Lily's worried about how Daphne will do on the show. Felicia is not worried about Daphne but she's surprised Cass hasn't tried to muscle in on it. They decided everything would be fine. Enter Cass. "Me and my big mouth," said Felicia.
Tom took fits. Carter's going to go to summer school and graduate in August and go to college come autumn. He says he can handle it. She said she'd promise not to worry if he agreed to use Quinn's cheque to see them through the summer.
Larry told Clarice he'd be late for dinner. She said she'd wait for him. Larry: Won't that be a drag? Clarice: It would be if I didn't love you. Larry: (sotto voce) JESUS. She's in the other room. He went to the closet and took out a white sports coat (Whew. If folks in Wyoming could see me now. A t-shirt and a sports coat. No wonder those guys sell drugs. You'd have to be high to dress like this.) He also has sunglasses and the sleeves of the jacket pushed up to his elbows. He took a little tin box out of the floor of the closet and took a gun and two little packets of white powder. Enter Clarice. "What in the world is that?" She thinks he knows a whole lot more than he's saying. She wonders why he's out so much and spending so much money all of a sudden (like on the expensive jacket). He told numerous lies and appeased her. She loves him. She offered to get a job to support the jacket but he said she needn't yet. She asked where he was going. He said he had things to do, like change the oil (in that jacket? She's perplexed). He sent her to get his wallet and hid the little tin box in the floor. Enter Catlin who derived much amusement from Larry's outfit.
Felicia told Cass to get out. He tried to be friendly but she took fits and insisted. He told Jerry to take the caviar and champagne back from whence they came. Felicia hastily changed her mind and called him back. She apologized. He said he was used to having folks suspect his generous motives. Felicia found Jerry familiar so Cass sent him off quick. Felicia apologized further and they all swilled champagne and toasted Lesoleil. She wonders where they'll locate Lesoleil. Cass told them if he were hired 'twould be in Bay City. Felicia confessed her suspicions about Cass wanting to be on the show with Daphne. He confirmed them. She suddenly remembered why Jerry was familiar ... he's an employee of the Northwoods Inn and Winthrop publishing is footing the champcav bill. Felicia is a partner in Winthrop Publishing therefore she's paying for the stuff. She's going to kill Cass.
Catlin wanted to talk about why Larry was dressed so strangely. Larry accordingly changed the subject to how things are going in the Ewing marriage [illegal]. Catlin plans to go see Sally. He says he's only trying to help Brittany get back on her feet but it keeps coming between him and Sally. Larry asked if Sally were getting impatient and Catlin said no, she's great. (Where has he been? I've been under the impression that she's been wildly impatient for some weeks now. L'amour vient de l'aveuglement.) Clarice appeared with a wallet. Larry left.
Adrienne needs someone go to New Orleans. The guy there won't go. Dee appeared for her pay. She gets paid in cash. No withholding. And there could be a job for Carter. Dee was thrilled. She left. Adrienne told the guy he may not have to go to New Orleans after all. Larry appeared. She knows he's a former cop. The guy doesn't trust any form of cop. She approached Larry. "Hi handsome. What'll it be?"
Catlin went to the cabin and suggested he and Sally and Kevin go camping this weekend. [Ed. Note he brought her flowers hastily garnered at the end of the lane.] She accepted and said she loved him and they kissed rather a good deal until Kevin entered ("Oh, ICK" he said). Sally told him Catlin was taking them camping and he said he was going to the rodeo with Brittany.
Adrienne took Larry to her office. She asked about his policehood. He said he wasn't a cop anymore and he'd grown tired of risking his neck for lousy money. Rather a lot of suggestive chat which led to him kissing her rather more than I felt was necessary. She was buzzed to sign for some stuff. She left. He said he'd wait a while.
Tom couldn't find Quinn's cheque. Carter kept trying to explain but she kept talking. Grant appeared and had a good bitching session about rotten bureaucrats at school who won't let wunnerful students and football players write make-up exams. Carter isn't too terribly upset. Carter doesn't think Tom should make a speech.
Cass found Kathleen. He looked at her presentation for Brava and pronounced it excellent, much to her surprise. He enjoys competing with her. He still thinks he's got the job. He said he'd likely hire her. He said Daphne would offer him the job today on the show.
Catlin and Sally reasoned with Kevin and then said he could go. Sally said he had to ask before making promises like that. He said merely "Can I go to my room?" she let him. She apologized to Catlin. He said she'd done the right thing and said he'd talk to Brittany about checking with Sally before making plans. He doesn't seem any too fond of her [Britt] just now.
Larry left to himself very cleverly didn't search Adrienne's office because he noticed a carefully placed bit of paper on the desk drawer. She returned and sat on his knee but he said he had to leave. She told the guy he hadn't searched her office and he was greedy and she thought he was okay. They think he might've swiped Willa's stuff (she stole it). She'll find out.
The show is going well. Kathleen called to say Cass was on his way. Lily panicked. Cass arrived. Daphne was pleased to see him. He sat down next to her. Felicia said she'd kill him but they went back on the air so she had to be polite to him. They discussed Lesoleil and beautiful women. Cass took centre stage. Kathleen was mad to see it.
Grant left. Tom wants to do the valedictory. Carter told her she had to take care of herself and the baby and not worry. She said she loved him. Kissing. Dee appeared. Tom went to look for the cheque again. Dee told him about the job. Tom resurfaced. Carter told her she could write the speech and he'd read it over to make sure was okay for her to read. She was thrilled.
Cass gave Kathleen a plug on the air. They ran out of time. Daphne left to catch a plane. Lily: you know that was the longest hour of my life WINthrop. Cass: oh, Lily. Felicia: if you EVER do that again I will put an ice pick right through your forehead. She and Lily went to talk about tomorrow's show. Kathleen appeared and thanked Cass for the plug. He said things about one thing leading to another. She said nothing would lead to anything and he wasn't to do her any more favors. She stalked off. "Gah -- WOMEN" he said and left. Felicia said they were in love and trying to impress each other. Lily says it gets on her nerves. Felicia said they'd have to get them back together before the job was decided. "And if I can't ... I'll just simply have to poison them both."
Sally told Aunt Liz about everything. Liz blames Brittany. She said she'd take Kevin this weekend and Sal & Cat should go camping. She said Britt had done enough to hurt this family. Kevin was listening.
Catlin sniffed Larry's jacket and smelled perfume on it. He called Larry a jerk. Larry told him to mind his own business.