October 13, 1986

Michael told Donna he could never hate her. Donna said she'd been doing some serious thinking about her future. He asked if she didn't mean their future.

MJ fussed because Vince hadn't returned.

Mary addressed the assembled husbands. She told Reginald Vince had been very kind and respectful and they'd had a nice chat. Vince was highly gratified. She thanked him and showed him out. Mary told Reginald Vince thought she had been faithful and wanted her back.

The affair has distressed MJ immeasurably. Cass advised the sisters to stay out of it. Cheryl agreed. Kathleen followed. MJ dithered.

Scott insisted on rushing over to look at his mother. She's ashamed of having betrayed her family.

Donna told Michael she wanted to slow down the wedding plans. He protested. She insisted. He yelled at her. She said it wouldn't work. He got upset and panicked rather. She said she would never marry him. Divine panic held the Achaeans, companion of icy fear. Michael became slightly hysterical and asked what was wrong, swearing he'd fix whatever it was. She assured him it was nothing he'd done but she'd changed her mind. He said someone had changed it for her. Donna told him she'd realised the whole romance was an attempt to relive the past, nothing more. He blamed Reginald. She said it wasn't his fault. He swore he'd kill him. Donna attempted to restrain him. Brittany burst in and scolded them. YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LOVE EACH OTHER.

Zack found Quinn and explained to her that he had a BUSINESS proposition for her. She was mollified. He told her he admired her. He suggested she let him be her lawyer. She refused.

Jamie and Julie were at high school together. He was a senior on the swim team and she was a cheerleader. Exit Julie. Jamie looked at her funny. (Her name is Julie Anne.) Mac told Jamie he looked like he needed rest. Jamie asked if he were out of his ever-loving mind . He disapproves of Mac's handling of the Mitch situation. Jamie said Rachel had to be protected from herself. Enter Felicia.

Reginald pled with Mary. MJ decided Mary must have told Vince about the affair. Cass cautioned her not to jump to conclusions and especially not to bring it up. Enter Vince. Kathleen asked what had happened. Vince was vague. MJ said "I knew it. She told you, didn't she? She told you all about it." I could have kicked her. Cass covered for her, saying she meant her [Mary's] life since her death. Vince told them what had happened. He said three times that Mary had not refused to marry him.

Mary confided her worries in Scott. He reassured her. He wants her to stay with Reginald. She cried a little about Cheryl.

[Reginald] chatted with Peter. He told him to drop by the McKinnons' and disillusion Vince today. Peter produced his demands. He wants three of his companies.

Brittany advised Donna to marry Michael and get out of the house. Peter phoned and ordered her to get ready to go to the McKinnons' with him.

Mac told Jamie and Felicia his wife was his business. Exit Jamie. Felicia got an idea. Enter Mrs Livingstone from accounting. Mac has gone over budget and they have to fix it over dinner. Felicia did not seem pleased.

Michael attempted to have it out with Reginald. Reginald denied everything. Michael defied him. The Carrot ordered him out. Michael swore he'd marry Donna no matter what.

Cass assembled Cheryl and Scott. Nancy donated her room to the cause. They went upstairs to chat.

Mac phoned Mary's Place to make a reservation for him and Rose. Felicia did not seem pleased.

Cass told Cheryl and Scott they cared about each other. They said it was impossible to be friends. He told them not to let the families boss them around.

Peter told Vince about the affair. Vince called him a liar. Brittany told him Peter had been an eyewitness and Mary had told her recently that she was better off with the Carrot. MJ got upset. She threw the Loves out. Vince realised from MJ's slip earlier that the daughters had known. He rushed out.

Michael rummaged through Donna's papers and found evidence that she had been planning to marry him until that very morning. She flew at him. (Not, alas, in the "Fly at me again; I rather like it." sense. Schade.) She ordered him never to come back.

The McKinnon sisters brooded. Scott rushed up to Cheryl.

Mac and Rose dined. Rose finds his energy exciting. He's so darned exciting.

Cheryl rushed off to cry. Scott followed her. She told him the McKinnons and Loves would never get along and they couldn't be friends.

Vince dropped by Mary's hotel and called her a whore.


