answer at the cabin...
... because Catlin is currently draped across the jukebox in Smileys missing her like fury. Maisie offered him a sympathetic coffee [she dispenses coffee like — like — like nobody's business]. Catlin seems to suspect Someone of conspiring to keep him and Sally apart. [Fate and Michaud?]
Kathleen told Cass they had a problem.
Donna had Victoria get dressed up properly ["I feel like Suzy homemaker"] for meeting the judge. Jim looked on in amusement as Donna did up several more buttons on the daughter's outfit and tried to convince her to take off some make up. Vic: just think, Donna, it could have been the two of us. Babes in the Big House. She biffed her in the arm. Donna went to change, reminding Vic to take off some eye shadow to diminish the resemblance to a floozy. Jim expressed doubts that Jake would testify. Vic said he would because he loved her. But don't tell Donna. Jim said he wouldn't.
Kathleen: she gave me another chapter to read and it starts out by describing the room where she and Gerard stayed when they were in Spain. Cass: So it's a pretty good book, huh? Kathleen: Will you LISTEN to me? Cass: I'm LISTENING to you. Kathleen: all RIGHT. So the room describes the exact same room I sneaked into at the Chapin estate. Cass: how exactly? Kathleen: I am talking WOODWORK. Cass: she wrote about the woodwork? It must have been very boring. Kathleen: it was a very important room, it was the first place where she and Gerard — You know. [Kathleen made vague gestures to signify "slept together". Cass was not helped by the fact that said gestures were in no way related to the subject at hand. Cass: what? OH. Well — and she was looking at the woodwork? Kathleen: they were there for an entire summer, Cass. Anyway someone has duplicated the exact same room at the Chapin — will you stop SMIRKING at me? Cass: I do some of my best thinking when I'm smirking. Kathleen: well what do you think? Cass: this room is exactly the same? Kathleen: EXACTLY. And remember that I saw the pictures of Gerard there. Cass: sounds like you're on to something, Kathleen. I agree with you, it's very WEIRD. [Silence] What? Kathleen: you never believe anything I say. Cass: Oh, come ON. Kathleen: Well at least you never admit it. Cass: Kathleen, if we're going to work on this together we're going to have to trust one another. Kathleen: We do? Cass: I can't see any other way. Kathleen: WELL — Neither can I. Cass: Yeah. I wonder who got Quinn Harding to duplicate the room. Kathleen: Yeah, and why. Cass: I guess there's only one thing for us to do. Kathleen: only one. Cass: Yes, Kathleen we have to go out to the Chapin House and take a closer look.
Vic's nervous because the judge hasn't appeared yet. Jim said he probably ran over time on another case. [Donna: well he can't do that to us. I'm just going to go in and — Jim: no no no no. YOU are going to stay right here and be VERY quiet, or I'm going to [SUDDEN THOUGHT — if Peter's not authorized to practise in PA, how is it that he could defend Catlin to the ends of the earth?] go downstairs, get in my car, and go back to Philadelphia, where things make SENSE. Donna: you don't have to be that way about it.] the judge's chambers opened up, spewing forth Ned and Jake in a battered condition. Vic fled to comfort Jake. All the charges have been dropped and the Loves want to know why.
Maisie told Cass and Kathleen it was nice to see them in there together again, especially since they weren't hollering and busting the place up. Cass said they were working on something. Kathleen called Michaud to say it was absolutely imperative that she asked him some more questions before the magazine went to bed. She invited herself over to the Chapin estate and tried to get Cass along but Michaud was firmly very tired and rang off. Kathleen: I have an idea. Cass: why did those four words "I have an idea" fill me with dread? Kathleen: Are you going to listen to my idea or not? Cass: Will I like it? Kathleen: no. but it'll work.
Peter through a chat with Donna on the phone found out that she and Victoria would be returning shortly. She asked to speak to Marley but Marley implored Peter to be a good scout with her eyes so he said she wasn't in. Enter Dee and Meat. Peter was taken aback. It seems Meat was late because he was at parents' day at the nursery school. Peter expressed concern that Meat would stick around after the removal. Marley assured him he was okay. Peter wishes she'd wait for Donna. ["why, so she can meet Meat?" Any one less like Zaphod than Marley would be hard to find.] Marley asked about Victoria. Peter told her Jake had fought Ned to have the charges dropped. "Donna said it was medieval." Marley asked after Jake. Peter said Vic was fine but Donna hadn't mentioned Jake. Marley said she [Donna] didn't like him much. Peter asked if she did. Enter Dee and Meat. Meat lifted the trunk with no trouble and carried it out Marley very firmly did not answer Peter's question but assured him she wasn't moving out in order to have better access to Jake. She said she wouldn't see him at all. Touching goodbye.
Wallingford and Felicia are out at Smileys after seeing a movie together. Felicia has a block [I think because of Kathleen] so she's not writing. Wally suggested they spend the evening together but she seems to have plans with Zane. Felicia is glad to be friends with Wally. She's the best friend he's ever had. Maisie mentioned seeing Cass and Kathleen together ostensibly working together. Felicia's suspicious about the dental appointment. Wally said that Cass was the man for Kathleen. Felicia: Maybe they ARE working on something together. Wally: that'd be nuts. That means Cass was telling the truth. Felicia: you're right. There's little chance of that.
Michaud sent his father to his room after dinner because Kathleen's coming over. They're worried about Daphne's obsession with Frederick Chapin. Exit Edouard. Enter Kathleen who asked a large number of inane questions until they were interrupted by guard dogs barking.
Cass is outside. "She's got a plan, she says. She's thought of everything, she says. Well she didn't think of THIS." Bark. Bark.
Victoria's relieved and thrilled with Jake. Jake was about to tell her Something when Donna burst in and said they had to make their plane. She was Deeply Disappointed to hear that Jake wouldn't be flying with them. She asked him to be an angel and fetch their bags. He said he wouldn't. She went to fetch them herself. Victoria ticked him off for putting obstacles in their path by making Donna mad. He doesn't care. She said he should to keep her from being married to a stockbroker. She's pleased he fought for her. He pried her loose to go. She promised him they'd make a night of it once back in Bay City. Donna [Off]: I don't know how I'm supposed to manage this without a bellhop. Jake fled without assuring Vic he wanted her too. Enter Donna taking fits over Jake.
Catlin had a chat with Felicia and Wally about being a Gumshoe. Wallingford told him he needed a secretary [Brittany wouldn't dare. Would she?] and gave him names of friends at the waterfront. Catlin's glad they have cases so as to keep his mind off Sally. [And when he's not detectiving I suppose he's embracing the jukebox.] He said he hadn't heard from her yet but he'd half a mind to surprise her [and I thought about making some nasty comments but refrained nobly] in Detroit except Lesoleil had been giving him the runaround about Sally's schedule because he's extra baggage. Felicia's sure this can be straightened out with the secretary. Michaud wants only the best for every Ewing on the face of this earth, Catlin and Sally especially.
Kathleen kept up with her questions until Michaud pleaded tiredness. The dogs are barking like mad. Michaud says they're trained to attack.
Cass is hiding. The dogs are called Simon and Schuster. The guards called them off. Cass emerged from his hiding place briefly. I heard a high pitched yelp [I think it was me] as Edouard walked past him.
Victoria tried to convince Donna Jake wasn't such a bad guy.
Kathleen came outside and found Cass in one piece. Apparently they got him in in the trunk of her car. They stood outside the Spanish window as Michaud and Edouard decided to tell Daphne to cease treasure hunting. Michaud called him father and Kathleen recognised him as Edouard Gerard. She told Cass they had to tell Felicia. He said they couldn't. she said they had to. Etc.