August 13, 1987

Michael found his room a veritable bower of roses and assorted other flowers. He checked the room number again. Donna emerged from the closet in a red négligée. He saw her reflection in the mirror and to tease her instructed the hotel operator to hold his wife's calls. Then he called to a fictitious Monique. Donna was furious until she realised he'd known it was her. Kissing.

Cheryl complained to Julie because her parents hadn't noticed how much responsibility she had taken on in this crisis. She stomped over to Mary and demanded to know what was going on with MJ. Mary told her MJ would have to answer herself. Cheryl stamped her foot. Vince came over. Cheryl refused to be treated like a child any longer.

The dog barked and rushed around. Bridget arrived. The dog knocked a lot of things, Bridget and Rachel and a bundle of flowers included. Mitch helped them up. Rachel said Apples wasn't staying. Matthew objected. The delivery boy fled. Rachel perceived a flea. Matthew got upset. Mitch said he would bathe him and get him housebroken if she would have him back. He pointed out that Apples had taken Matthew's mind off Suzy Strathmore.

Michael scowled adorably.

Victoria was rude to Reginald, a little. She was about to dine with John at Tops. That Old Carrot invited himself along and pretended he was the only reasonable person around.

Mary told Cheryl that MJ had to tell her. Cheryl came close to a tantrum. Vince calmed her down and without actually telling her anything convinced her that he was in the wrong and she should know things. She went back to work. Vince fretted about MJ. Mary told him not to blame himself. Vince began to talk about them.

Michael had to pry Donna loose to take an important business call. HOSTILE TAKEOVER. The business is going down the tubes because he took time off to find John. Michael can't figure out why his boards of directors are so contrary. Oh, but he can: Reginald.

John told stories. That Old Carrot took notice when Victoria covered his hand with hers. John removed it.

Mary got nervous. Vince tried to pin her down. He told her he loved her. She recollected a job interview and wandered away. Diane ran into her at the door. Mary froze up and fled. Diane approached Vince.

Matthew was thrilled to meet Sam. He went to bathe Apples. Sam doesn't like Rachel, not that he knows her.

Amanda called collect. The connection was bad. The line went dead before Rachel could find out precisely where she was. South Someplace. Rachel paced. Mac made her relax. On the whole Amanda is a wonderful daughter. Did I mention straight A's and things?

Diane smiled and smiled. Vince sat her down and told her he loved Mary. Diane was brave about it. She kept herself from crying and kissed him goodbye.

Matthew fell to brooding about Suzy Strathmore. Mitch and Sam suggested he impress her with his dog. Matthew hesitated but called. She gave him a hard time about not being able to dance and refused to come, even when he claimed his mutt was a purebred.

That Old Carrot was utterly obvious. When Victoria told him John had a convertible, he offered to buy her one. Victoria excused herself. John told him he wasn't fooling anyone. That Old Carrot kept making remarks hinting that John was Victoria's father. John insisted that Victoria was Michael and Donna's through and through.

Bridget bossed people around. She helped smuggle Apples down to the stables. Mac and Rachel made Matthew rehearse presentation time. Cheryl and Julie bustled around. Amanda (I assume it was Amanda) phoned and asked him [Matthew] to meet her somewhere. He fled.

Donna seemed distressed to think that her father had tried to ruin Michael. Michael said they had to go back home and confront him. Donna told him to prove he loved her. She wants to have a baby. Michael stared.

Mary didn't get the job because she was overqualified. Diane came back and made a speech. She said Mary wasn't certain about her [Mary's] relationship with Vince but she [Diane] loved him and she thought he loved her [Diane]. Mary told Diane she didn't have to explain herself to her. Diane told her to fish or cut bait.

Michael considered and said Donna was right. They got started.

Matthew met Amanda. She addressed him as "you jerk".


