I neglected to mention yesterday that Donna called MJ but Carl caught her. Well today MJ figured out it was Donna but she assumed it was unimportant.
Marley returned. She'd been on a field trip with the literary club. One funded at the last minute by an anonymous benefactor. She said she'd left a note for Donna. (Carl: Perhaps Hildy threw it out when she was cleaning. Marley: Well, it was a BIG note. (?)) Donna is relieved. Marley is sorry but exhausted. She went to her room. Donna accused Carl of being the donor. He admitted it and said he wanted to show her the difference between being in command and being powerless.
Catlin has a job offer from Frame-Harding Construction. He tried to get a mortgage. He was turned down because of his erratic employment record. He said there had never been a reason to work in one place for more than six months before but now he was going to get married and have a wife and family and need a mortgage before Christmas. The stone-hearted banker was unmoved. They get like that in banks. (What does Catlin need this mortgage for so desperately? Housing?)
Kathleen hit Jamie for the paperback rights again. He won't bite.
Blaine visited Mark. Needing legal advice. She wants to divorce Sandy. Mark tried to talk her out of it. (Does he KNOW [psychically] what Sandy's doing?)
MJ talked to Donna. Donna seemed nervous. She said she'd just panicked about Marley. MJ asked her about the horses. Donna said hurriedly that they were Carl's.
Jamie's going to consult Mac about the paperback rights. He left. Kathleen immediately attacked Cass for eavesdropping on her business meetings all the time. Cass is of the opinion that she was throwing herself at Jamie. He doesn't like it too much. He says women are manipulative. She threatened him so he apologized. He said that she and Wallingford had been bricks and she was definitely the prettier brick of the two. She refused to let him flatter her out of her crossness with him. Felicia arrived. She figured Cass out. She's MAD. Wallingford arrived and tried to spirit Krystle away to help Cass but they told him Felicia knew so he stayed to eat. She was so angry that they didn't tell her. Cass is depressed that Felicia's mad at him. Kathleen is going to put her cameo money on Cornbread in the 8th to help Cass.
Mark KNEW about Kevin's report card. He advised Kevin to tell Aunt Liz, who was terribly understanding. Mark KNEW Aunt Liz' bill secret. Liz knows now. He begged her not to tell anyone.
Donna wants to take Marley on a vacation. Leaving today. Martinique.
Blaine told Larry she wanted to divorce Sandy. She's not told Sandy. Or her kids. Larry was terribly understanding albeit perplexed. (That may sound like a contradiction, but he was.)
Donna's in a hurry. Marley suspects something's wrong. She wants to call Ben. Donna wants to get away from Carl.
Sally told Kevin she'd missed him. She wasn't mad about the report card. Catlin came over. Kevin wants to know why it is aunt Liz calls him whenever Catlin comes over. Catlin has no idea. Sally has to work tomorrow but Catlin's going to take Kevin riding. Catlin didn't tell Sally he was trying for a mortgage. He was depressed though. She's not to thrilled he's depressed.
Kathleen bet 5 blue tickets on Cornbread to win. She ran into Wallingford. She says she's helping Cass.
Carl caught Donna. He told her not to go or he'd tell Marley.
Felicia made it up with Cass. Cass apologized. He said he was trying to protect her.
Marley's glad they're staying in Bay City for Christmas. She went to Smiley's. Donna shrieked at Carl that she hated everything about him. He said she'd never be rid of him and he was in control. She said he could do anything he liked and there was really nothing she could do. He left her then and she said to herself she could kill him.